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With winter fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about getting ready.  This year businesses across Scotland will be encouraged to consider if.

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Presentation on theme: "With winter fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about getting ready.  This year businesses across Scotland will be encouraged to consider if."— Presentation transcript:


2 With winter fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about getting ready.  This year businesses across Scotland will be encouraged to consider if they are ready for winter and to think about how and what they can do to make sure they’re ready for severe weather or a prolonged icy snap. In the workplace, at home and out on the road, we all need to consider how we - or the people we work with - could be affected. Taking action now will help make Scotland better prepared.  You can get involved by sharing information, making plans, taking action and by visiting  for more information and advice.

3 Farmers – Be as prepared as
GET READY FOR WINTER! Livestock Location Housing Feed Planning in Conjunction with neighbouring farms Bedding Farmers – Be as prepared as you can be Things to think about - Now! Advice Water Health and Safety Slurry Machinery Insurance Access Fuel / Power

4 Housing Have you identified buildings that may be particularly vulnerable to snow / storm damage and considered best action to be taken? Have you identified alternative / additional housing options (perhaps in conjunction with neighbouring farms)? Have you made plans to allow you to accommodate expansion of stock numbers (particularly in intensive situations) if ‘stock off’ options are closed down?

5 Livestock location Have you plans in place to reduce risk for ‘remote’ stock in the event of a ‘bad’ forecast? Have you identified ‘safe’ and accessible areas to which stock may be moved in the event of a ‘bad’ forecast?

6 Feed Have you adequate feed supplies to see you through the winter?
If not, have you considered how you are going to maintain stocks during periods of severe weather and transport disruption? A ‘just in time’ strategy is vulnerable in winter! Have you considered options to allow you to disperse feed stores / feed stocks – perhaps in conjunction with neighbouring farmers to ensure livestock and particularly outwintered livestock are provided for?

7 Bedding Have you sufficient stocks of bedding going into winter? – Have you considered sourcing more straw etc? Have you secured as much straw as possible under cover (either in buildings or under sheeting)? Are you aware of alternative options to ‘conventional’ bedding? – See QMS link below

8 Planning with neighbouring farms
Have you considered the benefits of joint planning with neighbouring farms to ensure critical business activity can be sustained? Have you had discussion with neighbouring farmers about the mutual benefits of joint contingency arrangements?

9 Advice? Do you know where to go to for contingency planning advice?
Sources include – Scottish Government, NFUS, SAC, Machinery Rings – See below

10 Insurance Have you reviewed your insurance cover in light of recent severe winters / storm damage? Have you adequate insurance cover in place? Does your insurance policy include cover for ‘severe weather / storm damage’?

11 Machinery Is your machinery ‘winter-proofed’?
Is your feeding machinery well serviced going into winter? Have you a back up feeding system? Have you shed capacity freed up to ensure that tractor fuel systems have some frost protection?

12 Access How are you going to ensure vital access and exit points are kept open? Have you contingencies in place to allow you to clear snow with your own equipment or local equipment? Have you sufficient stocks of salt / grit to keep vital access and exit points open?

13 Slurry Have you ensured no surface / rainwater is entering slurry tanks / stores? Have you sufficient storage capacity to see you through the winter or have you contingency solutions in place? Have you emptied your slurry store(s) in preparation for winter in order to avoid the need to spread during unsuitable conditions (or NVZ closed periods)

14 Water Have you made adequate preparation to ensure that water supplies to stock are secured in the event of freezing conditions? Have you contingency arrangements that you can draw on if necessary – e.g. water bowsers? Have you considered the possibility / benefit of having a continuous flow water system to prevent freezing?

15 Fuel / Power Have you made provision to have adequate stocks of fuel oil / heating oil going into winter? Have you sufficient storage capacity? Are your fuel tanks / stores secure? Do you know where you can source ‘emergency’ fuel stocks if necessary? Have you considered the need for ‘emergency’ generators?

16 Health and Safety Deep snow on the roof of a farm building may present a danger to personnel and could result in damage or even collapse of the building Farmers should assess all the risks before removing snow from buildings or undertaking repairs Great care should be exercised when clearing snow from a roof as there is a danger of causing the building to collapse by creating unequal loading of the structure

17 Health and Safety In the event of building collapse / partial collapse or where there is suspicion that a building is at risk of collapsing farm personnel should not enter the building until an inspection has been carried out by a competent person and it is assessed as safe to do so!

18 Health and Safety Useful contacts
For Health and Safety advice visit

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