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Reaching Out to Elected Officials Fili Arizmendi Joseph Zepeda

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching Out to Elected Officials Fili Arizmendi Joseph Zepeda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching Out to Elected Officials Fili Arizmendi Joseph Zepeda
Advocate for Adult Education Reaching Out to Elected Officials Fili Arizmendi Joseph Zepeda - Per the limited amount of time, we ask that you keep your questions until the end. We will have a Q & A session after the presentation and will be happy to stick around after the designated time if you would like to clear anything up.

2 Objectives What will we discuss, learn and practice?
The importance of advocating for Adult Education How to prepare for a political visit Provide toolbox for advocacy Zepeda

3 Reasons to reach out Adult Education has been under attack since flexibility The best programs and ideas need funding to operate Our students have unique educational and career needs Adult Education is society’s civil and moral responsibility We must always advocate for Adult Education Arizmendi

4 Know your audience Plan, research, and tailor your message
Know about the individual legislators: Political affiliation District Committees Issues championed History Length in term in office Zepeda - What office they’re in? Assembly or senate – Do your homework!

5 Where to start
The following site can be your first step in identifying your state lawmaker: Reach out and make an appointment. Form your team and make a plan. Arizmendi - Zepeda

6 Use terms your audience will understand
Avoid jargon and explain technical details that may cloud your message. Educators use a unique language that outsiders may not understand. Like flexibility, consortium - Arizmendi

7 When in doubt, spell it out
An acronym that your audience is not familiar with only confuses the message you are trying to communicate. While you may know that CCAE is the California Council for Adult Education, your audience may not be as familiar with this acronym. Zepeda – general communication skills

8 What’s your ASK? State a clear purpose for your visit Some examples: Increase Adult Education Block Grant Funding to $750M Supporting Adult Education Consortia Dedicated funding to protect K-12 Adult Education If no ask say thanks for support – Arizmendi Be specific

9 Supporting details Most legislators appreciate getting solid facts about a particular issue. Legislator do not want to be misled, whether it is intentional or not. Facts make your case Accuracy of your facts is crucial Provide Numbers and Statistics Know your funding figures “Let me get back to you” is OK Map it out – have notes that outline specifics – people get nervous and tend to forget talking points when speaking with the elected officials Zepeda

10 Short and sweet Legislators are busy people and do not have time to read a detailed two page or listen to an hour of testimony. Plan for a minute visit. They greatly appreciate short communications that get to the point quickly. Have additional information to back up what you are saying in case they have questions. Zepeda – especially when meeting with the legislator directly

11 The messenger matters Form an articulate and knowledgeable team
Choose a lead spokesperson Include a student speaker Arizemendi – professionals know the technical pieces of the presentation Students have more of an impact

12 Student story What has Adult Education done for you?
Have students share how Adult Education has improved their lives. What has Adult Education done for you? What obstacles have you faced? How has Adult Education improved your life? Zepeda- students need to be rehearsed and their story needs to be practiced – in MUSD we have mock interviews before we go Arizmendi Starts

13 Concluding the visit Express your appreciation for their time
Have a prepared packet of information and contacts to leave Invite them to events, classes or sites Zepeda

14 Follow up Once the meeting is over, it’s not over! It is important to write a thank you letter for the meeting. Also follow up with any questions or details that were discussed during the visit. Continued communication is crucial to establish a rapport with elected officials. Arizmendi

15 Let’s practice Roll play a leg visit: What’s your ASK?
Organize your facts. Select a spokesperson. Have a game plan. Zepeda – Legislator Arizmendi – Narrator / Facilitator Ask for 3 volunteers – 1) Teacher / School Personnel 2) Student 3) Staff member

16 What did we learn? Ask the audience not to criticize – just point out key points Refinforce practice and presentation

17 Local Elected Officials
Don’t forget to connect with: School Board Members College Trustees City Council Members Arizmendi

18 Local School Board connection
School Boards have the power to maintain and advance their local K-12 Adult Education programs. Build a rapport with members Attend Board meetings Invite members to events Participate in district wide programs Be politically active Arizmendi

19 Partnerships Don’t overlook partnerships with: Unions Non-Profits
Workforce investment organizations Legal assistant groups Zepeda

20 Questions and Comments

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