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The French Revolution By: Emma Dimsdale.

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1 The French Revolution By: Emma Dimsdale

2 Causes: absolute government
The beginning of the French Revolution, France was an absolute Monarchy under King Louis XVI. Because of budget problems he called the Estates General, which lead to the Tennis Court Oath in which the 3rd Estate proclaimed they would no longer accept the "one estate, one vote" system.

3 inefficient government
Louis XVI was lacking in the Efficiency of the government

4 economic problems France's economy was declining. This alarmed merchants, factory owners, and bankers of the Third Estate. The economy seemed to be fine but taxes made it hard to profit about of products. Later the price of bread doubled and may people began to face starvation

5 Three Estates A common depiction of the Third Estate, carrying the burden of the First and Second Estates

6 Enlightenment philosophers
Jean-Jacques Rousseau in 1753, by Maurice Quentin de La Tour

7 American Revolution "Bunker Hill" . The Patriot Militia prepare to fire at the oncoming British host during the Battle of Bunker/Breed's Hill

8 Components: National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath
In the center standing on a table is a astronomer who was appointed president of the Third Estate, he reads the text of the oath.

9 Fall of the Bastille A mob stormed the Bastille prison in Paris and demanded from the guards to hand over the arms and ammunition that were stored there. The guards refused, the mob wouldn't take a no for an answer.

10 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. A fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human rights.

11 March on Versailles A crowd of women demanding bread for their families gathered and some men, marched toward Versailles. They demanded to see the king

12 National Assembly Reforms 1789-1791
On August 4 The National Assembly comes together, and propose new reforms, also to surrender class privileges. Feudalism was dead by the end of August

13 Louis and family attempt to escape
Louis family going through the mob on their attempt to escape, but was a fail

14 France at war with Austria and other European nations
The Battel of Valmy. The French Revolutionary Wars were a series of sweeping military conflicts, resulting from the French Revolution. They pitted the French First Republic against Britain, Austria and several other monarchies.

15 Execution of Louis XVI Louis XVI: execution by guillotine

16 Assassination of Marat
Charlotte Corday after the murder of Marat lying in the bathtub

17 Reign of Terror The last prisoners awaiting execution during the Reign of Terror

18 Execution of Robespierre
A drawing depicting the execution of Robespierre in July 1794

19 Directory The Constitution framed by the National Convention vested the executive authority in France in a committee of five Directors known as the Directory

20 Consequences: republic established
The new political body, The National Convention meets to declare France as a republic

21 new institutions A ceremony of the new Republican Religion of Reason in Notre Dame, Paris, The effort to destroy the institutions of the Old Regime and create new, rationale, and just replacements was carried in the Church.

22 concept of war The French Revolution, did not only affect France itself but it also affected its own neighboring countries. France wanted to wage war with Austria to regain the Northern land and to gain more popularity.

23 conditions of the peasants
The Third Estate was made up of members neither from the First or the Second Estate. They had about 25 million people and about 21 million of them were peasants.

24 Church Catholic Church Taking the Oath Required by the Concordat of 1801

25 bourgeoisie/middle class
The middle class including merchants, industrialists, and professional people.

26 influence on other countries
A war between France and other neighbouring nations. Countries like Britain and Russia formed and invaded France. The revolutionaries also wanted to export the ideas of the French revolution to neighbouring nations which was opposed by other states leading to wars.

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