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Managing Uncertainty with Inventory I
John H. Vande Vate Spring, 2007 1
Topics Integrate Obermeyer (wholesaler) with the Retail Game (retail pricing) Continuous Review Inventory Management Periodic Review Inventory Management Safety Lead Time 2
The Retail Game Revisited
How much inventory to bring to the market? 2000? What will demand be? How to estimate it? That’s not demand! It’s supply How to estimate demand for this item? 3
Estimating Demand How fast was it selling?
Average 209/week So an estimate of season demand for this item is 2473 = 2000 – *209 4
New Estimate Should we order 1664? What are the issues?
If salvage value exceeds our cost? If salvage value is less than our cost? 5
Risk & Return Will Demand be 1664?
How to measure our uncertainty about demand? Method 1: Standard deviation of diverse forecasts Method 2: Historical A/F ratios + Point forecast Trade off Risks (out of stock and overstock) vs Return (sales) 6
Swimsuit Case p 49 Fixed Production Cost $100K
Variable Production Cost $80 Selling Price $125 Salvage Value $20 Profit is $125 - $80 = $45 Risk is $80 - $20 = $60 Profit + Risk is $125 - $20 = $105 Order to an expected stock out probability 57% = 1-$45/$105 = 1-43% Several Sales Forecasts 7
Forecasts 8
Inferred Cum. Probability
Net Profit as a function of Quantity
Gross Profits from sales Net Profits Costs of liquidations
(Selling Price– Salvage)
What to order? So, we want P to be (Selling Price – Cost) (Selling Price– Salvage) Assume Cost = $30, But what’s the selling price? In a wholesale environment this is easier. In a retail environment, it is messier Some protection from vendor some times 11
The Value of P as a function of Average Selling Price
If Cost is $30 12
The Quantity as a function of Average Selling Price
If Cost is $30 13
Not Overly Sensitive Differences are small 14
Extend Idea Ship too little, you have to EXPEDITE the rest Ship Q
If demand < Q We sell demand and salvage (Q – demand) If demand > Q We sell demand and expedite (demand – Q) What’s the strategy? 15
Same idea Ignore profit from sales – that’s independent of Q
Focus on salvage and expedite costs Look at last item Chance we salvage it is P Chance we expedite it is (1-P) Balance these costs Unit salvage cost * P = Unit expedite cost (1-P) P = expedite/(expedite + salvage) 16
Safety Stock Protection against variability Variability in demand and
Variability in lead time Typically described as days of supply Should be described as standard deviations in lead time demand Example: BMW safety stock For axles only protects against lead time variability For option parts protects against usage variability too 17
Inventory Inventory On-hand Inventory Position: On-hand and on-order
Continuous Review Basics
Order Up to Level On Hand Position If lead time is long, … EOQ Lead Time Inventory Reorder Point Actual Lead Time Demand Order placed Avg LT Demand Safety Stock Time 19
Assumptions Fixed Order Cost Constant average demand
Typically assume Normally distributed lead time demand 20
Safety Stock Basics Lead time demand N(m, s) Typically Normal with
Average lead time demand m Standard Deviation in lead time demand s Setting Safety Stock Choose z from N(0,1) to get correct probability that lead time demand exceeds z, Safety stock is zs 21
Only Variability in Demand
Sq. Root because we are adding up L independent (daily) demands. If Lead Times are reliable Average Lead Time Demand L * D Standard Deviation in lead time demand sL = LsD Sqrt of Lead time * Standard Deviation in demand Units (Example) L is the Lead Time in days, sD is the standard deviation in daily demand 22
Implementation Inventory On-hand
Inventory Position: On-hand and on-order When Inventory Position reaches a re-order point (ROP), order the EOQ This takes the Inventory Position to the Order-Up-To Level: EOQ + ROP That’s because review is continuous – we always re-order at the ROP Often called a (Q,r) policy (when inventory reaches r, order Q) 23
Example 3-7 page 61 24
Lead Time Variability If Lead Times are variable
D = Average (daily) demand sD = Std. Dev. in (daily) demand L = Average lead time (days) sL = Std. Dev. in lead time (days) Average lead time demand DL Std. Dev. in lead time demand sL = Ls2D + D2 s2L Remember: Std. Dev. in lead time demand drives safety stock 25
Levers to Pull Std. Dev. in lead time demand sL = Ls2D + D2 s2L
Reduce Lead Time Reduce Variability in Lead Time Reduce Variability in Demand 26
Periodic Review Orders can only be triggered at certain times Examples
Batched transmissions (e.g., every night, week, …) Imposed by transportation (e.g., weekly vessel) Examples of Continuous Review? 27
No Ordering Cost Example? Cost typically viewed as
Inventory cost Service Level seen as a constraint Probability of stock out in an order cycle Key Assumption: NO COST TO CHANGE ORDER SIZE Is this typically the case? 28
Order-Up-To Policy Order-up-to Policy: At each period place an order to bring inventory position up to a level S What problem might we encounter? 29
(S,s) Policy To avoid small orders
In each period, if the inventory position is below s, place an order to bring it up to S. 30
Order Up To Policy Stock on hand Time
Target Inventory Position Reorder Point Reorder Point Order Quantity Actual Lead Time Demand Actual Lead Time Demand Stock on hand Lead Time Actual Lead Time Demand Actual Lead Time Demand Order placed Time How much stock is available to cover demand in this period? 31
Order Up To Policy: Inventory
Reorder Point Reorder Point On Average this is the Expected demand between orders Order Quantity On Average this is the safety stock Stock on hand Time So average on-hand inventory is DT/2+ss 32
Order Up To Policy: Inventory
Reorder Point Reorder Point After an order is placed, it is the Order up to level Order Quantity Before an order is placed it is smaller by the demand in the period Stock on hand Time So average Pipeline inventory is S – DT/2 33
Safety Stock in Periodic Review
Probability of stock out is the probability demand in T+L exceeds the order up to level, S Set a time unit, e.g., days T = Time between orders (fixed) L = Lead time, mean E[L], std dev sL Demand per time unit has mean D, std dev sD Assume demands in different periods are independent Let sD denote the standard deviation in demand per unit time Let sL denote the standard deviation in the lead time. 34
Safety Stock in Periodic Review
Probability of stock out is the probability demand in T+L exceeds the order up to level, S Expected Demand in T + L D(T+E[L]) Variance in Demand in T+L (T+E[L]) sD2 +D2 sL2 Order Up to Level: S= D(T+E[L]) + safety stock Question: What happens to service level if we hold safety stock constant, but increase frequency? 35
Impact of Frequency What if we double frequency, but hold safety stock constant? Expected Demand in T/2 + L D(T/2+E[L]) Variance in Demand in T/2+L (T/2+E[L]) sD2 +D2 sL2 Order Up to Level: S = D(T/2+E[L]) + safety stock But now we face the risk of failure twice as often This is reduced by TsD2/2 36
Example Time period is a day Frequency is once per week Daily demand
Average 105 Std Dev 67 Lead time Average 2 days Std Dev 2 days Expected Demand in T+L D (T + E[L]) = 105 (7 + 2) = 945 Variance in Demand in T+L (T+E[L]) sD2 +D2 sL2 = (7+2)*672 + (1052)*22 = 40, ,100 = 84,501 Std Deviation = 291 37
Example Cont’d Expected Demand in T+L Variance in Demand in T+L
D (T + E[L]) = 105 (7 + 2) = 945 If we ship twice a week this drops to 578 If we ship thrice a week this drops to 456 Variance in Demand in T+L (T+E[L]) sD2 +D2 sL2 = (7+28)*672 + (1052)*22 = 40, ,100 = 84,501 Std Deviation = 291 If we ship twice a week this drops to 262 If we ship thrice a week this drops to 252 38
Example Cont’d With weekly shipments: To have a 98% chance of no stockouts in a year, we need chance of no stockouts in a week ~ .98 With twice a week shipments, we need chance of no stockouts between two shipments ~ .98 With thrice a week shipments, we need chance of no stockouts between two shipments ~ .98 39
Example Cont’d Assume Demand in L+T is Normal
Hold risk constant 98% chance of no shortages all year 40
Lead time = 28 When lead time is long relative to T
Safety stock is less clear (Intervals of L+T overlap) Very Conservative Estimate Assume independence 41
Lead time = 28 When lead time is long relative to T
Safety stock is less clear (Intervals of L+T overlap) Aggressive Estimate: Hold safety stock constant 42
Periodic Review against a Forecast
A forecast of day-to-day or week-to-week requirements Two sources of error Forecast error (from demand variability) Lead time variability Safety Lead Time replaces/augments Safety Stock Example 6 days Safety Lead Time Safety Lead Time translates into a quantity through the forecast, e.g., the next 6 days of forecasted requirements (remember the forecast changes) 43
Safety Lead Time as a quantity
Safety Lead Time: The next X days of forecasted demand 44
The Ship-to-Forecast Policy
Periodic shipments every T days Safety lead time of S days Each shipment is planned so that after it arrives we should have S + T days of coverage. Coverage: Inventory on hand should meet S+T days of forecasted demand 45
Safety Lead Time: The next X days of forecasted demand
If all goes as planned Ship to this level Planned Inventory Safety Lead Time: The next X days of forecasted demand 46
Safety Stock Basics n customers Each with lead time demand N(m, s)
Individual safety stock levels Choose z from N(0,1) to get correct probability that lead time demand exceeds z, Safety stock for each customer is zs Total safety stock is nzs 47
Safety Stock Basics Collective Lead time demand N(nm, ns)
This is true if their demands and lead times are independent! Collective safety stock is nzs Typically demands are negatively or positively correlated What happens to the collective safety stock if demands are positively correlated? Negatively correlated? 48
Risk Pooling Case 3.3 p 64 The impact is less than the sqrt of 2 law
It predicts that if 2 DCs need 47 units then a single DC will need 33 The impact is greater than the sqrt of 2 law It predicts that if 2 DCs need 5.5 units then a single DC will need 4 Pooling Inventory can reduce safety stock 49
Inventory (Risk) Pooling
Centralizing inventory can reduce safety stock Best results with high variability and uncorrelated or negatively correlated demands Postponement ~ risk pooling across products 50
Next Time Read Mass Customization Article
Read To Pull or Not To Pull by Spearman 51
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