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Mon., Feb. 29 Eng. 10-A WOTD: pacify

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1 Mon., Feb. 29 Eng. 10-A WOTD: pacify
Starter Watch Video: “Porphyria’s Lover” {Check work for “Porphyria’s Lover” – due today!} Homework Study Poems for Quiz on Wed. Agenda Discuss Poem: “The Raven”


3 Tasks for “THE RAVEN” (You may work w/ a partner, but you must complete the work in your workbook!)
Read Poe’s Bio (p ): Highlight at least 3 facts that may have attributed to/inspired the poem. Read “Poe’s Process” (p ): Highlight important details. In the margin, write an interpretation of the poem & in which you answer the following questions: How does the sinister isolated setting contribute to the tone/mood? How would you describe the speaker’s mental state? What does the raven symbolize? …& the word “Nevermore”? Re-Examine the poem – in a color different than yesterday, highlight examples of ALL of the following poetic devices: alliteration, consonance, assonance, internal rhyme, end rhyme, rhyme scheme, repetition, personification, simile, metaphor, dialogue, imagery, symbolism, and theme. Review the STAGES OF GRIEF. Label EACH where they occur in the poem (in the margin of the workbook) = These reflect the shift in tone & mood!

4 Mon., Feb. 29 Eng. 10 WOTD: pacify
Starter Watch “The Raven” Simpsons style! Homework None  - unless you owe something Agenda Discuss “The Raven” & re-submit “Read, Write, Think” Activity for points

5 Tues., March 1 Eng. 10-A WOTD: callous
Starter Using a Venn Diagram, compare & contrast “The Raven” & “Porphyria’s Lover” Homework Study Poems for tomorrow’s Quiz Agenda Activity: “Porphyria’s Lover: ID & Label Gothic Traits! Discuss Poem & Q&As Bring your CLOSE READER workbook Tomorrow-Friday!


7 Tues., March 1 Eng. 10 WOTD: callous
Starter Listen to “Porphyria’s Lover” Homework Study poems for Thursday’s Quiz Agenda ID & Label Gothic Characteristics Discuss, analyze & interpret poem Exit Pass: Venn Diagram (Compare & Contrast) Bring your CLOSE READER workbook Tomorrow-Friday!

8 Wed., March 2 Eng. 10-A WOTD: ambiguous
Starter Collect PA Workbook w/ “Porphyria’s Lover” work inside Homework None Agenda Take Quiz over Poems & Submit Read “The Wife’s Story” (CR wkbk p. 3-8) Complete wkbk tasks & label/ID Gothic Traits Bring your CLOSE READER workbook Tomorrow-Friday!


10 Wed., March 2 Eng. 10 WOTD: ambiguous
Starter Review yesterday’s Venn Diagram for poems (See chalkboard behind screen & finish copying it down!) Homework Study for tomorrow’s quiz over two poems Agenda Read “The Wife’s Story” (CR wkbk p. 3-8) Complete wkbk tasks & ID/Label Gothic Traits Also bring your CLOSE READER workbook Tomorrow-Friday!

11 Thur., March 3 Eng. 10-A WOTD: malicious
Starter Draw a character, symbol, or scene from “The Wife’s Story” & copy down the line that inspired you to visualize it. Homework Study Vocabulary list #9-10, Quiz Tues., March 8th. Agenda Finish working w/ “The Wife’s Story” (CR wkbk p. 3-8) Complete wkbk tasks & label/ID Gothic Traits Final Discussion over story Bring your CLOSE READER workbook Monday!


13 Thur., March 3 Eng. 10 WOTD: malicious
Starter Collect Performance Assessment wkbk w/ work for “Porphyria’s Lover” inside Homework Vocabulary Quiz – next Tuesday – Study List #9 Agenda Take Quiz over poems & submit Continue to complete ALL wkbk tasks & label/ID Gothic Traits in “The Wife’s Story” (p. 3-8) Bring your CLOSE READER workbook through Tomorrow!

14 Fri., March 4 Eng. 10 WOTD: NONE
NO SCHOOL In-Service Day!

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