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Advanced Computer Systems

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1 Advanced Computer Systems
Karthik Dantu and Steve Ko

2 Administrivia Classroom change: Davis 338A
Please register on Piazza – announcements on Piazza from now on Homework: clone AOSP repo Bring your laptop on Friday Project groups Grouping – best effort Projects : New ideas

3 Resource Accounting in Android
Build a kernel module that records resource usage – CPU, memory, sensors Correlate shared resource usage with process Module checks with the scheduler on which process is currently active Assigns currently used resources to that process Information available via the /proc process folder Classify processes into active, moderate, and light based on usage Study how to account for asynchronous resources Members: Manish, Divya, Sharath

4 Crowd-sourced Wifi Mapping
Create a wifi-based indoor localization system Modify wifi driver to put it into monitor mode Use inertial sensors + wifi signal to locate a person as well as improve the wifi map Data collection on PhoneLab Design algorithm to opportunistically improve wifi-map by sampling users at locations where map is sparse Team: Tom, Dipti, Aviral

5 Battery Simulator in Android Emulator
Build a battery simulator to model energy usage in the Android emulator Modeling/measurement of energy usage of components of a phone Modify emulator to incorporate energy simulation Design energy emulator such that energy numbers can be provided at run-time Hardware-in-the-loop emulation? Members: Anudipa, Harsha, Harish

6 Record/Replay System for Android
Instrument Dalvik such that it records the interactions it has with lower layers of framework Have a replay mode where one can replay a previous app execution Run-time adaption of recorded information? Members: Taeyeon, Aveek, Satyaditya

7 End-end Connectivity on Phones
Use netfilter to inspect end-end connection variation during switch from Wifi to 3G TCP window size SACK and other options Suspend connection monitoring during transitions? Distinguish between congestion due to a narrow pipe, and loss due to transition Improve performance by being locally aware of the transition without modification to server Team: Shiqin, Carl, Varun

8 Filesystem Comparison
Compare performance of various filesystems (ext4, reiserfs, jffs3) on Android platform Make the root filesystem using various journaling filesystems See how well each one does on flash Members: Sharath Chandrashekhara, Pratik, Chun

9 Latency Measurement Mechanism
Implement a latency measurement module in the kernel Take request/response cues from other kernel modules, and compute delay Also take cues from device drivers Verify on desktop system by writing a dummy device with known delays Use latency manager to measure app switch delay Team: Kai, Ruijie, Peng

10 Concurrency vs Duty Cycling of Shared Resources
Build a kernel module that manages shared resources to accommodate energy management policies, and concurrent requests Disable wakelock usage by userspace Allow use of shared resources only by requesting a schedule (once, repeat every) Take the GCD of all app schedules as the duty cycle period Demonstrate cases where this policy is better and worse Team: Yin, Feng, Chirag

11 Information Leakage Due to App Permission Model
Apps use user permissions from classic Unix Study and understand how resource sharing occurs in this model Study potential ways to leak information across apps unintentionally in this model Implement a service that actively detects such leaks at run-time Members: Yan, Ravikanth, Sirak

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