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The British are coming! Warmup : Prepare for 5 questions from American Revolt and Revolution…. STUDY YOUR NOTES ON YOUR COUNTRY! 3 mins.….

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Presentation on theme: "The British are coming! Warmup : Prepare for 5 questions from American Revolt and Revolution…. STUDY YOUR NOTES ON YOUR COUNTRY! 3 mins.…."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Chapter 11 The French Revolution Section 1 The Old Order ABOLISHED

2 The British are coming! Warmup : Prepare for 5 questions from American Revolt and Revolution…. STUDY YOUR NOTES ON YOUR COUNTRY! 3 mins.….

3 Warm up: Include Name, date and clever title ½ pg min:
1. Would you ever join a Protest march today if some privilege you loved were taken away? Why or why not? Examples: (examples: cell phones banned for those under 18 or you go jail if caught with one) ect… OR: Suddenly all Students have mandatory year round school with only 4 weeks off per year…(weeks off spread out one per season) Are either these ideas fair or have any good parts to them? Why or why not? 2. DO protest Marches work and actually change things? WHY or why not cite some specific examples:

4 Warm Up journal Should “Rich” (those earning over 200,000 /yr) Amercian citizens be forced to pay high taxes to support the Poor in things like giving them free college, free food and free housing and medical care? Why or why not?

5 6 plus details on French rev!



8 Terms/Name Estate: One of three social classes in France during the 1700s. Your ESTATE determined your legal rights/status. Bourgeoisie: Middle class between aristocrats & workers. Tithe: 10% tax on income from each church member paid to the clergy. (this paid for rich life styles of cardinals and bishops) Feudal Dues: Taxes paid by the French people to support the nobility (lords and ladies) class.

9 King Louis XVI: 19 year old grandson of Louis XV. Weak ruler.
Terms/Name con’t King Louis XVI: 19 year old grandson of Louis XV. Weak ruler. Wife- Marie Antoinette: big spender from Austria. (not even French!) Monarchy controlled France, a rich & powerful country. Only a were few wealthy. Majority- poor, had few rights & wanted a better life. American Revolution sparked their wanting change.

10 King Louis XVI and Marie Antionette

11 First Estate Clergy, 1% of population. Higher & lower clergy. Did not pay taxes. Higher clergy controlled 5-10% of land. Grand lifestyles supported by tithes. Lower clergy- poor backgrounds; ran schools & parishes.

12 Second Estate Nobility; 2% of population; owned 25% of land. Grand lifestyles. High posts in government & military. Main income from feudal dues from peasants who lived & worked on their land.

13 Third Estate 97% of population; peasants, artisans & members of bourgeoisie (middle class). Had Few political rights/privileges. Read Enlightment works- freedom/social justice. Peasants owned 40% of land. Poor- had to pay tithes, feudal dues, fines & land tax.

14 Growing Unrest Government financial problems- debts from wars & extravagant lifestyle of Louis XV. 1774- King Louis XVI comes to power & deals with financial crisis. Tried to Tax nobility & clergy- BUT they refused to pay taxes. 1786- Banks refused to lend money to government. Crop failures in caused bread shortages. King Louis XVI called for Estates-General to meet in May 1789 wanted them to agree to more taxes!

15 Meeting of Estates-General
Each estate got ONE vote for all members. (3 votes total!) 1st and 2nd Estate plan: Make 3rd Estate PAY MORE!! Third Estate refused plan of First & Second Estate. Called for joint meeting with each estate voting individually. King demanded estates meet separately. Third Estate refused and was locked out of Estates-General.

16 Meeting of Estates-General con’t
Third Estate renamed the National Assembly and met at an indoor tennis court with deputies from First & Second Estates who supported them. National Assembly took the Tennis Court Oath. Promised not to disband until they wrote a NEW constitution for France. King told 1st & 2nd Estates to join Third Estate’s National Assembly.

17 Revolt King gathered more troops at palace in Versailles. Fearing king wanted to dissolve National Assembly & stop reforms, go to the Bastille, (a French Prison) the French prison in Paris. Wanted weapons AND GUNPOWDER!

18 Bastille

19 Events Lead to Revolution
Bastille represented injustices of monarchy. July 14, 1789: Mob surrounded Bastille to steal weapons & defend National Assembly. Mob freed 7 prisoners. 98 rioters killed. Prison commander & several soldiers killed. Outbreak led to formation of revolutionary government. Bastille’s storming led to the Great Fear- violence in countryside! Hearing rumors, peasants feared losing land & armed themselves. Drove landlords off property & refused to pay feudal dues. Broke into manors & robbed granaries. First wave of French Revolution.

20 The Great Fear

21 Causes/Storming the Bastille and French Rev Overview

22 Wrap Up: Create a Web of 15 Plus CONNECTED details on notes from Chapter 11 Section 1 Notes… Be sure to have at least three strands of connected info. Make a clever visual image depicting something mentioned in this section that can encompass your web details…. Make the Center of the Web :French Revolution STARTS!

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