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IN Define Phenotype Define Genotype

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Presentation on theme: "IN Define Phenotype Define Genotype"— Presentation transcript:

1 2-25-11 IN Define Phenotype Define Genotype
Predict the probability of producing a male during reproduction.

2 Through Game of Chance OUT -Page 422 Analysis#1

3 Game of Chance Open your books to 420.
Probability is a mathematical tool that enables us to make predictions. The experiment is designed to help you see the relationship between genetic information, sexual reproduction, and inherited traits.

4 Process and Procedures
1. Discuss and record your answers to the following A. A pair of rabbits mated and produced 10 offspring. How many males and how many females would you predict are going to be in those offspring? B. Even if you are sure that your prediction is correct, can you guarantee how many males and females will be born? Explain answer.

5 Process and Procedures
2. Test your prediction by using a coin to simulate the sex of the 10 offspring. A. Decide what is male/female and head/tail. B. Make a table with a prediction and result for 10 flips and record answers. C. Explain the role of chance in determining results.

6 Coin toss Prediction Actual result 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

7 C. Explain the role of chance.
3. Look at the data table on 421 labeled Small sample size. Discuss and record the following; A. Do these results match your predictions from 1A? Explain. B. The result of each of these crosses are not the same. Explain why the actual outcomes vary from 50 percent males and 50 percent females.

8 4. Next, investigate the relationship between probable outcomes, actual results, and sample size. Examine Large sample size in the Results of rabbit matings table. Calculate the percentage of male rabbits for each group of 600 offspring. Trial 1% Trial 2% Trial 3%

9 5. Answer the following and record answers in your journal.
A. Are these results generally closer to 50 percent than those in the small sample size? Explain B. Based on your observations, what effect does sample size have on the match between probable outcome and actual results?

10 6. Test the accuracy of large sample sizes by generating your own data with coins and combining the data of the entire class. A. This time, instead of flipping 10 times, flip 20 times. B. What is the percentage of heads for this sample size of 20 flips? C. Contribute your data to a class data table.

11 Class data table D. What is the percentage of heads for this large sample size? Heads %-- E. What do these results suggest about the effect of sample size on the match between probable outcome and actual results? Flips Heads Tails

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