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03 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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1 03 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Interaction between buyers and sellers Markets may be
Local National International Price is discovered in the interactions of buyers and sellers 3-2 LO1

3 Amount consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price
Demand Schedule or curve Amount consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price Other things equal Individual demand Market demand 3-3 LO1

4 Law of Demand Other things equal, as price falls the quantity demanded rises, and as price rises the quantity demanded falls Reasons Common sense Law of diminishing marginal utility Income effect and substitution effects 3-4 LO1

5 The Demand Curve The Demand Curve
P 6 5 4 3 2 1 Quantity Demanded (bushels per week) Price (per bushel) Individual Demand P Qd $5 4 3 2 1 10 20 35 55 80 D Q 3-5 LO1

6 Change in Quantity Demanded
Changes in Demand Demand Can Increase or Decrease P 6 5 4 3 2 1 Change in Demand Individual Demand Change in Quantity Demanded Price (per bushel) D2 Decrease in Demand D1 D3 Q Quantity Demanded (bushels per week) 3-6 LO1

7 Determinants of Demand
Determinants of Demand: Factors That Shift the Demand Curve Determinant Examples Change in buyers’ tastes Physical fitness rises in popularity, increasing the demand for running shoes and bicycles; mobile phone popularity rises, reducing the demand for land-line phones. Change in the number of buyers A decline in the birthrate reduces the demand for children’s toys. Change in income A rise in incomes increases the demand for normal goods such as restaurant meals, sports tickets, and necklaces while reducing the demand for inferior goods such as cabbage, turnips, and inexpensive wine. Change in the prices of related goods A reduction in airfares reduces the demand for train travel (substitute goods); a decline in the price of DVD players increases the demand for DVD movies (complementary goods). Change in consumer expectations Inclement weather in South America creates an expectation of higher future coffee bean prices, thereby increasing today’s demand for coffee beans. 3-7 LO1

8 Amount producers are willing and able to sell at a given price
Supply Schedule or curve Amount producers are willing and able to sell at a given price Individual supply Market supply 3-8 LO2

9 Price acts as an incentive to producers At some point, costs will rise
Law of Supply Other things equal, as the price rises the quantity supplied rises, and as the price falls the quantity supplied falls Reasons Price acts as an incentive to producers At some point, costs will rise 3-9 LO2

10 The Supply Curve Supply of Corn Price per Bushel Qs per Week $5 60 4
3 2 1 P Supply of Corn Price per Bushel Qs per Week $5 60 4 50 3 35 2 20 1 5 S Price (per bushel) Q Quantity supplied (bushels per week) 3-10 LO2

11 Change in Quantity Supplied
Changes in Supply P Change in Quantity Supplied $6 5 4 3 2 1 Price (per bushel) S3 S1 S2 Change in Supply Q Quantity supplied (thousands of bushels per week) 3-11 LO2

12 Determinants of Supply
Determinants of Supply: Factors That Shift the Supply Curve Determinant Examples Change in resource prices A decrease in the price of microchips increases the supply of computers; an increase in the price of crude oil reduces the supply of gasoline. Change in technology The development of more effective wireless technology increases the supply of mobile phones. Change in taxes and subsidies An increase in the excise tax on cigarettes reduces the supply of cigarettes; a decline in subsidies to public universities reduces the supply of higher education. Change in prices of other goods An increase in the price of cucumbers decreases the supply of watermelons. Change in producer expectations An expectation of a substantial rise in future log prices decreases the supply of logs today. Change in the number of suppliers An increase in the number of tattoo parlors increases the supply of tattoos; the formation of women’s professional basketball leagues increases the supply of women’s professional basketball games. 3-12 LO2

13 Equilibrium occurs where the demand curve and supply curve intersect
Market Equilibrium Equilibrium occurs where the demand curve and supply curve intersect Surplus and shortage Rationing functions of prices The ability of the competitive forces of demand and supply to establish a price at which selling and buying decisions are consistent 3-13 LO3

14 Market Equilibrium 200 Buyers & 200 Sellers P Qd P Qs Market Market
Supply 200 Sellers Market Demand 200 Buyers 6 5 4 3 2 1 6,000 Bushel Surplus S P Qd P Qs 2,000 4,000 7,000 11,000 16,000 $5 4 3 2 1 $5 4 3 2 1 12,000 10,000 7,000 4,000 1,000 Price (per bushel) 3 7,000 Bushel Shortage D 7 Bushels of Corn (thousands per week) 3-14 LO3

15 Changes in Demand and Equilibrium
` Changes in Demand and Equilibrium Changes in Demand and Equilibrium ` D increase: P, Q D decrease: P, Q P P S S D2 D3 D1 D4 Increase in demand Decrease in demand 3-15 LO4 LO4

16 Changes in Demand and Equilibrium
Changes in Supply and Equilibrium ` Changes in Demand and Equilibrium ` S increase: P, Q S decrease: P, Q P P S1 S2 S4 S3 D D Increase in supply Decrease in supply 3-16 LO4 LO4

17 Government-Set Prices
Price Ceilings Set below equilibrium price Rationing problem Black markets Example: Rent control 3-17 LO5

18 Government-Set Prices
$3.50 P0 Ceiling 3.00 PC D Shortage Q Qs Q0 Qd 3-18 LO5

19 Government-Set Prices
Price Floors Prices are set above the market price Chronic surpluses Example: Minimum wage laws 3-19 LO5

20 Government-Set Prices
Surplus Floor $3.00 Pf 2.00 P0 D Q Qd Q0 Qs 3-20 LO5

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