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Ms. Garratt – Honors World

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1 Ms. Garratt – Honors World

2 Before the revolution French society and government was known as the Ancien Regime All the French belonged to 1 of 3 estates

3 What were the forces of change?
(1) Unequal class system (2) Enlightenment ideas (3) Economic Crisis (4) Lavish lifestyle (5) Debt crisis (6) Weak leadership

4 First Estate - Clergy Only 1% of the population but owned 10% of land
Paid no direct taxes or taille but collected tithes Clergy were usually nobles Provided some social services such as running schools, hospitals, orphanages. Intolerant of dissent, interfered in politics Criticized enlightenment for undermining religion

5 Second Estate - Nobles Nobility
Occupied best jobs in government, army, courts & Church 2% of the population yet owned between 25-30% of the land Paid no taxes

6 Third Estate 97% of the population Divided into three groups.
Peasants made up 75% of this estate Urban workers Bourgeoisie - middle class which consisted of bankers, lawyers, doctors, industrialists, They paid all the taxes

7 Third Estate Grievances
They paid all the taxes Forced corvee Only nobles allowed to hunt Ancien regime did not make “enlightenment” sense

8 Deficit Spending =Financial Crisis
French Indian War Seven Years War American Revolution Lavish court life Marie Antoinette To solve the financial crisis Louis XIV borrowed more money & raised taxes on third estate

9 Estates General Nobles forced the King to summon the Estates because Wanted to solve the economic problems and Did not want higher taxes Some nobles hoped this would be another Glorious Revolution of 1688 Disagreement over voting Each estate had one vote which always favored 1st and 2nd estates

10 Formation of National Assembly
Clergyman, Sieyes suggests that 3rd estate form a National Assembly (NA) & pass & reform laws in the name of the French people. 3rd Estate did precisely that Ended the absolute monarchy Began representative democracy (1st deliberate act of the revolution)

11 Tennis Court Oath Creation of the National Assembly was bold step
3 days later they were locked out of their meeting place. Broke down door to a tennis court Took oath not to leave until they finished writing a constitution


13 Storming the Bastille Parisians suspected the King might send troops to Paris. (July) Parisians stormed the Bastille, a medieval fortress, to obtain weapons. King lost support of the troops. This event became symbol of the Fr Rev

14 Revolts Throughout France
Great Fear Rumors led to violence throughout France Destroying feudal records Burning manors Stealing food National Guard Formed by LaFayette Hero of 2 worlds Paris Commune Became the political force of Paris Sans-cullottes

15 Great Fear


17 Declaration of Rights & Man
Embodied principles from DOI, EBOR & US Constitution Equality under the law Purpose of gov Natural rights Freedom of religion & speech Ended feudal privileges

18 March on Versailles Due to bread shortage thousands of armed women marched to Versailles . Met with king King travelled back to Paris with them. Why?

19 Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Why did the Nat’l Assembly confiscate Church property? How was the Church hierarchy impacted by the CCC? Implications for papal authority? Who supported this shift in policy? Who opposed it? Will this irreparably harm the French Revolution?

20 New Constitution Constitutional Monarchy Legislative Assembly
Suffrage limited to tax paying male citizens Reformed laws Forbade labor unions Compensated nobles for confiscated property

21 Factionalism Once new gov was created it was divided by factionalism
Conservatives Royalists Emigres Peasants Moderates LaFayette & his National Guard Limited Monarchists Radicals Jacobins Sans-cullottes Paris Commune

22 Royal Family & Supporters
Foreign powers Feared the French plague Emigres (nobility) fled Convinced Louis XVI he was in danger Escape thwarted at Austrian Netherlands Increased suspicion of King Some believe that “sealed his fate” Fear by foreign monarchs that “plague” would spread. Austria & Prussia demand that Louis be restored Austria issues Declaration of Pilnitz France declares war

23 Radical Second Phase War heightened suspicions Rumors flew September massacre Radicals pressured the Legis Assy which dissolved the Constitution and called for new gov ---National Convention Established republic Jacobins take control Try and execute King

24 End sections 1 & 2


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