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Honors World History French Revolution and the Era of Napoleon Lessons #14-16 Causes of the French Revolution French Society Impact of American Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors World History French Revolution and the Era of Napoleon Lessons #14-16 Causes of the French Revolution French Society Impact of American Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors World History French Revolution and the Era of Napoleon Lessons #14-16 Causes of the French Revolution French Society Impact of American Revolution Legislation Reign of Terror Napoleon

2 What WAS the French Revolution?

3 The Estates

4 Louis XV

5 Louis XVI

6 Marie Antoinette

7 Causes of Revolution

8 Impact of the American Revolution

9 The Estates General

10 The National Assembly

11 The Tennis Court Oath

12 Storming the Bastille

13 The Great Fear: the peasant’s revolt

14 Declaration of Rights of man and Citizen

15 Women’s march on Versailles

16 Constitutional Monarchy

17 Restructuring society based on rationality

18 The instrument of death

19 Mary Wollstoncraft Vindication of Rights of Man, 1791

20 Flight to Varennes

21 The new Legislative Assembly

22 Outbreak of War

23 The Convention

24 Demise of King Louis XVI

25 War for France

26 Sans Culottes & Paris Commune

27 Committee of Public Safety & Restructuring of Society

28 Reign of Terror

29 The Directory ( )

30 Who was Napoleon? 5m All you need to know

31 Brumaire Coup

32 Code Napoleon

33 Napoleon victories

34 Continental System

35 Battle of the Nations

36 Napoleon exiled to Elba

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