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Community Club Sustainability Program

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1 Community Club Sustainability Program
Player Payment Rules & Guidelines and Points System update AFL Gippsland

2 PPS and Salary Cap PPS implemented successfully in 2016 Player payments still not being reduced and in fact escalating from year to year Considerable feedback from clubs that AFL Vic needed to implement some form of player payment reduction policy Salary Cap briefings were held in conjunction with the PPS and an initial draft document was provided to clubs for feedback AFL Victoria compiled feedback and then sought legal advice from AFL Legal advice suggested a large amount of changes to the initial draft which we will detail tonight This system is being implemented state wide in every community football/netball league or competition The timing of this means that this year will be a year of education for clubs with a focus on player contracts and the Player Payment Budget AFL Gippsland is here to assist all clubs through this process

3 Player Points System Implementation and Feedback
Total Team Points for Competitions varied in points Lowest v 53 points Highest 325 Clubs responded to Points Feedback Survey - Strong Support for PPS 19 Questions received at least 80 % support or greater Revised Player Points System Policy released in October 2016 Re-wording of the 3 clubs in 3 seasons clause Amended Premium player to be top 5 club B & F and VAFA Senior Team representative player Reduction of Total Team Points Maximum from 50 to 48 points for 2017 season Removal of Education and Implementation clauses

4 Introduction of Player Payment Rule and Structure of Framework
Allowable Player Payments (APP) for a competition set by League / Region Commission. Club not to exceed Allowable Player Payments amount for that Season. Clubs may apply for an increase in a competition APP based on clubs specific factors eg: location, Population base access to underage players etc. What's included in Allowable Player Payments. Payments made by club (or an associate of a club) to a player (or an associate of a player) to all players registered with the club. Includes payments to all Players registered with a Club – Seniors, Reserves, Underage. Includes conduct of a Club Official and Player or any person at the direction or with the knowledge, consent, agreement, authorisation (both express and implied) of a Club Official or Player.

5 Player Payment Summary – Rules and Guidelines
Coaching Payments Non Playing Coaching payments not included - all coaches. Playing Coaches included in APP calculations. 50% to a maximum of $20,000 excluded from APP calculations (Pro-rata if more than one coach is appointed) Player that is also a Coach of a Reserves or the Oldest Underage Team within that club – up to $3000 may be excluded from APP calculations. Non Cash Awards - to the value of $300 per week per club including a maximum of up to $100 per player does not have to be included. Rulings – Club may apply on a case by case basis for exemptions - e.g. Employment arrangements Insurance Premiums– on a team basis not included in APP calculations. Travel and Accommodation– on a team basis not included in APP calculation. Injury Payments (Paid by Club, not under Insurance Policy) is included in APP – may apply for exemption under a Ruling – e.g. Club Fundraiser for Player Finals appearances and any Sign on Fees – will be included in all APP calculations

6 Player Payment Rules - Reporting Framework of Club
Player Contract – for individual players (Standard Contract template provided) Pre existing Contracts will be recognized Non Contract Player Summary sheet – (Player not on Contract but being paid lesser then $50) Includes player expected to or have played Seniors and not receive any Payment. Player Payment Budget – Lodged by 30th April (and updated as necessary) Detail of all payments EXPECTED to be made to players for the Football Year. Player Payment Actual – Lodged by 31 October Detail of all payments ACTUALLY MADE or COMMITTED TO BE MADE to players for a Football Year.

7 Player Payment Rules - Reporting Framework of Club
1. Player Contract – for individual players Any player that is paid, unless they are paid less than Individual Player Payments (IPP) threshold of $50 per week Lodged prior to 30th April OR Within 7 days of entering into an agreement with the club if after 30Th April Signed by player and either President, or Secretary or Treasurer or Football Manager Contract template provided Pre existing Contracts will be recognized Attachments may be added – Clubs Codes of Conducts, Player Obligations etc. Contract lodged to On line Portal – access limited and monitored

8 Player Payment Rules –Player Contract
PLAYER CONTRACT (Rule 4(a)) This agreement is made by : ……………….………………………………………………………… (‘the player’) of : …………………… ……………………………………………………… Football Club (“the club”) as an affiliated club of the : ………………….……………………….…Football League and affiliated with AFL Victoria. The agreement was made on: …….……./……….…../………….. for the following Season(s): ………..…………………….. The following details set out the Player Payments from the Club and any Associate of the Club to the Player and any Associate of the Player for the Season. $ AMOUNT MATCH PAYMENTS _____________ (per senior match won) _____________ (per senior match lost or drawn) _____________ (per non senior match won) _____________ (per non senior match lost or drawn) OTHER PAYMENTS / BENEFITS _____________ Details: _____________ Details: AMOUNTS TO BE DEDUCTED BY THE CLUB FROM MATCH PAYMENTS ANNUAL SUBS _____________ Details: SOCIAL FUNCTIONS _____________ Details: PROPERTY _____________ Details: OTHER _____________ Details: The manner and dates for Player Payments (outline when Player Payments will be paid _____________ Details:

9 Player Payment Rules -Non Contract Player Summary sheets – Player under IPP threshold
Lodged by 30th April for club OR Within 7 days of entering into an agreement (i.e. where arrangement is made with the player after 30th April lodgement) Includes player expected to, or has played Seniors and not receive any Payment. Signed by the players and either President, or Secretary or Treasurer or Football Manager (Similar to match day team sheet)

10 Player Payment Rules -Non Contract Player Summary sheets – Player under IPP threshold
(Insert Name ) FOOTBALL CLUB (Rule 4(b)) NON CONTRACTED PLAYER STATEMENT Surname First name Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In signing this document the Player hereby confirms and declares that he or she and their Associates will: receive Player Payments for the 201x season less than the [#insert individual threshold for each Metropolitan League/Region Commission]; or not receive any Player Payments for the 201x season and is expected to, or has played in the Senior Team in the current season, and is not required to sign a Player Contract in accordance with the provisions of [Metropolitan League/Region Commission] Player Payment Rules.

11 Player Payment Rules –Budget and Actual Reports
3. Player Payment Budget – Lodged by 30th April (and updated as necessary) Detail of all payments EXPECTED to be made to players for the Football year Include Players that are expected to player Senior (Firsts) but not expected to be paid Includes exempt payments under Guidelines and Rulings Amended version may be required (> 10% increase or as requested) Assists with Club Budgeting process Signed by President and one of Secretary / Treasurer / Football Manger 4. Player Payment Actual – Lodged by 31 October Detail of all payments ACTUALLY MADE or COMMITTED TO BE MADE to players for the Football Year Should be consistent with Actual Payments made in Club Annual Financial Statements

12 Player Payment Rules –Budget and Actual Reports
(Insert Name ) FOOTBALL CLUB - PLAYER PAYMENTS (Rule 4(c) & (d)) 201x PLAYER PAYMENTS - BUDGET / FINAL DECLARATION PLAYERS SENIORS NON SENIOR TOTAL MATCH Surname First name No. Of Games Rate $ Amount $ PAYMENTS $ 1 $0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

13 Player Payment Rules –Budget and Actual Reports
Match Awards SENIORS NON SENIOR  No. Of Games Rate $ Amount $ TOTAL PAYMENTS $ Cash $0 Non Cash Other Player Payments Surname First Name Detail of other Player Payments (e.g. incentives for best and fairest) AMOUNT $ 1 2 3 4 5 Any other payments to a Player (or their Associates) in respect of coaching, employment, provision of services or otherwise. Detail of Arrangements AMOUNT $

14 Player Payment Rules – Investigation and Enforcement Provisions
Integrity Officer - accredited by AFL Victoria and appointed by Metropolitan League /Region Commission. Has full and free access to a CLUBS records, files, documents etc. as relevant to enquiries Has full and free access to a PLAYERS records files, documents etc. as relevant to enquiries Player and/or Club shall ensure attendance of persons (including associates) to meet with Integrity Officer as requested. Integrity Officer determines the value of any benefit or payment provided to the player. Payment or benefit may be included if explanation from club or player is deemed unsatisfactory. Charge may be laid by Metropolitan League/Region Commission. Any charge to be heard by Disciplinary Committee that is appointed by each Metropolitan League/Region Commission. Hearing scheduled with at least 7 days notice to that hearing. Club or Player provided with Notice of Charge and Statement of Grounds for the laying of the charge.

15 Player Payment Rules – Investigation and Enforcement Provisions
Penalties may be applied – 2 types – Procedural and Breach of Allowable Player Payment amount. Procedural Breach. Failure to lodge reports as required. Failure to cooperate/provide detail to Integrity Officer. Not provide full and free access to files and documents - Club and Player. Provide false or misleading information. Maximum Penalties – applies to Club and Player Monetary Sanction - MAXIMUM of up to $15K and/or Player Suspension.

16 Player Payment Rules – Investigation and Enforcement Provisions
Summary of Sanctions - Breach of Allowable Player Payment amount Applies to a club and/or a player Reprimand Monetary Sanction Player not registered – Unlimited or specified period Club Official not registered - Unlimited or specified period Loss or Ineligibility of Premiership points for past or future matches Total Team Points for past, current or future seasons Club or Player may be excused (in part or in full) for Cooperation. Appeals – Club, Player or Metropolitan League/Region Commission may appeal to AFL Victoria Appeal Board in respect of a determination by a Disciplinary Committee.

17 Best Practice Recommendations and Next Steps
Advice provided by AFL Victoria on Best Practice Recommendations Expected to expand over time as framework evolves . Sign on Fees not recommended - Making of payments to players not yet registered with your club or not yet participated in a game. Written agreements recommended. Education –Volunteer, Players Coaches Player Transfers - now can be lodged from 1 November – 30 November and 1 February – 30 June. Managing the Message Council APP is a Ceiling, not a Target Contact from AFL Gippsland with all clubs when the portal becomes available If clubs start saving player contract documents please save them as (Last Name space First Name)

18 Contacts Daniel Heathcote Gippsland Football Netball League
PH: Jason Membrey North Gippsland Football Netball League West Gippsland Football Netball Competition PH: Rod Twining East Gippsland Football Netball League Omeo & District Football Netball League PH: Lynn Whelan Alberton Football Netball League PH: Pauline Tantau Mid Gippsland Football League PH: Ken Moore Ellinbank & District Football League  PH: Chelsea Caple Football Development Manager PH: Matthew Cracknell PH:    Michael Roberts Football Development Manager PH: Adrian Bromage PH: Travis Switzer Regional General Manager AFL Gippsland PH: Tim Sexton Senior Operations Manager PH:

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