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Final Report Month xx, 20xx

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Presentation on theme: "Final Report Month xx, 20xx"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Report Month xx, 20xx
IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference IEEE EPEC 20xx Conference theme City, Province, Canada, Month xx - xx, 20xx Replace this with an image of the City, or the Venue where the conference took place or any image related to the conference. Final Report Month xx, 20xx 1

2 Final Report Agenda Presented Overview Report Filed Report
Technical Program Symposia Tutorials Workshops Student Travel Grants Publication Industry, Forums and Exhibitions Industry Forums (if any) Patronage Exhibits Keynotes and Plenary Speakers Conference Operation Local Arrangements Publicity Registration Finance IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

3 1. Presented Overview Report
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

4 Acknowledgement All Organizing Committee members, volunteers, and reviewers are to be congratulated for their dedication and hard work in achieving success. - And - ……………… e.g. IEEE Canada, CONAC, Sponsoring Sections, Patrons, Supporters, etc. ……………………………………….. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

5 IEEE EPEC 20xx Organizational Structure
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

6 Program at a Glance IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

7 EPEC 20xx wanted to deliver and delivered:
. . IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

8 2. Filed Report IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

9 A. Technical Program IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

10 IEEE EPEC 20xx TPC Organizational Structure
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

11 Technical Tracks IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

12 IEEE EPEC 20xx Technical Tracks:
. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

13 Our Achievements Highest number of attendees:
Largest number of Technical Tracks: Largest number of Workshops: Largest number of Tutorials : IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

14 Paper Processing, Review and Selection
Total number of Paper Submission : Total number of Paper accepted: Total number of eviewers /paper: At least 3 independent reviews per paper IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

15 Paper & Session Allocation
Technical Session: Total number of lecture-style sessions: Total number of poster sessions: Typically each session: ??5?? papers IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

16 Technical Papers Statistics
Symposium Submitted % Accpt Oral Papers Accpt Poster Papers Accepted Total Accpt % Total Oral Sessions Poster Sessions Withdrawn No Shows Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6 Track 7 Track 8 Track 9 Total IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

17 Author Types – Submitted/Accepted
Student Academia Industry NGO Government IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

18 Papers Authored by TPC Members
TPC Role Submitted Accepted Chair Member IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

19 Authors Accepted by Country
% Papers (1st author) USA Canada P. R. China France Italy Germany United Kingdom Japan Korea Spain Australia IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

20 Authors Accepted by Country
% Papers (1st author) Sweden Taiwan Brazil Portugal Singapore Finland Hong Kong Greece Belgium Denmark India IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

21 Authors Accepted by Country
% Papers (1st author) Saudi Arabia Austria The Netherlands Iran New Zealand Poland Pakistan Qatar Turkey Lebanon Egypt IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

22 Authors Accepted by Country
% Papers (1st author) Hungary UAE Chile Israel Switzerland South Africa Tunisia Norway Czech Republic Ireland Argentina IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

23 Authors Accepted by Country
% Papers (1st author) Cyprus Macedonia Morocco Algeria Luxemburg Jordan Mexico Iceland Russia Thailand Kuwait IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

24 Authors Accepted by Country
% Papers (1st author) Serbia Vietnam Total IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

25 Best Paper Awards IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

26 Observations and Recommendations
Technical Keynote and Plenary Speakers . Recommendations .

27 Observations and Recommendations
Technical Team . Recommendations: IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

28 Observations and Recommendations
Paper Review Process . Final Paper Submission Recommendations: . IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

29 Workshops IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

30 IEEE EPEC 20xx Workshops:
. 30 IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name 30

31 Workshop Stats number of workshop proposals received:
number workshops accepted: number of workshop cancelled: 31 IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name 31

32 Workshop – Lesson Learned
. 32 IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name 32

33 Tutorials IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

34 IEEE EPEC 20xx Tutorials:
. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

35 Tutorial Submissions Number of tutorial proposals Number of accepted
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

36 Tutorial Selection Criteria
Diversity of topics History of success Content, structure, etc Visibility/experience of speaker (s) Balance of academia/industrial speakers IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

37 Tutorials – Lesons Learned
Example: Open and free tutorial is a very successful model Potential large volume of audiences attracts more high-quality tutorial proposals Selecting only a small percentage of tutorials assures high quality presentations if done correctly Free tutorial program promotes the overall conference attendance IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

38 Publications IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

39 Publications . IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

40 Student Travel Grants IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

41 Student Travel Grants Nimber of student grants provided:
Nimber of student grant applications received: Total funding: $ IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

42 B. Industry, Forums and Exhibition IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

43 IEEE EPEC 20xx IF&E Comte Organizational Structure
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

44 Industry Forums IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

45 List of Industry Forums
. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

46 Industry Forums – Lessons Learned
. .   IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

47 Exhibition IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

48 List of Exhibition IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

49 Ehibition – Lessons Learned
. .   IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

50 Patronage IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

51 IEEE EPEC 20xx Patron Package
Diamond level: $ Platinum level: $ Gold Level: $ Silver level: $ Bronze level: $ SPECIAL EVENT PATRONAGE PACKAGES    Banquet Patronage: $ Advertisement in programme • Full page advertisement: $ • Half-page advertisement: $ • Quarter-page advertisement: $ IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

52 List of Patrons: . IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

53 Keynotes and Plenary Speakers
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

54 Keynotes Keynotes Industry Academia Banquet Keynote Industry/Academia
. Academia Banquet Keynote Industry/Academia IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

55 Plenary Speakers Plenary Speakers Industry Academia .
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

56 Conference Operations
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

57 IEEE EPEC 20xx OPC Organizational Structure
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

58 Registrations IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

59 Advance & Onsite Registration
. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

60 Registration Categories
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

61 Registration Stats Advance Late On-Site TOTAL
IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

62 Registration Categories (Complimentary / Not-paid)
Advance Late Onsite TOTAL IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

63 Workshop Final Registration Numbers
Workshops ) Registration IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

64 Tutorial Final Registration Numbers
Tutorials Registration IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

65 Hotel Statistics Room Nights HQ: Hotel name 2nd:
Spill Over: Hotel name Blocked Responsibility Delivered (as of June 5, 2012) IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

66 Financials IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

67 Financials 20% budget surplus = $ Total Revenue $ Total Exhibition $
Registration Patronage Workshops HST Rebate (est.) Food& Beverage USB or Talet Venue A/V Travel & Sustenance Expo & Mngt IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

68 Publicity IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

69 Promotional messaging
. , IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

70 International Advertising
. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

71 Local Advertising . IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

72 Multimedia & Social Media Advertising
Facebook reach:. . Twitter LinkedIn reach Electric Advance Program Webinars (Preview of EPEC 20xx sessions) Blogs IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

73 Lessons Learned . IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

74 Thank you all very much for the successful conference!
…………………………………. IEEE EPEC 20xx General Chair …………………………………… IEEE EPEC 20xx Vice General Chair Websie: www. IEEE EPEC 20xx, city name

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