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Roman Education Gracie Schmitz.

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1 Roman Education Gracie Schmitz

2 Origins of Education Early Republic: Informal education from parents
Schools began to form at the height of the Republic - for upper classes Greek (Graecus) conquest led to reform Greeks became slaves and worked as teachers Education largely based on Ancient Greece The School of Athens by Raphael

3 Who was Educated? Wealthy vs. Poor Boys (puerī) vs. Girls (puellae)
Only the wealthy children received formal education - they could afford it the children of poor families received very minimal / informal education or none at all Boys (puerī) vs. Girls (puellae) Both went through primary school Boys continued passed girls in training for jobs Girls stayed in the home and looked for husbands

4 Purpose Boys Boys went to school for various reasons which included:
Public speaking Geography Law - Lēgis Philosophy Some boys were trained for the army as well in school Physical activity was incorporated from Greek influence Girls Girls mostly learned domestic activities which included cleaning and sewing They were able to learn reading and writing as well

5 Locations of Schooling
Home tutoring Usually for girls - learn household jobs Very rich families used private tutor Parents taught from the home Some hired slaves to teach their children One room Schoolhouse Usually connected to a shop / house Very limited resources Similar to early American schoolhouses

6 School Life Took place 7 days a week Resources Wooden tablets
Many holidays observed by the schools Closed on market days Students came home for lunch and went through school in two sessions Resources Papyrus scrolls were used for reading Wax on wood and pottery pieces were used along with sticks for writing

7 A whip used by teachers in ancient Rome
School Life Strict Education Treated poorly if they were not behaving well or answering correctly Cane or whip used Many disliked school due to the harsh treatment they received Teachers - Magistrae Paid very poorly & worked long hours Received high status in society Paid directly by parents (similar to extracurricular activities today) A whip used by teachers in ancient Rome This image shows a school beating

8 Levels of Schooling Ludus Litterarius First / Primary School
Informal - no set location Taught by “litterator” Secondary School Wealthy boys received this education Taught by Grammaticus Girls stopped education before this point usually Expert Education / Rhetor Only the best of the best reached this level For public speaking mostly Movement from one level to the next was based on ability, not age. This is a difference from modern education.

9 Overview The Roman education system progressed greatly from the early Republic to the late Empire period. In the beginning, it was very informal and largely based out of the home Children learned from their parents Later, formal schools developed and education had high value It determined one’s social status - not necessarily their job


11 Works Cited

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