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Published byPhoebe Randall Modified over 6 years ago
Mrs. Slivka 6th Grade Expectations Consequences Rules 2017-2018
U.S. History II 6th Grade Mrs. Slivka How to contact me CLASS MATERIALS Required: Recommended: ☐ 1” to 2” 3-ring binder ☐ Index cards ☐ 5 dividers ☐ One pencil pouch (for binder) ☐ Multiple pencils ☐ 12 or more colored pencils ☐ Glue sticks ☐ One pair of scissors Room 110 Class Procedures Grades 1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak (no blurting). 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat (no wandering). 4. Make smart choices. 5. Keep your teacher HAPPY. 1. Enter classroom prepared. 2. Be in seat when class begins, completing warm-up. 3. Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher permission. 4. No eating or drinking while in class. 5. Use restroom during teaching breaks and only when you have a “Potty Pass.” 6. Respect yourself and others. 7. Always follow directions the first time. 8. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. Expectations points each points each 10-20 points each 10-20 points each 10-20 points each Assessments Projects Classwork Homework Each assignment will be given a point value and a student may get his or her percentage by dividing the amount of points he or she received by total available points. Most tests or assignments follow the above grading scale. Class progress reports will be posted weekly in the classroom. Parents and students are also strongly encouraged to check Parent/Student View on a weekly basis to view the most current grades for EVERY class. Consequences Rules 1. Warning: the teacher provides a verbal reprimand/reminder to student 2. Lunch Detention: short time spent during lunch to contemplate conduct 3. Parent Contact: Parent will be contacted regarding behavior 4. Referral to Administration: a student will be immediately referred to administration for severe or recurring behavior problems.
Mrs. Slivka Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy 2016-2017
U.S. History II 6th Grade Mrs. Slivka Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy * My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed to a level of proficiency (70% or higher) and turned in on time. If an assignment is turned in but proficiency is not demonstrated, the assignment will be returned to the student and the work must be completed / redone until proficiency is achieved. The assignment will not receive a grade until proficiency is earned. Parents will be contacted after the second day an assignment is late or receives lower than a 70%. * If work is late, a total of 10% points will be taken off for each day late (no more than 50%). *Homework is posted daily in class on the whiteboard and on the class website. * YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT! It is the student’s responsibility to check the class website, warm-up book, and absent work bin to find any assignments missed. * A student has two extra days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz or test was administered on a day a student was absent, it must be made up on the first day the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. Technology In my classes we will follow the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) guidelines stated by Stafford County. Students may bring in their technology devices once all required paperwork has been turned in and only when we are using technology in my class for instructional purposes. In addition, students are reminded that it is their responsibility to keep track of their devices. I recommend not leaving them out in the open or in desks for others to use or take! Class description Cheating * The teacher will notify the administration and contact parents if cheating / plagiarism (taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own) is suspected. This includes: 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class) * The student will be given a zero for that particular test or assignment. The focus of the Social Science curriculum in Grade 6 is the history of the United States from Reconstruction to the 21st century. As geography, culture, and economics are all factors which influence history, these aspects of social science will be studied in the history course. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking skills as they study cause-effect relationships, and will examine political, economic, and cultural factors which may have shaped the behavior of important figures and everyday Americans. I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for history class. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I understand that the goal of these expectations is to create the best learning environment. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me on the class website or in my binder at any time. Student signature ________________________________ Parent signature ____________________________________
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