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Attitude, Awareness and Perception towards Plagiarism: A survey

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1 Attitude, Awareness and Perception towards Plagiarism: A survey
Mithu Anjali Gayan, Assistant Professor, DLIS, Tripura University,

2 Introduction An act of academic dishonesty .
There are different other factors such as matters of reputation, acceptance, shame, economic loss, self-esteem, and indignation are also related to it” (Stuart Hannabuss, 2001).

3 Objectives To study degree of level of understanding about plagiarism among the students/ scholars. To study different copying behavior of the students/ scholars. To understand the citing activities of the sample. To study the use style manuals To study the use of reference management tools.

4 Methodology Questionnaire method was used.
Questionnaire was created with the help of Google form Distributed through personal ids and social networking sites.

5 Findings Out of total population 58.33% is female population followed by 41.67% male population. Highest number (15.83%) of total population belongs to Gauhati University followed by Pondicherry University (14.58%) and Central University of Tripura (14.58%). 45.83% is PG students followed by 41.67% are PhD scholars and M.Phil scholars.

6 Awareness The study revealed one encouraging fact that the % sample population have heard of Plagiarism and is aware of what Plagiarism stands for. 75.42 % have heard it from their faculties/ guide/ supervisor followed by % from internet, 9.58% from conferences/seminars and 2.9% from others.

7 Attitude 70.83% of the sample population started citing for the first time during your post graduation. 50% is using reference management tool/software for writing their paper/thesis/dissertation out of which % agree that using a reference management tool saves their time and will make their reference work easier. 73.75% of the total population reported that their libraries are conducting workshops on how to use a reference management tool/ Style manual out of which % conduct it several times in a year followed by 35.23% once in a year 31.07% attended those workshops and out of that % were very much benefited by attending it.

8 Figure1: Use of Reference Management tool

9 39.17% of the population use APA as the style manual.
75% of the population uses style manuals because they think using a style manual will standardize their work and will make their work presentable and acceptable across boundaries

10 Table 1. Table 2. Have you, or anyone you know, ever intentionally plagiarised? Response Number Percentage Yes 32 13.33 No 88 36.67 dont know 73 30.42 Maybe 47 19.58 240 100.00 When under these pressures, plagiarism is a last resort for you? Response Number Percentage Yes 50 20.83 No 126 52.50 Can’t say 64 26.67 240 100

11 Plagiarism detection 38.75% never checked the percentage of plagiarism in their paper/assignments/dissertation/thesis before submitting it with the help of websites offering these kind free services followed by 32.08% always check before submission.

12 Discussion The sample under the study is well aware of the negative impact of plagiarism. This awareness is a good sign as the researchers are aware of it they are expected not to commit this academic crime.

13 Conclusion Most of the students / scholars community are aware of plagiarism which is very encouraging in itself. Discouraging fact has been found that only 25% have got training on how to use reference management software. More than half of the population % will not plagiaries even under pressure which again shows the high academic moral principles of the population under the study. Libraries should conduct such workshops more often. 50% is using reference management tool/software for writing their paper/thesis/dissertation out of which % agree that using a reference management tool saves their time and will make their reference work easier.

14 Reference Stuart Hannabuss,"Contested texts: issues of plagiarism", Library Management, 22, no. 6/7 (2001):311 – 318, accessed on

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