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Published byDarcy Fox Modified over 6 years ago
Data Based Decision Making: Evaluating the Impact of SWPBIS
Idaho SWPBIS Training Institute
Purpose Define the outcomes for SWPBIS
Is SWPBIS related to reduction in problem behavior? Is SWPBIS related to improved school safety? Is SWPBIS related to improved academic performance? Define tools for measuring SWPBIS outcomes Examine a problem-solving approach for using ODR data for decision-making Provide strategies for using data for decision-making and action planning
Idaho’s Tiered Instructional and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) Framework
Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures 1-5% 1-5% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Transition 1 tier at time, giving participants time to discuss each one. One of the most important organizing components of PBIS is the establishment of a continuum of behavior support that considers all students and emphasizes prevention. This logic of this 3-tiered approach is derived from the public health approach to disease prevention. All students and staff should be exposed formally and in an on-going manner to primary prevention interventions. Primary prevention is provided to all students and focuses on giving students the necessary pro-social skills that prevent the established and occurrences of problem behavior. If done systematically and comprehensively, a majority of students are likely to be affected. Some students will be unresponsive or unsupported by primary prevention, and more specialized interventions will be required. One form of assistance is called secondary prevention, and is characterized by instruction that is more specific and more engaging. These interventions can be standardized to be applied similarily and efficiently across a small number of students. The goal of secondary prevention is to reduce/prevent the likelihood of problem behavior occurrences, and to enable these students to be supported by the schoolwide PBIS effort. If primary prevention is in place, a small proportion of students will require highly individualized and intensive interventions. The goal or tertiary level interventions is to reduce the intensity, complexity, and impact of the problem behaviors displayed by these students by providing supports that are: Function-based Contextually appropriate and person-centered Strength-based and instructionally oriented Continuously evaluated and enhanced Linked to the schoolwide PBIS approach Tier 2 & 3: Handled by a small group of educators who are intensely trained. Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive 80-90% Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 80-90%
To Improve Schools for Children
Use evidence-based practices Always look for data of effectiveness Never stop doing what is working Implement the smallest change that will result in the largest improvement Measure Compare Improvement
Model of Continuous Improvement
Plan Do Check Act Plan: Identify an opportunity and plan for change. Do: Implement the change on a small scale. Check: Use data to analyze the results of the change and determine whether it made a difference. Act: If the change was successful, implement it on a wider scale and continuously assess your results. If the change did not work, begin the cycle again. Other widely used methods of continuous improvement — such as Six
Improving Decision-Making
Problem Solution Problem Problem-solving Information Solution Moving from the first model (problem →solution) to new model (problem→problem-solving information→solution)
Problem-solving Steps
Define the problem(s) Analyze the data Define the outcomes and data sources for measuring the outcomes Consider 2-3 options that might work
Problem-solving Steps
Evaluate each option Is it safe? Is it doable? Will it work? 5. Choose an option to try
Problem-solving Steps
Determine the timeframe to evaluate effectiveness Evaluate the effectiveness by using the data Is it worth continuing? Try a different option? Redefine the problem?
Key Features of Effective Data Systems
Data are accurate Data are very easy to collect Data are used for decision-making Data are available when decision need to be made Data collectors must see the information used for decision making
Key Features of Effective Data Systems
Activity: Reflect on your data. What data do you have? Is it: Accurate? Very easy to collect? Used for decision-making? Available when decisions need to be made? Collected to be used? Team activity – share out
Guiding Considerations
Use accessible data Handle data as few times as possible Build data collection into daily routines Establish and use data collection as a conditioned positive reinforcer Share data summaries with those who collect it
Questions to Consider When Collecting Data
Is the current approach achieving the intended outcomes? Is the plan working as well as or better than it did last year? Is a change in the plan needed? Do students have the skills to do what is expected? Are the behavioral needs of all students being adequately met? What areas need improvement? Which grade level(s ) need additional skills training? What physical areas of the school are perceived as less safe? Which classroom routines do students need to be retaught? Which students need additional support? Which students received two or more ODRs in the first month of school? Which students consistently show signs of emotional distress (e.g., anxiety, depression)? Young et al., 2012 See Handout – as a team, discuss each question
Collecting data without having a definite question is like going shopping without a list. Teams may spend a great deal of effort and time collecting data and creating systems that do not give them the answers they really need. Young et al., 2012
Types of Questions Initial Assessment Questions:
What type or which program do we need? Where should we focus our efforts? Ongoing Evaluation Questions: Is the program working? If no: Can it be changed? Should we end the program? If yes: Do we need this program anymore? What do we need to do to sustain success? Initial questions should have been discussed/answered during Day 1-2 of training. Ask teams to discuss the “Ongoing Evaluation Questions”; share out
What Data Should Be Collected?
Always start with the questions you want to answer. Make data that will answer your question. Balance between reliability and accessibility. Systems approach Consider logistics. Who? When? Where? How? Two levels What is readily accessible? What requires extra resources? Reliability – are you truly measuring what you set out to measure? EASY, EFFECTIVE, & EFFICIENT!
When & By Whom Should Data Decisions Be Made?
Natural cycles, meeting times Weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually Level of system addressed Individual: daily, weekly Schoolwide: daily, weekly District/Region State-level Teacher, coach, support personnel, paras, secretary
Basic Evaluation Questions by School or Program
What does “it” look like now? How would we know if we are successful? Are we satisfied with how “it” looks? YES: Celebrate NO: What do we want “it” to look like? What do we need to do to make “it” look like that? What can we do to keep “it” like that? Team Activity: discuss questions, document on poster and share out
Basic SWPBIS Evaluation Questions
Are our efforts making a difference? Is our school adopting SWPBIS to criterion? Is our school perceived as safe? Are teachers delivering instructional lessons with fidelity as planned? Is SWPBIS improving student outcomes? Discuss questions within teams.
Is SWPBIS Having a Positive Influence on School Culture?
Using Office Discipline Referral Data
Office Discipline Referrals
Examine office discipline referral rates and patterns Major Problem Events Minor Problem Events
Office Discipline Referrals
Ask the “BIG 5” questions: How Often are problem behavior events occurring? Where are they happening? What types of problem behaviors? When are the problems occurring? Who is contributing? Team Activity: Look at school ODR data answer the “Big 5” Use “fake” data – if team didn’t bring any of their own
Office Discipline Referral Caution
Data reflects 3 factors: Students Staff members Office personnel Data reflects overt rule violators Data is useful when implementation is consistent. Do staff and administration agree on office-managed problem behavior versus classroom-managed behavior? Ask teams, “Do staff and administration agree on office-managed problem behavior versus classroom-managed behavior?
Defining MINOR, MAJOR, & CRISIS events in your school.
Complete Handout: “Defining MINOR, MAJOR, & CRISIS events in your school”
Staff Managed (minors) Office Managed (majors)
Tardy Unprepared; no homework/materials Violation of classroom expectations Inappropriate language Classroom disruption Minor safety violation Lying/cheating Consequences are determined by staff. Repeated minor behaviors Insubordination Blatant disrespect Abusive/inappropriate language Harassment/intimidation Fighting/physical aggression Safety violations that are potentially harmful to self, others and/or property Vandalism/property destruction Plagiarism Theft Skipping classes Illegal behaviors: arson, weapons, tobacco, alcohol/drugs Additional example in Handout: “Staff Managed Behaviors. Office Managed Behaviors”
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Observe problem behavior Find a place to talk with student(s) NO Is behavior major? YES Ensure safety Problem solve Write referral and Escort student to office Determine consequence Problem solve Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure Does student have 3? NO YES Follow through with consequences Diagram – make into handout File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
Compatibility Question
SWIS™ Compatibility Checklist Procedure for Documenting Office Discipline Referrals School ___________________________ Date ____________________ Compatibility Question Date 1. Does a clear distinction exist between problem behaviors that are staff managed versus office managed exist and is it available for staff reference? Yes No 2. Does a form exist that is SWIS™ compatible for SWIS™ data entry that includes the following categories? a. Student name? b. Date? c. Time of incident? d. Student’s grade level? e. Referring staff member? f. Location of incident? g. Problem behavior? h. Possible motivation? i. Others involved? j. Administrative decision? k. Other comments? l. No more than 3 extra info. 3. Does a set of definitions exist that clearly defines all categories on the office discipline referral form? Ask teams to complete the compatibility checklist referencing their ODR. Next review date: _______________ Redesign your form until answers to all questions are “Yes.” Readiness requirements 4 and 5 are complete when you have all “Yes” responses.
Tables versus Graphs
Year Month Number of Days Number of Referrals Average Referrals Per Day 2001 Aug 0.00 Sep 19 5 0.26 Oct 21 18 0.86 Nov 17 0.94 Dec 14 1.50 2002 Jan 22 0.82 Feb 15 0.88 Mar 26 1.37 Apr 0.67 May 13 0.72 Jun 11 2 0.18 Jul Totals: 180 149 0.83
Number of ODR per Day and Month
Total versus Rate
Total Number of ODRs per Month
Number of ODRs per Day and Month
Priorities & Rational Graphs Rate
Interpreting Office Referral Data: Is there a problem?
Absolute level (depending on size of school) Middle Schools (>5 per day) Elementary Schools (>1.5-2 per day) Compare levels to last year Improvement? Trends Peaks before breaks? Gradually increasing trend across year?
Are Schools Adopting SWPBIS to Criterion?
Use the: Team Implementation Checklist (TIC 3.1) Schoolwide Evalutation Tool (SET) EBS Self-Assessment Survey (SAS – “Schoolwide” section) Measure and analyze annually Today we will focus on the TIC 3.1 *Remember: SET must be done by an “outside” evaluator
Team Implementation Checklist (TIC 3.1)
Characterizes the evolution of SWPBIS implementation: “Achieved,” “In progress,” or “Not started” Assists in: Initial assessment Getting started on action plan Measuring progress of SWPBIS implementation Assesses team-based response Quarterly or monthly Facilitators: distribute copies of teams’ completed TIC from the August training (Day 3-4)
TIC 3.1 Feature Areas Establish commitment Establish and maintain team
Conduct self-assessment Define expectations Teach expectations Establish reward system Establish violations system Establish information system Build capacity for function-based support Ongoing activities
Scoring the TIC 3.1 Implementation Points
Achieved = 2 In progress = 1 Not started = 0 Percentage of items implemented Total Number of items scored as “Achieved” divided by 17 (items) Subscale scores Number of items in each subscale area scored as “Achieved” divided by the number of items in that subscale area Percentage of points implemented Total number of points divided by 34 Total number of points in each subscale divided by total number of items multiplied by 2 Not sure teams correctly scored their TIC during August training – may need to go through and correctly score them to save time and provide a model???? Ask teams to complete TIC 3.1 and hand in one copy to training facilitator.
SWPBIS Main Messages Invest in prevention
Create an effective environment Leadership, teams; hosts for effective practices Use different systems for different problems Individual student level alone will be insufficient Collaboration with Mental Health Professionals Build a culture of competence Define, teach, monitor, and reward appropriate behavior Build sustainable systems Resist person-dependent interventions Invest in gathering and using information for decision-making and problem-solving
Action Planning for SWPBIS
Use your self-assessment information Rally schoolwide commitment Establish a PBIS team Focus on prevention (define, teach, monitor, and reward appropriate behavior) Ask kids tomorrow if they know the expectations Ask kids if they are being acknowledged for appropriate behavior Use information system to guide implementation efforts Build Action Plan When will the team meet? What will be reported to faculty? What will be reported to families?
Action Planning for SWPBIS
Which system are you going to work on? What are the specific outcomes? When will they be completed? What short-term activities are needed? Who will be responsible? Reported Schedule What information will be gathered and by whom? When will information be reported?
Dirty Data Video: Dirty Data (“School Data – A Comedy”) – 2:57 min
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