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Course Expectations 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Expectations 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Expectations

2 A 3-ring binder is optional?
3-Ring Binder — to organize your work, to take class notes and to retain all handouts, homework and returned papers Loose Leaf Paper Pens/Pencils — Use ONLY pencil or a blue/black ink pen for all homework, tests, quizzes, or other assignments. Assignments — If I cannot read it, it is wrong. Neatness and penmanship count. Typing assignments is highly recommended!

3 My textbook MUST be covered in …
WHY? Book sox ruin the binding of the book = Costs you $ Paper is absorbent or repellant which protects the binding & cover Funny Story…

4 Ms. Muraca expects me to be…
Prepared Be on-time & bring all necessary materials with you to class and be ready to learn. Respectful Have respect for your classmates, your teacher, and yourself. Insults and inappropriate language and behavior will not be tolerated. Responsible Take responsibility for your learning, your future, and your behavior. If something is unclear ask questions and complete your assignments on time.

5 My grade as of today is a…
Philosophically, students begin the course with a "0" and earn the grades they receive. In other words, students do not start with 100% of the points and then have that reduced by me. I use criterion-based grading. This means that each item is evaluated on its own terms in comparison to the established criteria for the assignment. Assessments of Learning will count for ____% of my quarter average. Assessments = 75% Activities = 25% Quarter Grade % Activities for Learning will count for ____% of my quarter average.

6 summative end-of-unit assessments…
I can retake/redo summative end-of-unit assessments… Must schedule a meeting after school with me within three days of the assessment score being entered into PowerSchool Must complete a “Student Request to Retake Form”. If approved must bring evidence of completion of the action steps Must complete the retake/redo by the agreed upon date. Retakes/redos can be the whole, partial or alternate assessment. Students may retake each summative assessment once with the higher score prevailing; however, this policy does not apply to midterm and final exams.

7 Ms. Muraca will accept my homework late?
Late homework will NOT be accepted. Late class work will NOT be accepted. Late papers or performance tasks will lose 10 percentage points per day late.

8 Must my notes be handwritten?
Want to know why… Ask my cheating US Honors students from ! To check that I have completed the homework, Ms. Muraca will…? Administer a reading check/quiz on which I can use my notes.

9 Ms. Muraca will give me all the work I missed when absent without having to ask?
You must ask for make-up work! OR…find the work you missed on the webpage/Google classroom. You have 2 days per absence to complete make-up work. Assignments not completed within time frame will receive a 0. Absent on the day of a test/quiz? Schedule an appointment to make-up the assessment I expect high school students to be mature enough to remember the date/time of the make-up. Props to anyone who knows who this guy is.

10 Copying someone else's work, words, and/or ideas and passing them off as my own is plagiarism?
See student handbook for consequences

11 Having my phone out and occasionally checking it is "ok" with Ms
Having my phone out and occasionally checking 
it is "ok" with Ms. Muraca? Students are not allowed to use their cell phones in the classroom unless otherwise noted by Ms. Muraca. Students may place their selected phone into their assigned slot in the CPR & may collect their phones upon exiting the classroom. Students who choose not to place their phone in the CPR and are seen using their device will have it confiscated and turned-in to the appropriate House Office.

12 When I arrive at class, I must enter the classroom, take my seat immediately, and begin the schema posted on the board. Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing. You are not to loiter (stand or wait around in the hallway). Take your assigned seat. Read and complete the schema quietly and independently Wait for further instructions from the teacher

13 Ms. Muraca will let me use the bathroom or go to my locker before class if I ask her.
Do not ask to use the bathroom or go to your locker when you arrive at the door; go before you get to class.

14 If I lost handouts, I should…

15 “See you at 2:20." means that I have earned a detention, but that I could continue to argue/negotiate with Ms. Muraca about my behavior or its consequence. Everything we do in life has consequences. Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey rules & directions. Warning & Re-direction “See you at 2:20.” Detention after school that day. There will be no conversation or debate regarding detentions. Removal from class.

16 When the bell rings marking the end of the period, I am dismissed by…
Do not pack up or leave your seats until I dismiss the class.


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