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10-4: The Coming of the Civil War

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1 10-4: The Coming of the Civil War
The election of Abraham Lincoln sparked the secession of the southern states because the believed that Lincoln would make laws that would limit or abolish slavery.

2 Can a nation hold itself together after all of this conflict?
Anticipatory Set Fugitive Slave Law Kansas-Nebraska Act Dred Scott decision John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry Can a nation hold itself together after all of this conflict? ?

3 California Standards Social Studies Standard : Identify the constitutional issues posed by the doctrine of nullification ad secession and the earliest origins of that doctrine. Social Studies Standard : Discuss Abraham Lincoln’s presidency and his significant writings and their relationship to the Declaration of Independence, such as his “House Divided” speech (1858).

4 Input civil war: a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country.

5 Divide your paper into 2 sections (front & back).
Research Main Idea & Details Divide your paper into 2 sections (front & back). Write down the section heading and the main idea. You will fill in the details at the end of the lesson. Each video gets its own box!

6 Input The Nation Divides The election of 1860 led to the breakup of the Union. Seven states seceded from the Union. Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis Use two sections of your paper to take notes for “Texas Wins Independence”

7 Input The Civil War Begins President Lincoln’s assurances of friendship in his inaugural address were rejected by the South.

8 Read pages 373-377 in the History textbook.
Research INDEPENDENT WORK Read pages in the History textbook. Take more detailed notes based on the “big idea” concepts just introduced.

9 HOMEWORK CONNECTION Complete 10-4 Section Quiz
Write a detailed SUMMARY of the section and complete the UNANSWERED QUESTIONS section of your notes. Choose two of the remaining Depth & Complexity ICONS in your notes and explain how they relate to this section.

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