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By Abby Christensen The French Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "By Abby Christensen The French Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Abby Christensen The French Revolution

2 Stage 1 (Preconditions)
French society was divided into three estates and the estate a person belonged to determined the persons rights, obligations and status.

3 The middle class bourgeoisie who belonged to the third estate resented the privileges and powers of the first and second Estates.

4 The middle class, working class, and some nobles wanted some form of democracy similar to England

5 Stage 2 (Crisis) Absolute government Inefficient government

6 Financial difficulties Social cause

7 Enlightenment philosophers American Revolution

8 Stage 3 (Moderate phase)
Estates General (May 5-June 27,1789 National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath (June 17-20, 1789) Fall of the Bastille (July ) Great Fear (July-August 1789) National Assembly in Versailles (August 4, 1789) Deceleration of the rights of man and the citizen (August 26, 1789) March on Versailles (October and 5-6, 1789) National Assembly of Paris ( ) Louis XVI and family flee to Varennes (June 20-21, 1791) Legislative Assembly convenes (October 1, 1791)

9 Stage 4 Girondist versus Jacobins (1792)
France declares war on Austria (April 20, 1792) National Convention Trial and Error execution of Louis XVI (January 21, 1793)

10 Stage 5 (Extreme phase) Reign of Terror (1793-1794)
Robespierre and the National Convention Execution of Robespierre (July 27, 1794)

11 Stage 6 (Readjustment and Restoration)
Thermidoreans Directory

12 The end.

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