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The Incidence of AIDS-related Diseases and HIV-Infection Control in the Republic of Komi V.M. Chzhao State Establishment “The Republican Centre for.

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Presentation on theme: "The Incidence of AIDS-related Diseases and HIV-Infection Control in the Republic of Komi V.M. Chzhao State Establishment “The Republican Centre for."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Incidence of AIDS-related Diseases and HIV-Infection Control in the Republic of Komi V.M. Chzhao State Establishment “The Republican Centre for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases” Russia

2 The Republic of Komi 2 4 M i l e s Е м в а У х т И ж н А й к и о К с л
# Y Е м в а У х т И ж н А й к и о К с л В у ы П е ч р з г О б ъ я ь С д - Ц Т ц o 2 4 M i l e s

3 The Characteristic of the Epidemics of HIV Infection Process in the RK
- relatively low HIV infection prevalence; - high level of HIV infection detection in the penitentiary institutions; - one of every six registered HIV infection patients is not the permanent resident of the Republic; the ratio the HIV infection by sexual contacts is on the increase; there is a tendency of HIV infection spreading stabilization in the RK.

4 Incidence of HIV infection in the RK as compared to that in the NWFO and the RF (per 100,000 population)

5 The dynamics of HIV infection incidence in the RK (per 100,000 population)

6 The incidence of HIV infections in the RK of 01.10.2008
(per 100,000 population) Показатель

7 The cases of HIV infections registered in the RK and NWFO in the years (per 100,000 of the surveyed)

8 HIV infection incidence distribution by gender
(per 100,000 of the cohort), the trends

9 Among the residents of the RK
Distribution of registered HIV- infection cases by the population cohorts of Cumulated number Among the residents of the RK men 70,2 65,9 women 29,3 33,5 children 0,5 0,6 Total 100,0 84,5

10 Distribution of the registered HIV-infected individuals by age groups

11 The ways of HIV infection transmission (%)
2007 2008

12 Registered cases of HIV infection in the RK
(per 100,000 of the population surveyed)

13 Incidence of HIV by cohorts of the population surveyed (1998 – 2007)
The incidence per 100,000 of those surveyed in 2007 increased as compared to that in 1998 among: 1. drug users - 10,5 times; 2. the incidence among prisoners (stable from 1998 to 2007) - 13,9 times; 3. STI-patients - 15,1 times; 4. patients tested because of clinical indications – 16,6 times; 5. individuals tested for other indications (e.g. professional groups) – 20,6 times.

14 Distribution of HIV infection-related morbidity by the causes of 01.01.2008

15 HIV-infected women pregnancies outcomes of 01.01.2008

16 The results of the follow-up study of children born of HIV-infected mothers (%)

17 Distribution of serological screening for HIV by risk-groups of the population
HIV- positives by the cohorts tested

18 The Collaboration Scheme for HIV Prevention Activities
Department of the Federal Penal System

19 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
antiretroviral therapy (ARVT) 86,2% of HIV-infected patients subject to treatment receive ARVT. 9 patients are not administered ARVT due to being intolerant to the medications.

20 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
Prevention of vertical transmission of HIV 100% of pregnant HIV-infected pregnant women are under complete chemo-prophylaxis course.

21 Since the introduction of screening in 2007
Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi Laboratory control of the therapies Since the introduction of screening in 2007 909 tests have been performed.

22 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
Determination of the immunological status 3892 tests for determination of immunological status have been performed.

23 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
International programmes The project “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment for TB and AIDS” financed from the IBRD loan; The programme of HIV / AIDS-control activities in the Barents Region.

24 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
National programmes: National priority project “Health”; Subprogramme “Anti-HIV /AIDS” of the Federal target programme “Prevention and control of welfare-related diseases”; Subprogramme “Anti-HIV /AIDS” of the Republican departmental target programme “Prevention and control of socially significant diseases for ».

25 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
Joint programmes with other organizations and institutions: “HIV infection prevention activities among commercial sex workers”; “Prevention of HIV infection among prisoners”

26 Basic HIV-control measures and activities in the Republic of Komi
Sanitary education of the population TV: Presentation by specialists; Videoclips; 2. Radio: audioclips; 3. Republican periodicals: newspapers “Republic”, “Krasnoe Znamia”; 4. Publishing manuals; 5. Printing and disseminating booklets, posters, calendar cards, book-marks, etc.

27 Thank you for your being patient listeners of the presentation!

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