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Mentoring the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics

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1 Mentoring the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics
Henry S. Kepner, Jr. Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee Public Schools NCSM March, 2007 Atlanta, GA

2 Mentoring “new” staff – the unfunded mandate
Acting as a sponsor Encouraging self-reliance Encouraging true collegiality Encouraging reflection on practice Provide timely, appropriate feedback

3 Mentoring is: Mentoring is NOT Sharing Reflecting Supporting
Evaluating Substituting

4 Mentoring Roles: To consult To collaborate To coach

5 Consult: share vital information
Procedural expectations Building/district policy, materials, access to resources Craft of teaching: establishing classroom routines, instructional strategies, assessments

6 Think aloud about your own…
Think aloud about your own…. What’s and Why’s about colleague’s awareness Offer a menu Produce an idea bank Conduct a model lesson (label critical attributes) Review tapes of teaching Reference, highlight current research

7 Collaborate: co-develop the information pool.
Shared analysis Problem solving Decision-making and Reflection

8 Reciprocal nature – support mutual learning, growth, respect.
Brainstorm with colleague: Reasons, Multiple ideas, (Multiple) possible solutions, Interventions. Co-plan Co-teach Joint reflections on targeted student learning and behaviors

9 Coaching Goal: to empower a colleague’s expertise in:
Planning, Reflecting on practice, and Instructional decision-making focused on student learning of mathematics.

10 Coaching Responsibilities:
Maintain a nonjudgmental stance Inquire about “What’s” and “Why’s” Focus on successes towards colleague’s goal Focus on colleague’s concerns. (Be prepared to focus on whatever the colleague raises as an area of concern.) Reflect on goals.

11 References Burns, Marilyn, Silbey, Robyn. (2000) So you have to teach math? Sound advice for K-6. teachers. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. ISBN: Costa, A., Garmstorn, R. (2002) Cognitive Coaching: A foundation for Renaissance Schools. 2nd Edition Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers. ISBN: DePaul, Amy. (1998?) Survival Guide for New Teachers: How new teachers can work effectively with veteran teachers, parents, principals, and teacher educators. US Dept. of Education. Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Grant, Scott Nelson, (2003) Lenses on Learning. Dale Seymour Publications. Huinker, D., Freckmann, J. (2004) Focusing Conversations to Promote Teacher Thinking. TCM. Lipton, L., Wellman, B. (2003) Mentoring Matters : A Practical Guideto Learning-Focused Relationships. Sherman, CT : Mira Via. NCTM. Lester (2003) Teaching Matheamtics through Problem Solvin, Prekindergarten-Grade 6. NCTM. Schoen (2003) Teaching Matheamtics through Problem Solving. Grades 6-12 NCTM. Navigations collection. NCTM. (2004) Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in : Chappell, M., Schielack, J., & Zagorski, S. Elementary School ; Chappell, M. & Pateracki. Middle School ; Chappell, M., Choppin, J., & Salls, J. High School. National Research Council (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. J. Kilpatrick, J. Swafford, and B. Findell (Eds.). Mathematics Learning Study Committee, Center for Education, Division Stein, Mary Kay, Smith, M., Henningsen, M. & Silver, E. (2000) Implementing Standards-based Mathematics Instruction. NY: Teachers College Press and NCTM. West, L.& Staub, F. (2003) Content-Focused Coaching: Transforming Mathematics Lessons. Heinemann.

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