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ljdkj dh uhfr vkSj tkx`r ?kj dkexkj la?kVuk dk dk;Z

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1 ljdkj dh uhfr vkSj tkx`r ?kj dkexkj la?kVuk dk dk;Z
Condition of Domestic Workers Government’s policy & Work done by Jagrut Ghar Kamgar Sanghatana ?kjsyw et+nwjksa dh ifjfLFkfr ljdkj dh uhfr vkSj tkx`r ?kj dkexkj la?kVuk dk dk;Z 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

2 How many domestic workers in Mumbai vkt eqEcbZ esa fdruh eksydjhu gSa\
As per our estimate, Mumbai has 5-6 lakh domestic workers Our Sanghatana has 17,000 members So we have been able to reach 3-4% of them only Domestic workers are the largest segment of unorganised workers gekjs vankt+ ls de ls de 5 & 6 yk[k eksydjhu eqEcbZ esa gSA gekjs laxBu esa 17]000 lHkkln gSaA ;kfu ds 3 ls 4 Áfr’kr yksxksa ds ikl gh ge igqap lds gSaA vlaxfBr dkexkj {ks= dk ;g lc ls cM+k ?kVd gSA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

3 Why are women compelled to be domestic workers
Why are women compelled to be domestic workers? eksydjhu D;wa cuuk iM+rk gS\ Husband loses job, e.g., closure of textile mills Addictions of husband Husband’s death or deserts wife or relationship with another woman Old women not looked after by their children enZ dh ukSdjh pyh tkuk & mnkgj.k fey can iM+uk enZ dk O;luk/khu gksuk enZ dh ekSr ;k vkSjr dks NksM+ nsuk] ;k vkneh ds nks fj’rsa cw<+h fo/kok] ftl dks cPps ugha ns[krs 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

4 Why are women compelled to be domestic workers
Why are women compelled to be domestic workers? eksydjhu D;wa cuuk iM+rk gS\ & 2 Inflation Economic situation Lack of education Migration EkgaxkbzZ vkfFkZd ifjfLFkfr f’k{kk dk vHkko LFkyakrj 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

5 Very strenuous working conditions dke dh ifjfLFkfr cgqr gh dfBu
Severe damage to hands and feet due to work for 8-10 hours daily with water Victim of many illnesses due to constant standing or bending No assurance of tea or refreshments; separately made tea of poor quality 8 & 10 ?kaVs ikuh esa dke djds gkFk iSj lM+ tkrs gSaA yxkrkj >qd dj ;k [kM+k gksdj dke djus dh otg ls vyx vyx fcekfj;ksa dh f’kdkj curh gSaA pk; uk’rsa dh xkjaVh ughaA pk; feyh rks vyx ls cuk;h gqbZ] ikuh tSlhA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

6 Very strenuous working conditions dke dh ifjfLFkfr cgqr gh dfBu-2
Not treated like human beings; separate place to sit, separate utensils; have to face untouchability all the time Discrimination on the basis of religion and caste balku tSlk crkZo ugha feyrkA vyx crZu] vyx cSBus dh txg] Nqvk Nwr & ;g lc >syuk iM+rk gSA tkr ikr] /keZ ds vk/kkj ij HksnHkko gksrk gSA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

7 Very strenuous working conditions-3 dke dh ifjfLFkfr cgqr gh dfBu & 3
No pension o r provident fund or gratuity Thrown out of job when old after working for years No payment for extra work Asked to send children when ill; otherwise get the extra work done next day yet salary is cut for absence uk isa’ku] uk QaM] uk xSzP;qVhA 25 & 30 lky ,d gh ?kj esa dke djus ds ckn cw<+h cuus ij lsBkuh fudky nsrh gSaA ,DLVªk dke dk iSlk ugha feyrkA fcekj iM+s rks dgrh gSa fd cPpksa dks HkstksA vkSj ugha rks nwljs fnu dke djok ds Hkh ixkj dks dkVrh gSaA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

8 Very strenuous working conditions-4 dke dh ifjfLFkfr cgqr gh dfBu & 4
If child has not done work satisfactorily, use this as a pretext to get double work done If raise in salary is asked, falsely accused of theft and thrown out If anything is lost at employer’s home, domestic worker is the first to be suspected and straight away taken to police station cPps us vPNk ugha dke fd;k] bl cgkus ij nwljs fnu Mcy dke djok ysrh gSaA vxj ixkj c<+kus dks dgk rks pksjh dk >wBk bYt+ke yxkdj fudky nsrh gSaA vxj ekyfdu ds ?kj esa dksbZ oLrw [kks x;h] rks igyk 'kd vkSj bYt+ke eksydjhu ij yxk;k tkrk gSA vkSj lh/kk iwfyl LVs’ku ij ys tkrs gSaA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

9 Very strenuous working conditions-5 dke dh ifjfLFkfr cgqr gh dfBu & 5
Young girls made to work from morning to 12 o’clock in the night On the top of it, they have to face sexual harassment and indecent behaviour from maalik or their sons Afraid to raise voice due to fear of spoiling their own reputation and losing the job Many ladies of the house also look at them with suspicion There are, of course, a few good ladies of the house NksVh NksVh cfPp;ksa ls dke djokrs gSa] mudh ekj ihV djrs gSa] lqcg ls jkr ds 12 & 1 rd dke djokrs gSaA blds vkxs ,d rjQ+ ekfyd ;k mlds csVksa ds }kjk ySafxd ’kks"k.k] xyr ut+j ls ns[kuk ;s lc gksrk gSA vkokt+ mBk;h rks [kqn gh cn~uke gks tkrs gSa ;k ukSdjh [kksus dk Mj gksrk gSA mldh rjQ+ dbZ lssBkfu;ak Hkh ’kd ysrh gSA pan lsBkfu;ak vPNh Hkh gksrh gSaA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

10 Law enacted for domestic workers in 2008 2008 esa eksydjfu;ksa ds fy, dkuwu cukA
We undertook many processions, demonstration and other activities to get the law enacted After a long struggle of 4 years, law was enacted but it has many shortcomings No board has been constituted to implement the law Important issue of social security has been ignored in the law dkuwu cukus ds fy, ekspsZ] /kjus vkSj cgqr lkjs dk;ZØe ge ysrs jgsA 4 lky dh yM+kbZ ds ckn 2008 esa eksydjfu;ksa ds fy, dkuwu cuk] ftl esa cgqr gh [kkfe;ak gSaA ;g det+ksj dkuwu ykxw djus ds fy, cksMZ Hkh ugha cuk;k gSA Lkekftd lqjf{krrk tSls vge~ eqÌs dks ut+jvankt+ fd;k x;k gSA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

11 What are our demands? ge D;k pkgrs gSa
Implement a comprehensive act for unorganised workers One paid weekly holiday must be granted Implement the principle of equal pay for equal work and extra pay for extra work vlaxfBr {ks= esa loZd’k dkuwu ykxw djks ljdkjh fu;eksa ds vuqlkj gj g¶+rs esa ,d osru lfgr NqV~Vh feyuh gh pkfg, leku dke ds fy, leku osru vkSj T;knk dke ds fglkc ls osru feyuk gh pkfg, 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

12 What are our demands? ge D;k pkgrs gSa 2
Pension must be given by government after 60 years of age Bonus for Diwali festival must be given Stipend must be given for studying children mez ds 60 lky ds ckn ljdkj us isa’ku nsuk pkfg, fnokyh cksul feyuk pkfg, lh[kusokys cPpksa dks inoh rd f’k";o`fÙk feyuh pkfg, 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

13 What are our demands-3 ge D;k pkgrs gSa & 3
Benefit of health schemes for workers Benefit of insurance scheme for workers Yellow ration card for domestic workers below poverty line dkexkj vkjksX; ;kstuk dk ykHk dkexkj chek ;kstuk dk ykHk nkfjnzÓ js[kk ds uhps vkusokys ?kjsyw et+nwjksa dks vkSj eksydjfu;ksa dks ihyk jk’ku dkMZ feyuk pkfg, 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

14 What are our demands-4 ge D;k pkgrs gSa & 4
Domestic workers should not be called to the police station during the night; police must instead inform the workers’ organisation first Government must appoint a Board for domestic workers which must have the representatives of the union jkr ds le; eksydjfu;ksa dks iqfyl Fkkus ij uk cqyk;k tk,A mlds ckjs esa lwpuk laxBu dks igys gh nsuh pkfg,A eksydjfu;ksa ds fy, ljdkj us dkexkj cksMZ fu;qDr djuk pkfg,] ftl esa laxBu ds Áfrfu/kh gksaA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

15 What our Union has been doing gekjh ;wfu;u D;k djrh vk;h gS & 1
Uniting the domestic workers After struggling for 4 years, a law was passed The struggle for a Board is on The struggle for pension is on We raise their consciousness about their rights We motivate them to fight for their rights eksydfjuksa dks ,dtwV djuk 4 lky dh yM+kbZ ds ckn 2008 esa dkuwu cuk cksMZ ds fy, yM+kbZ t+kjh isU’ku ds fy, yM+kbZ t+kjh muds D;k vf/kdkj gSa muds ckjs esa tkx`r djuk vius gd+ksa ds fy;s yM+us ds fy, Áo`Ùk djuk 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

16 What our Union has been doing gekjh ;wfu;u D;k djrh vk;h gS & 2
Fight against false accusations of theft, and agaisnt sexual exploitation We raise our voices agasint unjust employers We try to improve the health by organising various medical camps We make Self Help Groups to save themfrom the clutches of moneylenders We open their bank accounts pksjh dk >wBk bYt+ke] ySafxd ’kks"k.k ds f[kykQ+ yM+uk vU;k; djusokys ekfydksa ds f[kykQ+ vkokt+ mBkuk vyx vyx esfMdy dWEi yxkdj vkjksX; dh fLFkfr esa lq/kkj cpr xV cukdj lkodkj ds paxqy ls cpkuk c¡sd vdkmaV cukuk 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

17 What our Union has been doing gekjh ;wfu;u D;k djrh vk;h gS & 3
We register their names with the police committees so that they will not be harassed under false charges We make ration cards and Senior Citizen Cards. We organise camps on various issues like personality development and leadership development We have opened a school for 35 women iqfyl desVh esa uko ntZ djuk rkfd muds f[kykQ+ dkjokbZ uk gksa js’ku dkMZ rFkk T;s"B ukxfjd dkMZ cukuk lat; xak/kh fujk/kkj ;kstuk ds rgr isU’ku fnyokuk vyx vyx eqÌksa ij f’kfcj] tSls fd O;fDreRo fodkl vkSj usr`Ro fodkl 35 vkSjrksa ds fy, Ldwy [kksyk 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

18 Our organisation’s plans for coming days vkusokys fnuksa esa laxBu ds dk;ZØe bl Ádkj ds gSa
Every person must get a ration card Rationing system must be strengthened Every ration card holder must get minimum 35 kg foodgrains Every domestic worker must have a bank account Every self-help group must receive bank assistance gj ,d balku dks jk’ku dkMZ feyuk gh pkfg, jk’ku O;oLFkk et+cwr gksuh pkfg, gj ,d jk’ku dkMZ ij fdeku 35 fdyks vukt feyuk gh pkfg, gj ,d ckbZ dk cSad esa [kkrk gksuk gh pkfg, gj ,d cpr xV dks cSad dk leFkZu feyuk gh pkfg, 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

19 Our organisation’s plans for coming days vkusokys fnuksa esa laxBu ds dk;ZØe bl Ádkj ds gSa
Every slum must have a self-help group Work for empowerment of women Organise medical camps for improving health of women domestic workers Various consciousness raising programmes gj cLrh esa cpr xV cukuk efgyk l{kehdj.k ds fy, dk;Z eksydjfu;ksa ds vkjksX; esa lq/kkj ykus ds fy, esfMdy dWEi vyx vyx tu tkx`fr dk;ZØe 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

20 vk;kstdksa dks vkSj Jksrkx.k dks /kU;okn
Many thanks to organisers and audience vk;kstdksa dks vkSj Jksrkx.k dks /kU;okn 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

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