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Precision Agriculture in Cotton Production

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1 Precision Agriculture in Cotton Production
By: Keenen Taylor

2 History of Cotton -First know planting in 1556 in Florida
-Established along James river in 1616 -First Cotton gin Invented by Eli Whitney In1793

3 2009 OK Cotton Statistics Vs. 2009 OK Wheat Statistics
200,000 acre harvested in OK in 2009 333,000 bales produced $102,960,000 of production so cotton grossed on average $502 an acre Wheat had 3,500,000 harvested in 09 77,000,000 Bu produced $369,600,000 of production so wheat grossed on average $105.6 an acre

4 Planting Auto Steer Auto Shut Off Variable Rate

5 Seed Cost Alone COTTON SEED (BGRRF) at 30,000 plnt/ac 1.40/1000 seeds= $42.00 acre $5, field

6 Varis Rig Varis Rig Determine soil texture Determine seeding rate
30,000 plants/ac on strong bottoms and 10,000-15,000 plants/ac on red hills or sandy spots

7 Green Seeker Determine growth regulators amounts
12-15 oz of mepex on growthy spots & 0-8 oz on smaller cotton

8 Chemical Application Variable Rate = $ saved Planting Herbicides
Insecticides Growth Regulator Fungicides Not Sprayed Sprayed

9 Cotton Harvesting -Picker, Boll Buggy, & Module Builder

10 Tarp

11 The Latest Equipment -7760 John Deere Cotton Picker + Module Builder
- Base List Price $592,548

12 Work Cited Cotton Picker. The Land of Cotton. Accessed 26 April Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Cotton Seedling Row. Accessed 25 April Tarp. Accessed 27 April The Story of Cotton. Accessed 25 April 2009 State Agriculture Overview Accessed 25 April 7760 Cotton Picker. John Deere. Accessed 27 April

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