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Sonia Z. 13 years old Virginia

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1 Sonia Z. 13 years old Virginia
Hand Relaxer Sonia Z. 13 years old Virginia

2 Think it The problem I would like to solve is when people get cramps in their hand and they can’t do anything about it. I have tried to solve this by inventing something called the hand relaxer and you put it on your hand and it helps relax your hand by heat and comfort.

3 Explore it Some of the ways to solve this problem is by creating something that massages the hand while writing to help the cramps stop. I don’t believe many people have tried to solve this problem because they don’t think it’s important, but we face it every day and it affects us every day. My research shows that if I invent something more detailed that it gives off heat and massages your hand it’ll work.

4 Sketch it This is how my invention will go on the hand and the cotton will go on the inside of the wrap on top of the palm.

5 Create it The steps to inventing this invention are the following:
First you get some pre wrap just like gauze and wrap it around your hand as if you’ve sprained it. Secondly you glue, tape, or staple everything so that is stays in place. Third of all you will take cotton and glue it on the inside of the wrap but only on the palm of your hand. Fourth you will take more wrap and tape and staple it on top of the cotton. Last but not least you will put it on while writing and let it relieve your cramps.

6 Try it This bar graph is showing the effects of writing with and without my invention. Obviously when you use my invention it takes longer to get a cramp then without using it.

7 Tweak it I can tweak my prototype by having it produce heat from the relaxer itself then just relying on the cloth and your skin to get warm and heat it up. Also I can make it stop cramps for an even longer period by making it have more cushion every where other than just the palm.

8 Sell it I believe that my invention called the Hand Relaxer is something that everyone should buy because everyone gets cramps in their hand and it’s very nerve racking because there is nothing we can do to keep working because the cramp is stopping you from doing that. People should buy my product because it helps you continue on throughout what you’re doing and I believe many people will find the Hand Relaxer very useful in their everyday life.

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