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2 The vision of the Department is to move towards excellence in Higher Education in order to achieve a Just, Plural and Equitable Society in Consonance with the Constitutional Values.

3 Our Mission To prioritize the importance of the socially, economically marginalized sections of students To preserve and enrich the already rich socio-cultural traditions of the hinterland To groom the students so that after the completion of three-year Degree Course, they develop a positive frame of mind, basic communicative skills, the propensity to explain something logically, and finally a balanced personality.

4 Department of Political Science
Year of Establishment General Course: 1974 Honours Course: 1980 Name of The Programme & Courses Offered: UG ( Honours &General)

5 Glimpse of the Department
Mihir Singha Roy Swarup Ranjan Roy Shibnath Banerjee Kishalay Mojumdar Ajit Kr. Mondal

6 No. of Teaching Posts (sanctioned): 04
Assistant Professors Contractual Whole Time Teacher Guest Lecturers

7 Faculty Members Morning Section Day Section Prof. Aliul Hoque
Prof. Shilpa Shaw Prof. Bratati Ghosh Prof. Jamsed Nasir Mondal Prof. Giasuddin Saikh Morning Section Prof. Narayan Das Gupta Prof. Trina Mitra

8 Faculty Profile(Day) 1 2 3 4 5 06 1 Month 08 03 01 S l. No
Name of the Teaching Staff Qualification Designation Area of Specialization Teaching Experience in Years 1 Aliul Hoque M.A, M. Phil Asst. Professor Development Studies 06 2 Shilpa Shaw M.A, PhD Registered 1 Month 3 Bratati Ghosh M.A, M.Phil Guest Lecturer 08 4 Jamsed Nashir Mondal M.A International Relations 03 5 Giasuddin Saikh M.A Bed State and Local Politics 01

9 Faculty Profile(Morning)
S l. No Name of the Teaching Staff Qualification Designation Area of Specialization Teaching Experience in Years 1 Narayan Das Gupta M.A. C.W.T.T. International Law 24 2 Trina Mitra PhD Registered Guest Lecturer Cultural Politics 05 3 Jamsed Nasir Mondal International Relations 03

10 FACULTY STATISTICS Assistant Prof. 4 2 CWTT. 1 Guest Lecturer
Designation Sanctioned Filled Assistant Prof. 4 2 CWTT. 1 Guest Lecturer

11 Experience of Faculty Name Year of Experience Prof. Aliul Houqe 6
Prof. Shilpa Shaw Prof.Narayan Das Gupta 24 Prof.Bratati Ghosh 8 Prof. Jamsed Nasir Mondal 3 Prof. Trina Mitra 5 Prof.Giasuddin Saikh 1

12 Departmental Routine (2016-17)
Day Monday GS I(H)205 SKBIII(H)301 SSI(G)306A GSII(G)211 SSIII(H)301 SKBII(G)211 NKBI(H)208 SSI(H)206 SKBII(H)208 NKBIII(H)301 SKBI(H)303 SSII(H)208 NKBI(H)111(T) Tuesday AHII(H)205 GSIII(H)301 SSI(H)205 AHIII(H)301 AHI(H)205 SKBII(H)205 Wednesday JNMIII(H)301 NKBI(H)205 AHI(H)206 JNMI(H)206 SKBI(H)206 JNMII(H)208 NKBI(H)206 AHII(H)208 AHII(H)301(T) Thursday NKBII(G)306B SSIII(G)109 NKBI(G)306A AHII(G)306B AHII(H)206 SSII(H)206 NKBII(H)206 Friday AHIII(G)109 SKBI(H)205 SSII(G)306B AHI(G)306A NKBI(H)215(T) SKBII(H)206 Saturday NKBIII(G)109 SKBI(G)306A SKBI(H)210

13 Work load(Per week): Day
Name Classes AH 23 SS 22 BG 12 JNM GS 8

14 Work load(Per week): Morning
Name Classes NDG 19 TM 8 JNM 5

15 Student Teacher Ratio(2016-17)
Teacher-student ratio: 1:73 Teacher-student ratio:1:286 HONOURS GENERAL

16 Thrust Areas of Teaching
Public administration Political theory Political Sociology a Comparative politics Political Science Indian thought & movement Politics in India International relations Western Political Thought

17 Methods of Teaching Learning
Class Room Lectures Tutorial Classes Remedial Coaching Interactive Sessions Seminars Assignments Class-test Interaction with students beyond class room

18 Students’ Profile Admission To Honours Course – Last Five Years
Male Female Total 36 24 60 35 26 61 70 21 14 19 43

19 Student-Enrolment

20 Student-profile Year GEN SC ST OBC-A OBC-B 2010-2011 30 26 4 2011-2012
4 28 21 1 39 25 2 18 13 3 14

21 Students’ Success-Rate
YEAR APPEARED PASSED %OF SUCCESS 2010 29 28 96.6 2011 54 53 98.1 2012 45 42 93.3 2013 41 97.6 2014 26 92.9 2015 56 52 92.8 2016 33 32 96.9

22 Student Progression Student Progression Against % enrolled UG to PG
35%-40% PG to M.Phil 06 PG to Ph.D 02 Ph.D reg.

23 Institution/Department
Bright Alumni Sl. Name NET/SET Working As Institution/Department 1 Rajkumar Kothari Professor Vidyasagar University 2 Mousumi Mitra SLET Assistant Prof. Ranaghat College 3 Bimalendu Ghosh Kanchrapara College 4 Suchandra Mitra 5 Bhasawthi Chaterjee Betai College 6 Aparna Roy NET M.M.T. College 7 Kinkor Mondal Santipur College 8 Bapi basak * 2nd in UG, 2012(KU)

24 Seminar A two-day, UGC-sponsored National Level seminar on “Human Rights and the Indian State” (20 & 21 December,2011). A two-day, UGC-sponsored National Level seminar on “Changes in Federal Structure of India; Current Factors and Trends” in collaboration with Haringhata Mahavidyalaya (3rd -4th September,2014).

25 Departmental Library Books(50) Syllabus Question paper
Journals(3 types ;116 copies in total) Paper cutting Catalogue of books and journal

26 SWOC Strength: Highly dedicated faculty members; hard-working students; bright alumni, feedback from parents and students Weakness: Insufficient books & reputed journals in departmental library Opportunities: Enrolment opportunity for Post Graduate study and Research Challenges: Socio-economic status of a majority of students Fund generation for the departmental activities

27 Future plan of the department
To encourage the students to participate in seminars and workshops. To encourage the students to appear for competitive examinations. To encourage the students to indulge in community oriented services.


29 Thank You


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