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SOS Early Move-In Program Assessment ( )

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1 SOS Early Move-In Program Assessment (2015-2016)
Principal Investigator: Shalani Singh Poster by: Ben Spicer, Dean of Students Assessment Program Overview: Student Outreach Services’ early move-in program is designed to help students successfully transition to the Western community. Through workshops, interactive programs and community building activities, students will feel more connected, more confident and ready to begin their college career. Methodology: On the morning of the last day students were taken to computer labs to fill out an evaluation of the program. This was followed up by completing the CSI Survey. Student Testimonials: * “I really feel more connected to all the advisors and I know I can go to them whenever I have a question.” * “All the workshops and little meetings were all very informative and a lot of fun. I enjoyed meeting new people and making connections.” * “This experience has definitely helped ease my transition into college. I'd recommend this to all incoming freshmen.” * “Absolutely loved this program! Wish it was longer.” * “SOS is awesome, I will continue to stay involved and overall enjoy my freshman experience here at WWU.” Recommendations: OPERATIONS: Establish clear “point people” to work with in Housing and Dining Services (sometimes we were confused as to who we were supposed to talk to which led to miscommunication) Would be good to actually meet in person with who is in charge to make sure everyone is on the same page Rethink managing attendance (to comply with Res Life billing requirements). Maybe create attendance sheets for peer mentors. Figure out a way to track those who show up to all the events/workshops throughout the weekend. Getting/using a cell phone for students/families to call on their way up to WWU Make sure that all staff are in attendance for welcoming event Order more vegetarian and gluten free Rethink lunch option – the meal options for lunch at the Ridgeway Commons were not great. Renegotiate dining hall contract so that we are not paying for too many extra meals, if possible PROGRAMMING: Try to establish a time for students to get “bed parts” – many of them left the workshops early or didn’t go so that they could go get bed parts. Make Saturday lunch a little longer and tell that that is their time to go get bed parts Communicate EARLY with potential faculty members for the Faculty panel. It is hard to get a hold of them in the summer. Make the Study Abroad workshop a whole group workshop (as many students enjoyed the session and gave it high ratings in workshop feedback) Reinforce attendance at the workshops somehow Outcomes: Students reported feeling connected to Student Outreach Services and how valuable it was to establish a community of peers before school began. 94% of students responding to our survey (n=83) reported that they either agreed or strongly agreed that they felt more prepared to be successful in college. And 96% of students either agreed or strongly agreed they felt more connected to the Student Outreach Services community (peer mentors, advisors, and peers). As an office, we were excited to have 100+ students in attendance. Overall, the weekend went smoothly and students seemed to get a lot out of the experience. We felt that we were able to meet our overall program objectives and mission. We also thought the early move-in program was a great way to connect our SOS Peer Mentors with students early on. We have also seen an increase in students coming in for advising during fall quarter—many of these students attended our early move-in program.

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