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Building a Parent Program: A Roundtable Discussion

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1 Building a Parent Program: A Roundtable Discussion
March 23, 2010 Laurie Soenen Director, Annual Giving College of Charleston Foundation

2 What is a parent program?
Fundraising?? Admissions?? Student Life?? Where does it “live”?

3 Information Gathering
How are you gathering parent/ grandparent information? How are you adding this information to your database? What are you doing with this information once you have it?

4 Campus Partners Who are your campus partners?
How do they further the mission of the parent program?

5 Marketing to Parents What is your messaging?
How many times a year do they hear from you? How do parents hear from you? What else can you “give” them?

6 Fundraising with Parents
How are you using parents in fundraising efforts? How are you using students? What type of media do you use for solicitations? Are you recognizing generational differences?

7 Incentives & Stewardship
How are you stewarding parents? Do you provide parents with incentives to give? Do you tailor stewardship for different levels of parent giving?

8 Overview of the College of Charleston’s Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
50 sets of parents Meet twice a year Minimum College of Charleston Fund gift 2 meetings a year (Spring/ Fall) Subcommittee meetings on Friday Full meetings on Saturday

9 PAC Committees 3 Committee Groups Admissions Committee
Student Affairs Committee Fundraising Committee

10 PAC Committee: Admissions
Focus of the Admissions Committee State of Admissions Admissions Fairs Send-Off Events Welcome Phone Calls to New Parents

11 PAC Committee: Student Affairs
Focus of the Student Affairs Committee Career Services Campus transportation First Year Experiences Upcoming Events or Need to Knows

12 PAC Committee: Fundraising
Focus of the Fundraising Committee Primarily the Parent Leadership Drive, Phase 1 and Phase 2 Phase 1 – Targeted to PAC members Goal was $150,000 to the College of Charleston Fund Phase 2 – Targeted 350 parents during this drive Assignments based on region, class year, major, etc. 1 month to make the calls Virtual phonathon (

13 Wrap-Up Questions? 2010 Parent Fundraising Conference July in Charleston, SC Click the logo to register

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