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2013/2014 Strategic Objectives

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Presentation on theme: "2013/2014 Strategic Objectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 2013/2014 Strategic Objectives
Wornick’s mission is to be the center of compelling, challenging and extraordinary education for the North Peninsula Jewish Community.  Wornick is creating the next generation of well-educated, engaged Jewish leaders with integrity and compassion, who are prepared to excel in all future academic, social, and communal challenges. Wornick graduates love rigorous learning, have an informed Jewish identity and a lifelong connection to Israel.

2 Enrollment Enrollment for 2014-2015: 225 (define range?)
Attrition at or below 5% (not including relocaters) Kindergarten enrollment for no less than 35 New admissions director hired Improved perception of graduate preparedness - increased promoters from 30% to match peer group of 39% in next parent survey Improved Responsiveness to parent concerns about child's progress - increase promoters from 31% to match peer group of 41% in next parent survey Review behavior policy with BOT and provide anonymous incident reports and how handled as part of regular cadence Exit interviews conducted: (either within 3 weeks of family departure or all together in July/August timeframe)

3 Development Feast Your Mind goal of $65,000
Chai Excellence Fund goal of $338,000 Feast Your Mind goal of $65,000 Increase Chai Excellence Fund parent giving by 5% Secure 80% of named gifts ($1,800+) by Dec 31

4 Academic Excellence Continue developing the critical thinking assessments for additional grades. Complete assessment of the school's capacity to address learning differences. Begin sharing with other schools our "best practices" in STEM education. Complete the Torah text Standards and Benchmark project. Improve Hebrew literacy in grades 3-5

5 Long-Term Financial Sustainability
Develop strategy and seed endowment fund

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