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Mrs. Charlene Troy’s Early Childhood Special Education

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Charlene Troy’s Early Childhood Special Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Charlene Troy’s Early Childhood Special Education
Welcome Parents!! Mrs. Charlene Troy’s Early Childhood Special Education

2 Yellow Emergency Card Primary parent line is again the parent number where Text Alerts or Ozark Automated Message’s will be sent. Additional persons who are authorized to pick up your child will have to show an identification card/license for bus or car. It is good to call the school of changes but can send a note with first and last name and phone number of person picking up your child.

3 Attendance/Absence Very important to be here regularly so you child gets into the routine and schedule of the school day. Most children thrive in a structured environment. Call the school ahead of time if your child is going to be absent and leave a message. Notify the BUS BARN! School Day 8:30 -11:30 and 12:30 -3:30

4 Drop off / Pick Up Drop off begins at 8:25 or 11:25, pick up at 11:25 or 3:25 in the back of the bulding. If the attendant is not there, then please come into the building. There is no childcare available. Our time is valuable, please be respectful of it. All visitors to the building must sign in at the front office.

5 DRILLS MOM!!! The Fire Alarm went off at school! We had to hide under the table! We had to lay on the floor for a lonnnggg time! We had to be really quite a bad guy came in the building! We will have monthly drills. Tornado Intruder Fire Earthquake

6 Dress/Clothing Remember we LOVE to BE MESSY!! Clothing should be easy for your child to manage on their own. Running & Climbing requires good shoes! Weather appropriate clothing! Outside play in cold and hot weather. Wide straps and long shirts. Dresses always include shorts at school!

7 Handbook Signature Page
Read the handbook! Next to the last page is a page to sign that verifies that you have read the handbook provided. Last page is the school calendar!

8 Enrollment Form We will send the automated Ozark message to your primary number. See back of form for parents or guardians who do not live at your address.

9 Media Release If you say “NO” then child will not be included in a yearbook. Usually a picture or video will be shared with a local newspaper or TV station for special activities the school has been involved in like a special field trip, fundraiser, or special visitor to the school.

10 Parent Volunteer Form Must be filled out to come and help out with school parties and field trips. Background check will be run.

11 Yellow Nurse Form 100 degrees or higher child will be sent home. 24 hours free of fever before returning to school (Goes home sick Monday at 10:30, Tuesday at 6 AM child has no fever but did at 11pm Monday night thus student may not come to school until Wednesday.) No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. School Nurse will contact you if shots are not up to date.

12 Ozark ECC Snack Milk Program
Please return form with your name on the outside of the packet EVEN IF YOU DO NOT QUALIFY. This helps us with funding by indicating that we offered and it was declined.

13 Contacting Me Before 4pm call the secretary, she will take a message and let me know you called. After 4pm you can leave a message on my room phone using the extension given. If it is an emergency, which can happen, you are welcome to call me on my cell provided.

14 Schedule Motor Lab: Movement large and small helps your brain to grow! Snack: Children offered 2 choices for food and 3 choices for drink. Centers: Required to visit each center by end of the week. We rotate centers throughout the week. Outside Play Rules: Consistency between school and home.

15 Supply List and Snacks Washable, Washable, Washable!!! Sometimes we get soaked through . Extra underwear and socks too!! Healthy, Healthy, Healthy Remember snack is NOT breakfast or lunch ! Don’t skip these meals.

16 Getting to Know Your Child Form
Used to help with incentives when needed. To help plan fun activities for my students. Helps verify questions that I ask the students to increase language and communication skills. TWO-SIDED: Allergy/Medical info on back!!

17 Behavior Stress the positive  Replace undesired behaviors with appropriate behaviors. Give choices! Won’t choose? I will choose for you! Consistency is the key!

18 Communication Communication folder –Notes about pick/up and drop/off, behavior at school, my child didn’t sleep well last night, etc. PLEASE READ EVERY DAY and keep us posted on anything you think we may need to know regarding your child. Monthly Newsletter: Curriculum, upcoming field trips, days off, Snack information, school activities.

19 Services Offered Occupational Therapy: sensory and social Physical Therapy: motor planning and script form Vision Therapy Hearing Impaired Therapy

20 Development of your child
Drawing: scribbles to lines and shapes Handwriting: Correct formation, begin now Building: lining up to imitation of structures Pretend play: imitating you to creative play

21 Get Ready for a Colorful Year!!
I am very excited to have your child in class and can’t wait till we can jump in and get started. Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of your child’s educational life!! 

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