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Welcome to Ms. Cole’s First Grade Class
David E Smith Elementary (817) Ms. Kimberly Cole (817) Voic is activated during school hours. Use REMIND to contact me. Friend our Class Facebook Page: Cole's Peanut-Gang Webpage: Go to “schools”, David E Smith website and find my name under “faculty and staff”.
Communications Student Daily Folder Newsletter Each Six Weeks
Calendar In Folder REMIND Phone Calls
School Hours and Dismissal
The tardy bell rings at 8:10. If you arrive at school later than 8:10 please go to the office to receive a tardy slip. No early dismissals after 3:00p.m. Anyone picking student up must have the student card. If you need more cards contact the office. We will dismiss on Stephanie.
Attendance If you know your child is going to be absent for a scheduled appointment please let us know. Afternoon appointments would be best if possible. You can call the office and let them know if your child is going to be absent due to illness. Please send a note when your child returns to school. Students should not attend school if they are running a fever and should not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours. If a student vomits they should not return to school until they have been vomit free for 24 hours.
Breakfast/Lunch Breakfast Lunch
Served 7:30 – 8:00 Free for all students Lunch Class lunch time 11:10 – 11:40 cost for elementary students is $2.70 You are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. Adult lunch costs $3.65 We encourage First Grade students to only purchase extra snacks on Friday. You can apply for free or reduced meals online or pick up an application from the office.
Classroom Expectations:
Rewards: Praise, hugs, high fives, stickers, positive reinforcement. Prize box. Positive note to parents. Classroom Expectations: I can be respectful to myself and others. I can listen and follow directions. I can raise my hand to speak on the rug. I can keep my hands and feet to myself. I can talk at appropriate times. I can work hard to finish my work. I can behave while in the hallway. I can behave while in the cafeteria. Discipline Plan: Step 1. Verbal with redirection Step 2. Teacher Consequence: Step 3. Isolation Step 4. Parent Contact Step 5. Office Referral
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conference times 2:30 – 3:15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 3:40 Monday and Tuesday Before school by request To schedule a conference please call the office 817/ Conferences will be used to discuss students progress and concerns. At least two conferences will be scheduled a year. Please do not try to conference with teachers before or after school during drop off/pick up. We are responsible for the safety of all children at those times.
Curriculum We follow the Texas essential knowledge and skills for First Grade. You can find a copy of these on the Texas Education Agency website. Instruction takes place in whole group, small group and independent learning workshops. ELAR - Texas Treasures, District resources Math – Texas Go Math Science – Stemscopes Social Studies – My World (Texas)
First Grade Mastery Expectations
Reading level: I Writing Level: 5-6 Math Assessment Score: 370
Reading Level Expectations
Beginning of the Year: Reading Level C End of the Year: Reading Level I Reading Level Expectations
Spanish Reading Level Expectations
Beginning of the Year: Reading Level C End of the Year: Reading Level I Spanish Reading Level Expectations
English Writing Level Expectations
Beginning of the Year: STAGE 4 End of the Year: STAGE 6 English Writing Level Expectations
Spanish Writing Level Expectations
Beginning of the Year: STAGE 4 End of the Year: STAGE 6 Spanish Writing Level Expectations
Homework Sent home Monday Return on Friday May include:
Spelling, Reading Comprehension, Math, Reading, Sight Word Practice Beginning 4th week of school Sign Reading Log and Homework Sign-off sheets Weekly. Reading Log options: Books from school, books from the library, Raz-Kids, books from the public library, etc.
Reading Comprehension Homework Examples
Sight Word Booklets
“In a Snap” Words Students must be able to READ and WRITE
all of these words in a snap.
Folders Each child will have a daily take home folder. It will contain notes on calendar with behavior as needed, notes, homework, newsletter, completed school work. This folder is one of our means of communication. Please check with your child and review the contents of the folder daily. Folders are checked upon return for any information. Your child is responsible for bringing their backpack and folder to school daily.
Library Information We will be attending the library every week during our specials rotation. Please return all library books WEDNESDAYS so that your child will be eligible to check out new books. Scholastic Book Club Strictly optional, please make checks out to Scholastic Book Club. Brochures will be sent home throughout the school year.
Parent Participation Read with your child daily.
Assist your child with weekly homework. Ask them questions about books they read. Ask them questions and allow them to answer in complete sentences or work on oral vocabulary. Check with teacher for consumable items that you can provide for the class.
Progress Report Cards A report card of academic skills, social skills and work habits goes home every six weeks. Please return the signed report card envelope to school. This indicates you have received and reviewed the report card. An updated IEP for students who receive special services will also go home each six weeks.
Assessment, RTI & Tutorials
Students will participate in formal assessments three - four times a year for Reading, Writing and Math. If students demonstrate an area of weakness they can be recommended for intervention small group classes. If students demonstrate an area of weakness tutorials will be offered before school or after school to provide extra instruction.
First Grade Attire See the BISD student handbook for dress code.
Students must wear tennis to P.E. daily.
Medication and Allergies
All medications are to be dispensed by the school nurse and must be in an original container. If your child has been ill they should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please notify the nurse and your teacher of any child with asthma or medical conditions we should be aware of. We also need to know of allergies of any kind.
Class Parties and Birthday Recognition
Christmas – No gift exchange Valentine’s Day – Exchange cards and Ice Cream Social End of School We will contact families for help and any supplies needed. Your child’s birthday will be recognized in class.
Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, you must fill out a volunteer information sheet from the PTA. This can be done online at the BISD website. We can also use volunteers at home to prepare materials. (select “for family” then on “volunteer partnership” to find the application).
Guest Reader Throughout the year I would like to invite families to come and read to the class. If you have a favorite children’s book you can share it or I can provide a book to be read.
Sharing Time If at any time you have materials that might interest the class and pertain to our unit of study, (according to the newsletter) please feel free to contact the teacher to set up a time to share. Children may not bring toys to school unless it is at teacher request or they have prior approval.
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