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Welcome to Year 5 Meet & Greet for Parents & Carers

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1 Welcome to Year 5 Meet & Greet for Parents & Carers

2 Adults in the Year 5 team Mrs Millar – Year 5 teacher, Mulberry.
Mr Shone – Year 5 teacher, Redwood. Mrs Mackay – Teaching assistant, whole year group. Mrs Grigg – UKS2 Leader.

3 How to contact us Open door policy at end of day
or telephone to arrange an appointment if a longer time is needed Reading diary Parent\Carers’ evening – before half term

4 Your child needs to bring these things to school every day:
Reading book, reading diary Water bottle Healthy snack – fruit, vegetables, savoury biscuits/money Named belongings Ideally PE kit.

5 P.E / games / swimming Outdoor PE / games – Monday afternoon. Indoor PE / games – Wednesday afternoon Swimming – Spring Term. We are encouraging the children to bring in their correct kit which includes white t-shirt, black shorts and the correct footwear.

6 Creative Curriculum All lessons based loosely on the school theme of ‘We love books’. Year 5 are looking at the origins of paper, Ancient Egypt!

7 Supporting learning Many children will have the opportunity to work in small groups or individually throughout the year to support them in their learning. This may include: TA support- working with individuals and small groups Interventions - led by teachers and TAs.

8 Standards Children have clear learning objectives for every lesson and the teacher marks the work according to this objective. Children have short focused next steps to help them achieve their end of year targets. These are either a question, action or challenge. They are involved in assessing their performance and encouraged to work towards improving their skills.

9 Reading Challenge. Daily if possible, from a range of materials to include fiction, poems, non-fiction. Share literature together. Comment in the reading diary. There will be more details at a later date about our ‘reading miles’ scheme. This will help us, as a school, to encourage the children to read for pleasure as often as possible. The number of ‘miles’ accumulated will contribute towards getting a free book.

10 Home Learning Challenges
This will be given out once a week. It will normally consist of English and Maths, and there will always be spellings. Our homework may consist of home learning challenges. These will include a range of different activities to challenge the children’s thinking. We will still be encouraging the children to regularly practice their times tables. The requirement from the New Curriculum is that by the end of year 4 they should have learnt all their tables, up to 12x12!

11 At home . . . Read anything! Library, book club, magazines, games instructions, newspapers, signs, recipes, etc. Write for a purpose: Postcards, shopping lists, thank you letters, web page etc. Use Maths: Cook, look for patterns, shop, etc. Science: notice the world , point out clouds, weather patterns, plants and seeds, electricity, landforms, discuss how things work, etc. Keep checking the website!

12 Year 5 Events Tattenhall this term.
Music lessons, culminating in performing with the Halle Orchestra. Year 5 WEP Christmas Performance at The Lifestyle Centre in December. Other curriculum-based trips, potentially the World Museum in Liverpool in the Summer Term.

13 For essential progress
Children have to be in school to learn at 8.50. Expectation that they will work hard at all times. Expectation that year 5 will model expected behaviour to our younger children. Behaviour to learn, this includes having the correct equipment, i.e. PE kits. Homework completed. Every second counts.

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