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Latest results from the superfluid-helium UCN source SUN2 at ILL

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1 Latest results from the superfluid-helium UCN source SUN2 at ILL
« All along the conference we will see presentations of experiments using Ultra-cold neutons, and their interests for fundamental physics. But production of these UCNs is still a research field. I will present here developements and results done at ILL on a new Source of Ultra-cold neutrons (SUN2) using Superfluid Helium.» Florian MARTIN ILL, Grenoble

2 New Source of Ultracold Neutrons
Physical Principle: 8.9 A Neutron Downscattering  Single phonon excitation in LHe No nuclear absorption loss for neutrons  High UCNs densities can be achieved (~ few 100 UCNs/cm3 ) (Golub et al. Physics letter 62A, 337 (1977) ) -Dedicated beam ILL : H172B -Experiments goal: High UCNs densities > 100 UCNs/cm3 Test of differents configurations (cold guide, extraction system,…) UCNs Extraction to room temperature  For room temperature experiments (Cf O.Zimmer presentation on Thursday) Increase size of character Remove monochromator 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

3 Cold Neutron Beam Dedicated position, shared beam
Primary beam secondary beam First/second order bragg peaks Improve transition from previous slide Dedicated position, shared beam a 8x8 cm2 homogeneous beam flux ~108 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

4 Source preparation UCN production vs Temperature
Liquid Helium Source Filling UCN production vs Temperature First hand change of the gif then gif remove points on the filling graph 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

5 Density measurements Experiment: RESULTS - UCN accumulation for 300s
- turn off beam - count UCNs RESULTS Temperature is 630 mK Number of UCNs counted : with fit extrapolation : Source volume: 4l  ~120 UCNs/cm3 Number of UCNs whithout the fit, calculated errors 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

6 Storage time constants
Experiment : UCN accumulation for 300s then turn off beam wait for a delay time count UCNs RESULTS Fit of decay curves by exponential sums: @630 mK: A1= 193E3 ± 26E3, Tau1 = 37.1s ± 6.3s A2= 206E3 ± 27E3, Tau2 = 165s ± 14s Increase size of graph remove the text? Add error and pre factor for comparison 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

7 Longitudinal UCN velocities
Experiment: Time Of Flight In vacuum measurement About 1 m flight path Cascade Detector (detection in thin B layer) 630mK: Velocities centered on 5m/s Cutoff due to Al foil on detector 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

8 Conclusion and perspectives
The new UCN source SUN2 is under test at ILL on a dedicated beam position High UCN density measured ~ 120 UCNs/cm3 Soft UCN spectrum (horizontal velocities about 5 m/s) Connect lifetime experiment HOPE to the source Improve UCN extraction and cryogenics Improve storage time by magnetic reflector 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

9 present SUN2 collaboration
Serguei Ivanov, Michael Kreuz, Kent Leung, Florian Martin, Felix Rosenau, Martin Simson, Oliver Zimmer (ILL) Thorsten Lauer (TU Munich, Ni/Mo coatings, UCN TOF experiments) Mikhail Lasakov (PNPI, Be coatings) 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

10 ANNEXES 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

11 Tof 09-Sept-2013 F.Martin Latests results

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