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Finding the Remedy Didi Ananda Ruchira.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding the Remedy Didi Ananda Ruchira."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding the Remedy Didi Ananda Ruchira

2 Analyzing your case What is the eliminating rubric(s) that you will use to determine the remedy? What are key rubrics that you will use? Have you included rubrics from each category: generals, mentals, particulars and R&P? Have you weighted the sx and the remedies? Have you taken into consideration small unusual remedies, and not simply relied on polychrests?

3 Choosing the Remedy What are the differential remedies (ddx) that you are considering? What are the differences between them? Check confirmatories by looking at relevant keynote symptoms of the remedy and ask the patient the same. What is your prognosis? What will you expect to happen next? How long do you expect the remedy will take to act? What will you do, prescribe or ask the next time you see this patient?

4 Repertorization & Remedy Selection

5 Repertorization & Remedy Selection

6 Dealing with the Patient
Have you educated the patient regarding homeopathy & natural medicine? Have you asked the patient what is his /her expectations for healing? Have you educated the patient regarding his /her role in the healing process? Have you created a partnership of healing with the patient? Have you educated the patient on correct way of taking the remedies /herbs? Have you correctly advised patients who are on allopathic drugs to stay on them until they see their allopathic doctor? Have you advised /counselled the patient as to your diagnosis (if any) and prognosis? Have you noted on the case whether the patient is possibly HIV+ and needs VCT? Have you counselled or will counsel?

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