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Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Crossculture Bioethics 2017

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1 Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Crossculture Bioethics 2017
Application Deadline: April 15, 2017 Contact: Ms. Jiu Chen at for application 中醫及跨文化倫理簡介 J U L Y J U L Y 2 8 ,

2 Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Crossculture Bioethics 2017
A two-week summer course in “Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Cross Culture Bioethics” at the National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine (Tainan, Taiwan) is to be offered from July 18 th– July 28th, 2017 for undergraduate and graduate students. The main objective of the course is to give students an overview on Chinese Medicine. Topics include: 1) History of Chinese Medicine 2) Chinese Herbs that have been widely used in Chinese society 3) Ingredients of Chinese herbs that have been proved to have biological functions 4) Current clinical trial compounds derived from Chinese herbs 5) Hands on Chinese medicine such as identifying pressure points, acupuncture and cupping We will also have the chance to visit R&D facilities at pharmaceutical company and learn how the Chinese Medicine is marketed.  There will be some cultural activities as well. The most important part is that the students will have the chance to meet local NCKU students, explore the oldest city of Taiwan, visit night markets, try local delicacies and learn a little about the medical health care system of our country. Students need to pay their own travel, housing and living expense and about 1500NTD for the course expenses. For all activities, students must show proof of insurance during their stay.

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