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Choosing reputable journal to publish scientific research

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1 Choosing reputable journal to publish scientific research
Prof. Alaa H. Al-Charrakh (Ph.D) Babylon University, Iraq

2 ● Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is the obvious goal of most research projects.
● Submitting a manuscript to an unsuitable journal is one of the most common mistakes made by authors.

3 STEM & HASS A Research is either STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Medicine) or HASS (humanities, arts and social sciences). Modern research has been transformed from mono-disciplinary approach to inter-disciplinary approach: - Mono‐disciplinary research is conducted within the boundaries of a specific discipline, contributing primarily to the advancement of knowledge in that discipline; - Multi‐disciplinarity bring together two or more disciplines without integration; and - Inter‐‐disciplinarity blends the approaches of two or more disciplines often leading to the creation of a new discipline.

4 To send a research manuscript one should be careful:
•Do not send your research article in any journal which will not get proper citations. •Less the citations less ‘H-index'. Less ‘H-index' less possibility to get: - Good research funds - Fellowship of top societies - International assignments In 21st century – articles on resistance, superbugs, and the prospects of a post-antibiotic era. Situation due to earlier Complacency about importance of bacterial infections Belief that development of antibiotics had controlled infectious diseases

5 A citation improves only by:
1. Impact factor journal (Released by Thompson Reuters). Impact Factor remains the default method for determining the quality and reputation of a journal.

6 2. Indexed & abstracted in Pubmed/ Medline, SCOPUS, Thompson Reuters, etc…

7 3. Good publishing house like:
Elsevier, Springer, PLoS, Nature house, John Willey, Wiley-Blackwell, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Taylor & Francis LTD, Wolter Kluwers, deGruyter,

8 Online open access journals are published their researches (contents) into two platforms:
1- Many international journals are part of a publisher's multi-title platform 2- Some journals are "single titles." They publish independently of any multi-title publisher.

9 Be careful of publishing online open access journals

10 Publishing in reputable Journal
There are two ways:

11 Publishing in IF journal (Released by Thompson Reuters).
Journal Citation Reports (JCR): More than 11,265 Journals released in Complete list of the titles covered JCR is available at: List of Journals receiving their first IF is available at:


13 To search for journal with IF (Released by Thompson Reuters)
To search for journal with IF (Released by Thompson Reuters). ●However, the cost of publication can also be viewed as a restriction, as most journals with IF charge very high article processing fees.

14 2. Publishing in Scopus® database journals (using SJR)
SJR is publicly available portal that includes the journals scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). SJR includes over 22,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers from 239 countries worldwide.

15 Broad, multi-disciplinary coverage.

16 Scopus publications & Publishers

17 Beware of Scopus –Cancelled Journals
Titles that do not meet the Scopus quality criteria anymore and therefore Scopus discontinued the forward capturing. A list of Scopus –Cancelled Journals is available at:

18 Subject categories of Journals in SJR (Scopus)

19 Choosing Journal from Scopus database (SJR)














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