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Published byPreston Wright Modified over 6 years ago
Chapter 21: Iterators
Objectives After studying this chapter you should understand the following: the role of iterators in container classes; various implementations of the Iterator interface; iterators as an abstraction of indexes in list operations; the notion of an internal iterator; the basic structure of the java.util.Collection hierarchy. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Objectives Also, you should be able to:
use iterators in algorithms dealing with lists; define a class that provides a new implement of the Iterator interface. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Cost of accessing list elements
Need to access each element of a list. Use index to access an element of the list. for array-based implementations: get(i) is constant. for linked implementations: get(i) is linear. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Cost of accessing list elements
For a linked implementation: for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i = i+1) do something with list.get(i); It’s quadratic, while: int i = list.indexOf(element); list.remove(i); both statements are linear Need: Reduce cost of linked-list traversals. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator An object associated with container that sequentially accesses each element in the container. nhUtilites.containers2 contains classes described. The standard package java.util includes a different interface also named Iterator<E>. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator public interface Iterator<Element> extends Cloneable
Iterator for accessing and traversing elements of a container. public void reset () Initialize this Iterator to reference the first element. public void advance () Advance this Iterator to the next element. require: !this.done() public boolean done () No more elements to traverse in the container. public Element get () Element this Iterator currently references. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator (cont) public boolean equals (Object obj)
The specified Object is an Iterator of the same class as this, and references the same relative element of the same container. public boolean traverses (Object container) This Iterator traverses the specified container. public Object clone () A copy of this Iterator. public void setEqualTo (Iterator<Element> other) Set this Iterator to reference the same container element as the specified Iterator. Both Iterators must traverse the same container. require: this.traverses(container) implies other.traverses(container) ensure: this.equals(other) May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Using Iterator Assume container c, and i an iterator for it.
Can access each element in container as follows: i.reset(); while (!i.done()) { do something with i.get(); i.advance(); } Example: To see if element is in container: i.reset(); while (!i.done() && !i.get().equals(element)) i.advance(); May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
int indices and iterators
An index int variable is a simple for of iterator: It is reset by setting variable to 0. Advanced by incrementing variable . It is done when variable equals the length of the list. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator implementations
Every iterator implementation is coupled to its container. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator for array-based implementations
public class ListIterator<Element> implements Iterator<Element> { private int current; // index into theList private List<Element> theList; // the List this Iterator references /** * Create a new iterator for the specified List. */ public ListIterator (List<Element> list) { theList = list; current = 0; } May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator for array-based implementations
//Initialize this Iterator to reference the first public void reset () { current = 0; } //Advance this Iterator to next element. public void advance () { current = current + 1; //No more elements to traverse in the container. public boolean done () { return current >= theList.size(); //Container element this Iterator currently references. public Element get () { return theList.get(current); May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator for Linked lists
Define an iterator for LinkedList<Element> as a private inner class. It can then directly access implementation structure of the LinkedList and of component Nodes. It keeps a reference to Node containing current element. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator for Linked lists
private class Iterator implements nhUtilities.containers.Iterator<Element> { private Node current; //Create a new Iterator for this LinkedList public Iterator () { reset(); } //Initialize this Iterator to reference the first element. public void reset () { current = LinkedList.this.first; //Advance this Iterator to next element. public void advance () { current =; May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator for Linked lists
//No more elements to traverse in the container. public boolean done () { return current == null; } //Container element this Iterator currently references. public Element get () { return current.element; May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Creating iterators for containers
List<Element> includes method for creating an iterator public Iterator<Element> iterator () Create a new Iterator for this List. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Default creation of iterators
AbstractList<Element> creates ListIterator<Element> as the default iterator. public abstract class AbstractList<Element> implements List<Element> { … public Iterator<Element> iterator () { return new ListIterator<Element>(this); } This default implementation is only good for array-based implementations. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Creation of LinkedList<Element> iterators
The class LinkedList<Element>, overrides iterator() method and returns an instance of LinkedList<Element>.Iterator May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
List<Element> with Iterator parameters
We’d like to be able to delete the element identified by an iterator, change it, insert an element in front of it, etc. Overload List<Element> methods that take index arguments with methods taking iterator arguments. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
List<Element> with Iterator parameters
public Element get (Iterator<Element> iterator) The Element referenced by the specified Iterator. public Iterator<Element> iteratorAt (Element element) An Iterator referencing first occurrence of specified Element in this List<Element>; Iterator<Element> is done if not found. public void add (Iterator<Element> iterator, Element elm) Insert Element at position. The Iterator will reference the newly added Element. public void remove (Iterator<Element> iterator) Remove Element at position. Iterator will reference Element following removed Element. If no Element follows removed Element `iterator.done() is true. public void set (Iterator<Element> iterator, Element elm) Replace the element at the specified position with the specified Element. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Improving Iterator for LinkLists
LinkedList<Element>.Iterator references “current” node of a LinkedList<Element>. Sufficient to implement get and set. To implement remove and add, need reference to Node preceding current Node. Must traverse list to find needed Node. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Improving Iterator for LinkLists
To solve problem: keep a pair of references in the iterator, one to the current Node and one to the preceding Node. Or keep a reference to the Node preceding current one. In either case, it will simplify things if LinkedList<Element> has a header May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
DoublyLinkedList<Element> Iterators
It is possible to move forward or backward through a doubly linked list as each node contains forward and backward references. Define an Iterator<Element> extension that permits forward and backward traversal of a list, and ensure that a DoublyLinkedList<Element> creates such an iterator. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
public interface BiDirectionalIterator<Element> extends Iterator<Element> public boolean done () This Iterator has been advanced past the last element, backed up past the first element, or the container is empty. Equivalent to offRight() || offLeft(). public boolean offRight () This Iterator has been advanced past the last element, or the container is empty. public boolean offLeft () This Iterator has been backed up past the first element, or the container is empty. public void advance () Move this Iterator forward to the next element. If this.offLeft() and the container is not empty, move to the first element. public void backup () Move this Iterator back to the previous element. If this.offRight() and the container is not empty, move to the last element. require !this.offLeft() May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterators and List modifications
what will the state of the i iterator be after executing list.remove(j); or list.remove(2); May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterators and List modifications
If a List is modified via an index, all Iterators that reference the List become invalid. Furthermore, if a List is modified by an Iterator, all other Iterators that reference the List become invalid. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Internal Iterators: forEachDo
Client provides an operation and iterator itself applies operation to each container element. They support performing some specific operation on each item in the container. We consider adding this feature to the List interface. The operation to be performed should be provided as a method argument, encapsulated in an object. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Internal Iterators: forEachDo
We define an interface to model an operation: public void execute (Element element) The operation. public interface Operation<Element> An operation to be performed on an Element. Method forEachDo has an Operation parameter: // Perform Operation on each element public void forEachDo (Operation<Element> operation); May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Internal Iterators: forEachDo
Using an Iterator, forEachDo can be implemented in AbstractList<Element> : public void forEachDo (Operation<Element> operation) { Iterator<Element> iterator = this.iterator(); iterator.reset(); while (!iterator.done()) { operator.execute(iterator.get()); iterator.advance(); } May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Internal Iterators: forEachDo
For example, suppose roll is a List<Student> and want to add ten points to each Student’s grade: roll.forEachDo( new Operation<Student> () { public void execute(Student element) { element.setGrade(element.getGrade() + 10); } }); May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Limitations of forEachDo
forEachDo allow to perform an operation on each list element. It does not allow to replace elements. Nor to query list for a value that requires querying each element. Handling such problems requires more structure. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Complexity of List features
Array-based linked get(int) constant Linear get(Iterator) indexOf(Element) linear iteratorAt(Element) add(Element) add(Iterator,Element) add(int, Element) remove(int) remove(Iterator) set(int,Element) set(Iterator, Element) May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
Java package java.util defines a set of interfaces and classes rooted at interface Collection<Element>. This hierarchy contains members closely related to classes and interfaces described in this chapter. The library available since Java 1.2, and retrofitted for type parameters in Java 1.5. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
Collection models a generalized container. Some Collections allow duplicate elements, others do not. Some Collections impose an ordering on the elements; some are unordered. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
Collection methods include: public boolean contains (Element e) This collection contains the specified element. pubic boolean isEmpty() This collection contains no elements. public int size () The number of elements in this collection. public java.util.Iterator iterator() An iterator over the elements in this collection. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
Operations add and remove elements are “optional.” An implementing class can choose to support them or not. public boolean add (Element element) throws UnsupportedOperationException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
List extends Collection. This interface models a sequential collection in which elements can be accessed by index. A List can contain duplicate elements, but operations to add and remove elements are still specified as optional. java.util.Set extends Collection and specifies a Collection that does not contain duplicate elements. Classes AbstractCollection, AbstractList, and AbstractSet provide skeletal implementations of the interfaces. Concrete implementation classes extend these abstract classes. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
Array-based list implementations extending AbstractList Java.util.ArrayList java.util.Vector. Array-based implementations grow automatically. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
java.util.LinkedList extends AbstractSequentialList, which extends AbstractList. It provides a doubly-linked list implementation. Its iterator() method returns an iterator that allows bi-directional traversal of the linked list. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
The java.util Collection<Element> hierarchy
«interface» AbstractCollection<Element> Collection<Element> AbstracListElement> «interface» AbstractList<Element> List<Element> Vector<Element> AbstractSequentialList<Element> LinkedList<Element> May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator interface Interface Iterator<Element> specifies three methods: public boolean hasNext () The iteration has more public Element next () throws NoSuchElementException The next element in the iteration. Throws NoSuchElementException if hasNext() is false public void remove () throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the iterator (optional operation). This method can be called only once per call to next. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator interface Query hasNext is essentially the converse of our Iterator method done. Note that method next is not a proper query since it changes the state of the iterator. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Iterator interface We could implement next by accessing the current element and then advancing the iterator: public Element next () { Element temp = this.get(); this.advance(); return temp; } May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
ListIterator interface
ListIterator<Element> extends Iterator<Element>. With a ListIterator, can traverse a list in either direction, can modify the list during iteration. It includes a method previous that serves as a companion to next, and optional methods for adding, removing, and setting list elements. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary Providing both array-based and linked implementations for List raises the question of method performance. Array-based access is in constant time. Linked based access requires linear time. Simple operations that iterate through each List element become quadratic for linked implementations when elements are accessed by index. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary Abstract index: iterators.
Iterators allow us to iterate through each element of a List in linear time, regardless of the implementing structure. Iterator provides operations for traversing a List while examining each List element. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary The structure of each List implementation dictates the algorithms used to traverse it; iterator implementations are tightly coupled to the structure they traverse. Provide each implementation with an inner class that implements an appropriate iterator. List client is provided with a factory method to create iterators suitable for chosen implementation. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary List operations that take an index can be overloaded with operations that take Iterator instances, providing a richer List abstraction. Care must be taken in specifying Iterator behavior with regard to List modification. We chose to mimic the behavior of indexes as closely as possible. deleting an element with a given index “moves” the next element of the List up to that index position. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary Must exercise care when modifying a List referenced by an Iterator by a means other than with the Iterator. For instance, if we delete a List element by index, we assume that any Iterators referencing the List become invalid. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary Iterators give rise to the internal iterator abstraction, where the implementor is in full control of the traversal. Defined a List method forEachDo that performed an operation provided as an argument on each element of the List. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
Summary Short tour of Collection<Element> interfaces and abstractions in the standard Java package java.util. Collection interface provides a very rich abstraction with several implementations. List is an interface that extends Collection and models a sequential collection in which elements can be accessed by index. java.util also provides iterators for Collections. May 2004 NH-Chapter 21
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