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Google Scholar Citations

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Presentation on theme: "Google Scholar Citations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Scholar Citations
Hawler Medical University

2 Outline How to open a Google Scholar Citations account
Step by step (computer and internet) Help your colleagues at your department Other important accounts (ResearchGate, LinkedIn, ORCID) Types of publications/journals in university ranking Faculty profile on college website

3 Why Google Scholar Citations?
A simple way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles Check who is citing your publications (& how) Compute your citation metrics Make your profile public to appear during search

4 National University Ranking
Why Google Scholar Citations? National University Ranking


6 Needed for your profile on college website
Why Google Scholar Citations? Needed for your profile on college website

7 Aim To have most of the faculty staff at HMU to open Google Scholar Citations account and use it actively To include HMU in the ranking list of the universities by Google Scholar Citations

8 How to open an account
Sign in with your gmail account Provide your information (hmu if available) Check and add your articles Edit your profile (photo, make your profile public) Verify your “hmu” Create alerts Understand the citation indices Search Google Scholar

9 How to open an account
Sign in with your gmail account Provide your information (hmu if available) Check and add your articles Edit your profile (photo, make your profile public) Verify your “hmu” Create alerts Understand the citation indices Search Google Scholar

10 - - My citations

11 Sign in with your gmail account

12 Provide your information
Name: as appear in your publications Affiliation: Provide full information; Scientific title, Department, College, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq university/college

13 Provide your information
Provide full info to enhance the search function of your name and profile Professor, Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Kurdistan region, Iraq

14 Check and add your articles
To avoid the problem of similar names, common names



17 Your account is now created Edit your profile

18 Verify your email Open your university/college email

19 Create alerts (optional)

20 Create alerts (optional)

21 Create alerts (optional)

22 Add co-authors

23 View who cited your work


25 Search – Researchers or universities

26 Soran U

27 Citation indices: Citations
Citations: This is the number of citations to all publications. The second column has the “recent” version of this metric which is the number of new citations in the last 5 years to all publications.

28 Citation indices: h-index
h-index: is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h citations. The second column has the “recent” version of this metric which is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h new citations in the last 5 years. Productivity + Citation impact

29 Citation indices: i10-index
i10-index: is the number of publications with at least 10 citations. The second column has the “recent” version of this metric which is the number of publications that have received at least 10 new citations in the last 5 years.

30 - Articles will be added automatically in future - But you can check and add new articles

31 Check and add new articles

32 Check and add new articles

33 Add your articles manually

34 Delete your account

35 Delete account

36 Sign in and Sing out

37 More information …

38 More personal accounts
ResearchGate LinkedIn ORCID

39 ResearchGate


41 LinkedIn


43 ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)


45 Issues in the university ranking
Publications Faculty profile

46 Publications for ranking


48 Thomson Reuters

49 Scopus

50 DOI

51 DOI


53 Faculty staff profile

54 Profile sample – to be placed on college website

55 Focal points to collect a similar sample from faculty staff and give that to IT of the college

56 Message Create and update your own accounts
Help your colleagues to create Google Scholar Citations accounts Help them to identify journal with TR impact factors, indexed by Scopus and with DOI

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