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Fire Safe Kids Fire Prevention Fire Safe Kids

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1 Fire Safe Kids
Fire Prevention Fire Safe Kids

2 The "Three Ps" What does "fire safety" mean? Some think that fire safety is simply knowing what to do if your clothes catch on fire. Well, that is part of it. Fire safety is everything you need to know to be safe, to make your home safe, and knowing what to do if ever a fire starts in your home. And how do we learn "all that stuff?" Well, over the next four pages we are going to learn together about the "Three Ps" of fire safety: Prevent, Plan and Practice.

3 Prevent Fires To "prevent a fire" is just another way of saying, "to stop a fire before it ever starts." Here are some things you can do in your home to prevent fires: Never cook without an adult present.Don't play in the kitchen when someone is cooking.Keep towels and other flamables away from stove-tops, fire places and heaters.Never place clothes or other flamables on a lamp.Do not plug too many items into a single electical outlet. Never play with matches or lighters!

4 Prevent Injury There are also things you can do to protect yourself from getting hurt from fire. Avoid burns by never playing around a stove, fireplace or heater.Make sure you have a working smoke detector in every bedroom.Have your parents test smoke detectors once every month.Remind your parents to change batteries in smoke detectors twice a year. Smoke detectors save lives, and by following these three easy steps, your family will be alerted quickly to the danger of a fire, helping you to get out quickly and unharmed.

5 Plan Your Escape It's so important to know what to do if ever a fire starts in your home! By knowing what to do, you and your family can react quickly and increase the chances that everyone escapes safely. One of the most important things to do is to create a family escape plan. On it, make sure to include the following: Two escape routes from every room. A safe meeting place for your family to gather once outside the home.

6 Practice Safety Everyone knows that if you want to be good at something, you have to practice! Well, fire safety is no different. Take time to practice what you'll do if ever you see or smell smoke, or if your smoke detector sounds. Remember these important tips: React fast! The faster you act, the safer you'll be.Get out and stay out. Never go back in for any reason.If you see or smell smoke, "Stay Low and Go!"

7 All fires require three elements:Oxygen- Just like people, fire needs air (oxygen) to "breathe." Without oxygen a fire will stop burning. Heat -Without sufficient heat, a fire cannot start, nor can it continue to burn. Examples of heat sources would be: oven or stove top heater lit match or lighter spark caused by faulty electrical wiring Fuel -Fuel is what "feeds" a fire. Without fuel, and fire will stop. Some examples of fuel would be: wood paper gas paint Coal These three elements are commonly referred to as the "Fire Triangle." If the right amounts of each are present, and a chemical reaction occurs, a fire can start. If any one of these three elements are not present, a fire cannot start.

8 Make a Difference!Did you know that YOU can make a difference in helping to keep your home fire safe? Well, you can, and it's easy! Here are some things that you can do: Keep your eye out for fire hazards, and alert your parents if you see any concerns. Ask your parents to make a family escape plan. Using your family escape plan, practice with your family what to do if you see or smell smoke, or if the smoke detector sounds. Remember not to play around the kitchen stove, fireplace or heaters. Remind your parents to test smoke detectors once a month. With your parents help, write on your family calendar two times a year to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

9 It's important to understand that not all fire is bad
It's important to understand that not all fire is bad. In fact, fire is used every day to make our lives better. We cook with it, warm our homes with it, and we even enjoy roasting yummy marshmallows while camping because of fire. If fire can be used to make our lives better, then that means fire is a "tool." That's right! And as a tool, it should be used carefully and only by an adult. Remember, fire is a tool, NOT a toy. You should never play with fire, and if you find matches or a lighter laying around, you should: never pick them up or play with them tell an adult immediately

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