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ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Reports Training
August and September 2017 Welcome to today’s ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Reports Training. WebEx Only: Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone that all lines have been muted to avoid audio interruption during the presentation. Please input any questions into the chat window as they arise and periodically, we will pause to review the answers. When typing questions in the chat box, please be sure to send them to Host, Presenter, and All Panelist’s. At the end of the presentation, you will receive contact information for Pearson’s Indiana Customer Service, so if you forget to ask a question or think of a question after the presentation, you can contact them for additional support. We request that you contact Pearson with any questions regarding live testing, material orders, or technical matters. Policy-related questions should be directed to the Indiana Department of Education.
Agenda Introduction Reporting Groups Reports by User Type
OnDemand Reports Published Reports Additional Reports Additional Resources Action: Read Slide [Overview of the day; will be flexible based on participant needs.]
Introduction Action: [For in person training only, not WebEx. If manageable group, ask participants to share; otherwise move on to the next slide.] Ask participants to share their Name, Corporation, Role in Corporation, Familiarity of report option: 1 (little/none); 3 (surface level/not yet comfortable with “training” others); 5 (very familiar/comfortable “training” others).
2017 ISTEP+ Guide to Test Interpretation
Here is an important resource that details information about all the reports we will cover today. The Guide to Test Interpretation (GTI) provides detailed instructions about how to access the various reports within PearsonAccessnext. It is located on the Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center on the Reporting Resources page, under Resources. This resource can also be found on the IDOE Office of Student Assessment site in the ISTEP+ under the Additional Information General Section. Another great resource is the IDOE assessment webpage. This page was recently reorganized in terms of the assessments and removing redundant documentation. Action: Navigate to the Pearson link and show the types of resources that exist.
PearsonAccessnext As you log in to PearsonAccessnext, make certain you are on the correct test administration, in this case we’re looking at ISTEP+ Spring To review other test administrations, use the drop-down. Also as a reminder, you can link directly to the Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center as shown here on the bottom right.
Reports Tab You can see all available reports when you go to the Reports tab. We will be reviewing these reports today with the exception of Operational Reports, which are used before and during live testing.
Levels of Access in PearsonAccessnext
Role Access CTC, STC Corporation and School CU Corporationwide OnDemand and Published Reports SU Schoolwide OnDemand and school specific Published Reports Teacher Limited OnDemand Reports for assigned reporting groups Report access is determined by role. There are four types of user access levels we will reference. Corporation Test Coordinators (CTCs) and School Test Coordinators (STCs) have access to Corporation and School reports. Corporation Users have access to Corporation-wide OnDemand and Published Reports. School Users have access to School-wide OnDemand and Published Reports for their specific schools. Teachers have limited access to OnDemand Reports for only their assigned reporting groups.
Reporting Groups Let’s look at Reporting Groups.
Creating Reporting Groups
Reporting groups allow for: Aggregation of student results by various characteristics (e.g. grade level, type of test) Assignment of desired users’ (e.g. teachers) access to student results When creating reporting groups and linking to appropriate teachers: Students can be assigned to multiple reporting groups. Students can be in only one reporting group per content area. Multiple teachers can be assigned to a single reporting group. Teachers can be assigned to multiple reporting groups. NOTE: A student may be in more than one reporting group, but the student can be in only one reporting group for a content area. When you add a student to a group, you are really adding the student test to that group. You can select the student entirely and all his or her subjects follow, or you can select his or her individual tests - for example ELA, Math, etc. Imagine you are a Grade 8 student who has different teachers for Math and ELA. You can be in a group for Teacher A for Math and in a group for Teacher B for ELA. You may not, however, be added to another group for your Math or ELA test, if you are already assigned to a group for that subject. It’s also important to note the sessions indicated on the TL do not flow through to reporting groups. The reporting groups are setup independently.
Exporting Reporting Groups via Import / Export
To export the file, from Setup select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks select Import / Export Data. Click Start. From Type, select Student Test Reporting Group Export. Check the boxes next to Include Attempts and Include Test Assignments. Click Process. When the file is Complete, click Download File. Open the file in a spreadsheet program such as Excel, and check to make sure the information is correct. Two methods may be used for managing reporting groups, importing a file and manually creating reporting groups directly in PearsonAccessnext. First we will examine entering data with the Import / Export method. This process is commonly used for additions or changes that involve multiple reporting groups. This process involves exporting a file, reviewing and editing the file, and importing the edited file.
Exporting Reporting Groups via Import / Export
Here we see the Import / Export Data screens. After you select this and click Start, [CLICK] you select the appropriate boxes and click Process. [CLICK] Then you can Download the file, after it is marked complete. NOTE: The Refresh button next to the word Details across the top to refresh your screen.
Modifying Reporting Groups via Import / Export
Open the file in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel). Make certain the information is correct. Modify the information as desired. Using your preferred spreadsheet program, open the CSV file and verify the information. NOTE: The Test Code in Column K will contain two records per subject, Part 1 and Part 2, for each student tested. EB104 indicates the test is ELA, Part 1, Grade 4, and EB204 is ELA, Part 2, Grade 4. Unassigned students can be added to a reporting group by including the reporting group name in Column C. Students can also be moved to new reporting groups via an import of this file when a new reporting group is entered for a student in Column C. The Reporting Organization Code is a required field. Be sure to include this information before saving the file as a CSV. ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: Demographic data cannot be corrected in this upload – for example student’s name, date of birth, gender, or test assignments. Adding a reporting group or an organization code are the only changes that can be made in this file.
Importing Reporting Groups via Import / Export
To import, from Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks, select Import / Export Data. Click Start. From Type, select Student Test Reporting Group Import. Select the Browse button to locate the source file and click Process. Once the file has processed, if there are errors in the upload, review the errors and make corrections. To import the file: From Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks, select Import / Export Data. Click Start. From Type, select Student Test Reporting Group Import. Select the Browse button to locate the source file and click Process. Once the file has processed, if there are errors in the upload, review the errors and make corrections.
Importing Reporting Groups via Import / Export
A common error in importing the file is a missing Organization Code. It is a required field. To correct this error, click on Download Records in Error. Open the file and add the Organization Code to Column B. Save as a CSV and import the corrected file. As seen here, Records 2, 3, and 4 were missing the Reporting Organization Code.
Verifying Reporting Groups
Once the file has successfully uploaded, verify the information that was uploaded in the file is displaying correctly. Under Reports, select Reporting Groups. Find reporting groups by searching or clicking the arrow next to the Search button, and select Show all results. Select the group to verify. Select Start, then select All Tasks to verify the uploaded information is correct. Click Start. [CLICK] If you need to make additional changes, you can modify the reporting groups in the tabs as shown on the screen or by completing a subsequent upload. NOTE: If multiple versions of a file are imported, the data in the system will be updated to reflect any changes to existing records. Any changes made to the uploaded file will overwrite the existing data in PearsonAccessnext, so use caution when importing data.
Assigning Users to Reporting Groups via Import / Export
To add or change multiple users to Reporting Groups, from Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks select Import / Export Data. Click Start Select User Reporting Group Export, then download the file. Correct or add user information on the downloaded file using the other entries as a template, and save as a CSV file Import the file with the new User Reporting Group information. From Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks, select Import / Export Data. Click Start From Type, select User Reporting Group Import. Select the Browse button to locate the source file and click Process Once the file has processed, if there are errors in the upload, review the errors and make corrections As with assigning students to reporting groups, there are also two methods to add or change multiple users to reporting groups. [READ SLIDE]
Assigning Users to Reporting Groups via Import / Export
Once you select the Type, browse for the file, then click Process. You will see a report showing you any errors in the file. Here is a sample of the User Reporting Group Export. After importing the file back into PearsonAccessnext, look for errors. A common error code is “The user ‘XXXXX’ does not have access to the organization”. If a user does not have access to the organization, the user will need to be added. Importing users is an efficient way to add or change multiple users. Users must be assigned specific user roles to access their data. Please refer to the User Role Matrix located on the Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center on the PearsonAccessnext page under User Information to help determine which roles a user should be assigned.
Creating Reporting Groups Manually
Select Reporting Groups from the Reports menu. Select the drop-down menu next to Start. Select Create / Edit Reporting Groups. In the Organization field, select a school from the drop-down menu. In the Name field, enter a name for the Reporting Group. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the group. Select Create. The Reporting Group will appear on the left under Reporting Groups. Now we will cover the second method for Creating Reporting Groups. Here is the process for creating a reporting group. First, select Reporting Groups from the Reports menu. Select the drop-down menu next to Start. Select Create / Edit Reporting Groups. In the Organization field, select a school from the drop-down menu. In the Name field, enter a name for the Reporting Group. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the group. Select Create. The Reporting Group will appear on the left under Reporting Groups.
Creating Reporting Groups Manually
You can see here that a meaningful name has been given to the reporting group. Click Create.
Assigning Students to Groups Manually
Select Reporting Groups from the Reports menu. From the Reporting Groups screen, find reporting groups within your organization using any of the following three methods: Select the drop-down next to Search. Select Show all results to view all Reporting Groups in your organization. Use Filters to find groups within one or more organizations. Enter the name of the Reporting Group in the Find Reporting Groups field to find individual groups. From the list that appears, select the Checkbox next to the groups from which you wish to add or remove students. To select all groups shown, select the “Check All” box at the top of the Checkbox column. Here is the manual process for assigning students to a reporting group. Select Reporting Groups from the Reports menu. From the Reporting Groups screen, find reporting groups within your organization using any of the following three methods: Select the drop-down next to Search. Select Show all results to view all Reporting Groups in your organization. Use Filters to find groups within one or more organizations. Enter the name of Reporting Group in the Find Reporting Groups field to find individual groups. From the list that appears, select the Checkbox next to the groups from which you wish to add or remove students. To select all groups shown, select the “Check All” box at the top of the Checkbox column.
Assigning Students to Groups Manually
Select the groups you wish to edit. Under Select Tasks, choose Manage Student Tests in Reporting Groups. Then click Start. [CLICK] Click in the box “Find by name or ID within” and choose the students from the list. You may scroll through the list or type in the STN, last name, or first name. Next, select which tests will be linked to this Reporting Group by selecting the Checkbox for each applicable test. Click Save. Then Exit Tasks.
Assigning Users to Groups Manually
Select Reporting Groups from the Reports menu. From the Reporting Groups screen, find the reporting groups within your organization using any of the following three methods: Select the drop-down next to Search. Select Show all results to view all Reporting Groups in your organization. Use Filters to find groups within one or more organizations. Enter the name of a Reporting Group in the Find Reporting Groups field to find individual groups. And lastly, assign users to reporting groups by: Select Reporting Groups from the Reports menu. From the Reporting Groups screen, find the reporting groups within your organization using any of the following three methods: Select the drop-down next to Search. Select Show all results to view all Reporting Groups in your organization. Use Filters to find groups within one or more organizations. Enter the name of a Reporting Group in the Find Reporting Groups field to find individual groups.
Assigning Users to Groups Manually
Select the drop-down menu next to Start. Select Assign Users to Reporting Groups and then click Start. [CLICK] Click in Authorized Users and type the username of the user to add. Then type in the users in the top Authorized Users box. If you want to assign different users to different groups, add the appropriate users to the right of each group in the appropriate Authorized Users box. NOTE: You can assign users to all groups shown in the list by selecting the “Select All” box next to Reporting Group. Then click Save and then Exit Tasks. Pearson reports are cleaned by the IDOE prior to accountability calculations. The data in these reports may not ultimately reflect what contributes to accountability. Learning Connection and Compass reporting reflect data associated with accountability. If a school has a category marked *** because there were less than ten students to report, the data (those students) will be included in final state accountability calculations. [LIVE TRAINING ONLY: Let’s go to the live site, and run through this process.]
Practice Export the file from PearsonAccessnext:
From Setup, select Import / Export Data. In Select Tasks, select Import / Export Data. Click Start. From Type, select Student Test Reporting Group Export. Check the boxes next to Include Attempts and Include Test Assignments. Click Process. When the file is Complete, click Download File. Open the file in a spreadsheet program such as Excel, and check to make sure the information is correct. Import the file into PearsonAccessnext: From Type, select Student Test Reporting Group Import. Select the Browse button to locate the source file and click Process. Once the file has processed, if there are errors in the upload, review the errors and make corrections. [LIVE TRAINING ONLY] Now let’s take 10 minutes to examine these topics on the live site. If you have any questions, please let us know. Action: [Don’t actually show steps, but open the file and show the CSV format – no imports.]
Reports by User Type WebEx Only: Just a reminder that all lines have been muted to avoid audio interruption during the presentation. Please input any questions into the chat window as they arise and periodically, we will pause to review the answers. When typing questions in the chat box, please be sure to send them to Host, Presenter, and All Panelist’s. Let’s see if we have any questions to address now. Let’s break down the list of reports by which roles can access them.
Overview of ISTEP+ Reports by User Type
Accessible to OnDemand Reports CU: All students in Corp SU: All students in assigned school Teacher: Only Students in assigned Reporting Group Proficiency Grouping Report Academic Standards Summary ISTEP+ Student Report (ISR) Teacher: Not available Student Data File Academic Standards Frequency Disaggregation File (Corp and School level) Disaggregation Summary Report (Corp and School level) Report of Rescore Applied Skills Frequency Distribution Here is an at-a-glance look at all of the report options that exist within PearsonAccessnext. We will cover each one in detail. Remember CU is Corporation User and SU is School User.
OnDemand Reports First let’s talk about OnDemand Reports.
What are OnDemand Reports?
OnDemand Reports are online reports that detail the outcomes of student assessments in real time. Depending on the selected filters, report details vary. OnDemand Reports include the ISTEP+ Proficiency and Undetermined Status Roster. Lists alphabetically all students in the reporting group and details how each student performed. Scale scores and performance levels Overall Undetermined Status reason Can be printed or downloaded in a PDF, XLS, or CSV format The OnDemand Reports are available now (Phase 3) provides an overview of student proficiency and status. It lists alphabetically all students in the reporting group and tells the user how each student performed in the selected content area - English / Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and / or Social Studies. The proficiency levels are Pass+, Pass, and Did Not Pass. A student can be identified as undetermined if: A test was not received A test was not taken A test was invalidated If Pearson receives either a paper answer document or an electronic test and a section of either test is blank, we assign "Test Not Taken" for that section, then roll up to "Test Not Taken" for the Overall Undetermined Status for the subject. His or her Performance Level would be indicated as "Undetermined“, and he or she does not receive a scale score. If Pearson does not receive a completed paper answer document or an electronic test is not submitted for either Part 1 or Part 2 of the ISTEP+, we assign "Test Not Received" as the Overall Undetermined Status and her or his Performance Level would be indicated as "Undetermined". And she or he will not receive a scale score. OnDemand Reports are available to Corporation Users, School Users, and Teachers. Teachers must have reporting groups enabled in order to access these reports.
ISTEP+ OnDemand Report
To access the OnDemand Report, click Reports, then OnDemand. [CLICK] [CLICK] By clicking on the blue ‘i” [CLICK] you can view more details about each individual student’s performance.
Published Reports Let’s move on to Published Reports.
What are Published Reports?
Published reports detail the outcomes of individual student assessments as well as summary results of student groups within the organization. Published Reports include: Individual Student Report (ISR) Applied Skills Frequency Distribution Student Data File Report of Rescore Disaggregation Summary Report Published reports detail the outcomes of individual student assessments as well as summary results of student groups within the organization. Here is a list of the reports we will cover. NOTE: All Published Reports are downloadable files, generally either a CSV file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet program or a PDF. The icon next to the report will indicate the file format.
Individual Student Report (ISR)
Let’s start with the Individual Student Report, or ISR. Individual Student Reports are posted in PearsonAccessnext. Select the Reports tab, and then select Published Reports. [CLICK] All Published Reports we discuss will appear in this list. The Individual Student Report will be listed. NOTE: These reports are accessed only at the school level and cannot be viewed at the corporation level in PearsonAccessnext.
Individual Student Report (ISR)
One paper copy of the Individual Student Report is provided to corporations, to distribute to schools, and should have been received by August 16th. Schools provide this paper ISR to parents of students. A PDF version of the Student Report is also available through PearsonAccessnext. The ISR contains the following information: The Grade and Content area for this report. The student will receive a separate report for each ISTEP+ content area tested. The Student’s Name, Birth Date, Enrolled Grade, School Name, and Corporation Name. The student’s performance relative to the cut scores established by the Indiana State Board of Education. The front of the report also provides information about the Learning Locator, a resource of online learning activities mapped specifically to the student’s performance on ISTEP+. We will go into more detail regarding the Learning Locator later in this presentation. This report is available to Corporation Users and School Users.
Applied Skills Frequency Distribution
The Applied Skills Frequency Distribution Report provides a frequency distribution of the scores associated with each of the Applied Skills items. It can be used to identify whether students show strengths or needs on specific applied skills items, and therefore, in the Academic Standards that are accessed by them. Results are posted in PearsonAccessnext. Select the Reports tab, and then select Published Reports. The Applied Skills Frequency Distribution will appear on the list for the school or corporation. To download a file, select the file name, and it will be saved to your browser’s default download folder.
Applied Skills Frequency Distribution
The distribution report can highlight important aspects related to academic rigor. NOTE: Sample data in this report may not reflect realistic test data. Here is a sample Applied Skills Frequency Distribution report: A Indicates the program and Corporation/School. B Indicates the Grade and Subject. C Identifies the strand (or topics covered), section, and item number being scored. D Lists the total number of students tested. E Lists the number and percentage of students obtaining each score point. F Lists by condition code the number and percentage of students who did not receive a score. Published reports are available only to Corporation Users.
Student Data File The next report is the Student Data File. This report provides comprehensive student demographic and performance data for all students. To begin, you may want to download the Student Data File Layout, which gives guidance for interpreting the Data File itself. To download the layout, select Reporting Resources. Under Reporting Resources, select the Resources menu, and then select 2017 ISTEP+ Student Data File Layout. [CLICK] Here is a sample of the Student Data File Layout. It details many columns, including rescore, various Accommodations, scores, and Learning Locator codes. This report is available to Corporation Users and School Users.
Student Data File Student Data Files are posted in PearsonAccessnext. Select the Reports tab, and then select Published Reports. [CLICK] The Student Data File will appear on the list for the school or corporation. [CLICK] Here is an example of the Student Data File, opened in Excel.
Report of Rescore The Report of Rescore is a PDF report by grade and subject. It provides a listing of students who requested a rescore on specific items, with their original scores and final scores. The purpose of the Rescore Report is to provide educators with records of open-ended items for students where rescores were requested. One record is provided for each rescored item within the report. NOTE: One gained point on the Rescore Report does not equate to a gain of one point on the overall scale score. Results are posted in PearsonAccessnext. Select the Reports tab, and then select Published Reports. The Rescore Report will appear on the list for the corporation. This report is available only to Corporation Users.
Disaggregation Summary Report
The Disaggregation Summary Report is posted in PearsonAccessnext. The purpose of the Disaggregation Summary Report is to provide educators at the school level aggregated performance level information across the school. It also contains disaggregated performance level data by student demographic groups. Select the Reports tab, and then select Published Reports. [CLICK] The Disaggregation Summary Report will appear on the list for the school or corporation. The Disaggregation File, which we will discuss next, is further down the same list. This report can be accessed by School Users for their school’s students, and Corporation Users.
Disaggregation Summary Report
The Corporation Disaggregation File and the Corporation Disaggregation Summary Report are available only to Corporation Users. The School Disaggregation Report is available to Corporation Users and School Users.
The Disaggregation Data File Layout
The purpose of the Disaggregation Data File is to provide educators, at the school level, aggregated performance level information across the school. It also contains disaggregated performance level data by student demographic groups. This is the same data provided in the Disaggregation Summary Report, but is produced instead in a data file format. In order to better interpret the Disaggregation Data File, you may want to download the Spring 2017 ISTEP+ Disaggregation Data File Layout from the Indiana Resource Center. To download the layout, select Reporting Resources, select the Resources menu, and then select ISTEP+ Spring 2017 Disaggregation Data File Layout. [CLICK] You may then download the Disaggregation File Layout.
Disaggregation Data File
Results are posted in PearsonAccessnext. Select the Reports tab, and then select Published Reports. The Disaggregation Data File will appear on the list for the school or corporation. This may be opened directly into your preferred spreadsheet program, such as Excel.
Practice Log on to PearsonAccessnext
Examine reports under Published Reports Individual Student Report (ISR) Applied Skills Frequency Distribution Student Data File Report of Rescore Now let’s take 5 minutes to find and explore these reports on the live site. If you have any questions, please let us know. As you review these reports, notice what data is provided. You may want to think through which staff members would benefit from accessing this data and how the data can be used. This will also help you identify which roles specific staff should have so that they can access the data that is pertinent to them. Action: WebEx Only: Hide slide.
Additional Reports WebEx Only: Just a reminder that all lines have been muted to avoid audio interruption during the presentation. Please input any questions into the chat window as they arise and periodically, we will pause to review the answers. When typing questions in the chat box, please be sure to send them to Host, Presenter, and All Panelist’s. Finally, there are 4 additional reports that are located on the Reports tab.
What Additional Reports are available?
Additional Reports include: Proficiency Summary Report Proficiency Grouping Report Academic Standards Summary Academic Standards Frequency Action: Mention there is a Reports Graphic Organizer and that it can be found on the Indiana Resource Center. [Live Onsite: Pass out the Reports Graphic Organizer.] NOTE: The Reports Graphic Organizer will show what information is provided in the report, who can access it, where the report is located and how you might use the data. Additional Reports include: Proficiency Summary Report Proficiency Grouping Report Academic Standards Summary Academic Standards Frequency All of these reports can be downloaded as a PDF with the Print icon. NOTE: Corporation Users, School Users, and Teachers will have slightly different views for all of the reports in this section.
Proficiency Summary Report
There are two versions of the Proficiency Report, Summary and Group views. They can be found by clicking on Reports. [CLICK] The summary report shows the number of students according to performance levels by subject and the percentage of students at those performance levels. You can filter for the organization, tested grade, and Reporting Group depending on your user level. Each test name is listed and you can view performance level information at the State, Corporation, and School levels. This report allows Corporation Users and School Users to view results for students by level of proficiency.
Proficiency Grouping Report
The Proficiency Grouping report is based on the Reporting Groups of students with which the user is associated. Users can see more detail in this report by selecting a Reporting Group within their organization. This report groups students according to performance levels of two content areas assessed by ISTEP+. The columns report performance levels by content area, while the rows indicate the specific student. The students are alphabetical within each grouping. The Summary and Detail versions of this report each can also be downloaded as a PDFs. And each can be sorted by: Organization Name, which displays quantity of students only in the selected school(s) or corporation The Tested Grade, which shows results by test Reporting Group, which allows you to narrow down to just one reporting group to show individual proficiencies Proficiency Grouping Level of Performance, which is available only in the teacher user version This report can be accessed by teachers. NOTE: Corporation Users, School Users, and Teachers will have slightly different views for all of the reports in this section.
Academic Standards Summary
The Academic Standards Summary provides criterion-referenced information from the ISTEP+ achievement tests, summarizing the performance of students in the corporation by grade and subject. The summary level data will be presented to State level users, Corporation Test Coordinators, and School Test Coordinators. Again there are two versions - a summary version for corporation and school users and a detailed version for teacher users with enabled groups. This report can be found under Reports. [CLICK] It lists the number of students and percentage of students in the organization who maintained mastery of each Academic Standard – for example, achieved a score at or above the standard. It identifies the Academic Standard by strand for the content area. Again you can filter by Corporation and / or School, by Test, or by Reporting Group. You can see the Grade and Subject, and the number of students and the percentage of students in the organization who maintained mastery of each Academic Standard. In the Teacher view, all students assigned to a Teacher User will be shown here with their levels of mastery on various standards indicated. You can see the reporting group, test name, standards, students, and total number of students. It lists students alphabetically by name, lists the Academic Standards for that grade and subject. This report is available to Corporation Users and School Users.
Academic Standards Frequency
Finally, corporation and school users can access the Academic Standards Frequency Report, which provides a look at the distribution of scale scores achieved by all of the students tested in the corporation or school. The data is presented for analysis and can be used, along with other resources, to evaluate and plan educational priorities. This report is important for identifying strengths and areas of need within core curricula. Results are posted in PearsonAccessnext. Select the Reports tab, and then select Academic Standards Frequency. [CLICK] Results for the students in your corporation and / or school(s) will appear. You can display up to 100 scale scores per screen by selecting the Displaying drop-down. As with the similar reports, you can filter by the Organization from which the data is coming, Reporting Group, the test name, and performance level. You see the scale score, the number of students that achieved that scale score, and the percentage of students that achieved that scale score. At the top. you see the total students reported, based on the number of students for that test and from that Organization. Again, this report is accessible to Corporation Users and School Users.
Overview of IREAD-3 Reports by User Type
Accessible to: IREAD-3 OnDemand Report CU: All students in Corp SU: All students in assigned school Teacher: Students in assigned Reporting Group only IREAD-3 Student Report IREAD-3 Student Data File So far, we’ve been highlighting ISTEP+ reports. There are also reports specific to IREAD-3. There are 3 reports for IREAD-3 and their use and functionality mirror their ISTEP+ counterparts. There are no summary reports provided for IREAD-3; staff would need to access the Student Data File or SDF to generate summaries using pivot tables.
Practice Log on to PearsonAccessnext Examine reports under Reports
Proficiency Grouping Proficiency Summary Academic Standards Summary Academic Standards Frequency Now let’s take 5 minutes to find and explore these reports on the live site. If you have any questions, please let us know. Again, as you review these reports, notice what data is provided. You may want to think through which staff members would benefit from accessing this data and how the data can be used. This will also help you identify which roles specific staff should have so that they can access the data that is pertinent to them. WebEx Only: Hide slide.
Additional Resources Let’s briefly review Pearson Perspective.
Perspective™ for Indiana
This is an additional resource that will help you find instructional resources matched to students’ areas of need. The resources are available for ELA, Math, and Science, and can support student’s need for remediation and enrichment activities based on their assessment results. Here are the highlights on IN Perspective: It is an Open Access to Family site A Pass Phrase for educators allows them to create an account Educator site allows for secure login There are thousands of learning resources for teachers and students. There are assignment sheets for students by teachers. The Learning Locators are used to obtain targeted material based on the student’s performance and can be found on the ISR. There are various ways to access the resources in Perspective. The Indiana educator pass phrase is: Indiana_edu
Perspective Provides A library of more than 10,000 supplemental resources aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards for use by teachers and families Resources specific to each student’s ISTEP+ standards-level performance profile through a personalized Learning Locator A direct link from the Parent Portal to targeted resources Open searching by standard for enrichment, remediation, and supplemental learning – at home or at school – all year long Teacher-created assignment sheet functionality, online tools, and professional development resources Connects instruction to assessment by answering the question “What can I do now to help this student?” Perspective provides supplemental resources for students. They have Web-based solutions and resources that are aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards. Perspective supports teachers with a large volume of resources. The variety of Learning Resources accommodate the teachers’ needs in three areas: Instructional & Practice Interactive & Printable Remedial & Enrichment
Learning Locator on ISR
A personalized Learning Locator code is printed on the ISTEP+ Individual Student Report (ISR), along with directions to access the site. One code is listed for each subject (ELA, Math, Science) and codes are generated for the performance strand level and are not student specific. Code can be assigned to more than one student if the students have the same performance profile. The code encapsulates student performance at the reporting category level. The code can be developed for almost any assessment instrument and provides a “shortcut” to Perspective resources that match each student’s strengths and areas of need. [IN LIVE TRAINING ONLY: Let’s go to the live site and take a look at how this is presented.]
Assignment Sheet Function
Educators can select resources for specific standards to create and share assignment sheets with students. Students use a shared assignment sheet code similar to a Learning Locator to access the learning resources. Educators can create assignment sheets for their students. Action: Point users to Pearson Perspective documentation.
Timeline of Important Events
Upcoming Important Events: New CTC Orientation (September 5 and14) Technology Readiness Training (September 28 – October 16) Test Administration Training (October 16 – 27) Pre-Infrastructure Trial Question and Answer Sessions (October 31 – November 3) Local Infrastructure Trials (November 6 – 10) Mode Selection for Spring 2018 Assessments (November 6 – 17) Paper-Pencil request window: Grade 10 Winter Retest (September 11 – 22) Spring 2018 Assessments (November 6 – 17) DOE-TL file submission (December 4 – 22) There is a Timeline of Important Events that can be found in the Indiana Resource Center and has links to register for upcoming training sessions. Here are some key dates and tasks you should make note of. Action: Read list of dates.
WebEx Only: Please type any final questions into the chat window
WebEx Only: Please type any final questions into the chat window. Again, please be sure to send them to Host, Presenter, and All Panelist’s.
Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center
Finally, I would like to remind you of the Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center.
The Indiana Resource Center is the portal to access Pearson services used by Indiana school corporations in support of the ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 assessments. A recorded version of this presentation will be available in the next few weeks and can be found in the Resource Center under Reporting Resources in Educator Resources.
Indiana Customer Service Contacts
Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center Phone: Electronic request via the form below: Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Eastern Indiana Department of Education Assessment Contacts IDOE Assessment Specialist: Jennifer Woo and Kelly Connelly and Additionally, if you have any questions, you can contact Pearson’s Indiana Customer Service at , Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time, or submit an electronic request with the link on the Home page of PearsonAccessnext and at the bottom of each page on the Indiana Resource Center. The IDOE Assessment Specialist are Jennifer Woo, Assessment Specialist (Technology) and Kelly Connelly, Senior Assessment Specialist (Federal Accountability) and they can be reached at the addresses listed on the screen.
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