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Research Compliance and Institutional Review Boards

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1 Research Compliance and Institutional Review Boards
Priscilla Adler, MBA Director Regulatory Affairs MedStar Health Resaerch Institute

2 Priscilla Adler, MBA Disclosure:
I have no relevant financial relationships The opinions offered in this presentation are mine and do not reflect those of any other individual, institution or company.

3 Objectives Identify key areas of research compliance concerns
Identify key regulatory requirements for research Define common pitfalls Develop best practices

4 Research Regulatory Environment

5 Definitions Definition of Compliance:
It is the process of understanding and meeting the expectations of those who grant us money, pay for our services, and regulate our industry. Definition of Ethics: Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

6 Major Human Subjects Research Compliance Concerns
Safety OHRP and FDA human research protection, registration and results reporting Integrity conflicts of interest Privacy/HIPAA protecting participant health information Financial clinical trial billing

7 Conflicts of Interest NIH Policy Highlights
Must disclose all interests of self, spouse, and dependents that may affect research Significant financial interest is valued at >$5,000 or receiving compensation in any form that exceeds $5,000 within a year from a sponsor of research Must disclose travel paid directly to the Investigator or reimbursed directly to the investigator by industry. Certain financial conflicts of interest must be made available to the public FDA Regulations – $25,000 to $50,000

8 Human Research Protections
Overseen by the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) through authority of 45 CFR Part 46 FDA has its own IRB regulations for drug studies (21 CFR Part 56), but are largely harmonious with the OHRP regulations FDA inspects IRBs and Researchers for compliance IRB inspection occurs on a regular basis and includes, but is not limited to, minutes, quorum, and adherence to regulatory requirements for studies involving vulnerable populations


10 Human Research Protections – the IRB
No human research can be conducted without the prior approval of a registered Institutional Review Board All requirements and directives of the IRB must be complied with to ensure continued study approval The informed consent form must accurately reflect the protocol, the risks, and the financial responsibilities of the study Must review the study contract when writing the informed consent to make sure that the informed consent information is correct

11 Key Factors Study meets requirements for scientific merit with clear and concise study objectives, hypotheses, endpoints and study procedures. Demonstrates adequate safety monitoring plan detailing methods and necessary precautions for protecting participants (safety and confidentiality). Well-written informed consent at the appropriate reading level. Consistency throughout

12 Additional Elements of an IRB Submission
HIPAA Authorization or Waiver Conflict of Interest disclosure/management plan Evidence of mandatory humans subjects research training Submission to if the study is an applicable clinical trial.

13 Common Errors Incorrect or missing forms/information
Required consent template language is either altered or missing Inadequate or missing data safety monitoring plan Institutional requirements have not been met Poor grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling.


15 Best Practices Meet all institutional requirements
Use correct application form(s) Be precise in your language Pay attention to grammar and spelling Obtain the necessary institutional approval(s) Provide a complete protocol and all required documents with your submission

16 Best Practices (cont’d)
Ask the IRB staff to pre-review your submission Have someone independent of the research proof-read your documents Submit all appendices, recruitment materials and consent documents

17 Conclusions Ask questions Follow directions Complete each form
Answer each question on the form(s) Use lay language for the Informed Consent QA your work

18 Questions? Contact Information: MedStar Health Research Institute 6525 Belcrest Road, Suite 700 Hyattsville, MD

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