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Content Defintion Reasons for Globalization Economyc challenges

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2 Content Defintion Reasons for Globalization Economyc challenges
Ecological challenges → Global warming Conflict between economy and ecology United Nations Aims of the UN EU and their aims Terrorism Positive and Negative consequences

3 Definition Changes mainly in economy, can also effect society
International transactions Market and processes in different countries depend more and more on each other

4 Reasons for Globalization
Improved transport → making global travel easier → greater movement of people and goods across the globe Containerisation → reduced the costs of inter-modal transport making trade cheaper, more efficient Growth of multinational companies, global trading blocks → have reduced national barriers Improved technology → easier to communicate,share information around the world Labour availability and skills → cheaper labour costs, high skill levels Growth of global media . For example, there has been a rapid growth in air-travel, enabling greater movement of people and goods across the globe. Containerisation is a system of standardised transport, that uses a common size of steel container to transport goods. These containers can easily be transferred between different modes of transport – container ships to lorries and trains. This makes transport and trade of goods cheaper and more efficient. mproved mobility of capital. In past few decades there has been a general reduction in capital barriers, making it easier for capital to flow between different economies. This has increased the ability for firms to receive finance. It has also increased the global interconnectedness of global financial markets. Increased mobility of labour. People are more willing to move between different countries in search for work. Global trade remittances now play a large role in transfers from developed countries to developing countries. -freedom of trade organisations like the World Trade Organisation (WTO Labour intensive industries such as clothing can take advantage of cheaper labour costs and reduced legal restrictions in LEDCs.

5 Economic challenges Ensure that the benefits extend to all countries → not happen automatically Fear that it leads to instabiltiy in devoloping countries Fear that becausse of the competition it leads to very low wages, low labor rights → fair trade Environment suffers People want to eat healthier, also fruit in winter → more goods are air-freighted

6 Ecological challenges

7 Ecological challenges
Environmental pollution - exhaust fumes from factorys - increasing of nurmber of vehicles (cars also in developing countries) - short-haul flights, more goods are air-freighted → air pollution - deforestation of tropical rainforest -water & soil pollution (chemical waste, use of herbicides etc.) → high carbon footprints → greenhouse gases destroy atmosphere (ozon hole) → number of people travelling by planes rises - more goods are air-freighted, because people have higher requirements


9 Global warming Greenhouse gases form a layer around the earth trapping heat and thereby → temperature rises → floods in waterfront locations → melting of polar ice and peril of animals (loss of biodiversity) → droughts and water shortage → Desertification

10 Conflict between economy and ecology
Exhaust fumes from factories → dirty Co2 and other greenhouse gases Cause chemical damage are increasing the temperature → global warming Changes in climate More trucks on the roads Air-freighted goods → better and more ecogolical to buy local products Carbon footprint

11 United Nations Found in October 1945 Group of 51 countries
193 member states Replacement/ successor for the League of Nations Defends human rights, fundamental freedoms → various programms : UNICEF International law and developement Takes action on peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and more.

12 Aims of the UN Maintain inter­national peace and security
→ peace-building → ensure that lasting peace can be established Encourage international cooperation in the spheres of social, economic and cultural developments Promote friendly relations between member countries Humanitarian aid Humanitarian aid – helping refugees and displaced persons

13 EU and their aims Basic facts 27 states Was found in 1993
Individual member states came as a single global player Aims of the EU Promote prosperity and social progress in Europe Promote friendly relations between member countries Guarantee freedom and justice for European people

14 Represent the member states internationally
Military Cooperation in peacekeeping missions Main groups The Council of Ministers The European Parliament The Europen Commission No official capital, but officil seat is located in Brussels, Belgium

15 Terrorism September 11, 2001 : attack World Trade Center
March 11, 2004 : Madrid – bombs explode aboard commuter trains July 7, 2005 : London, UK - three bombs explode on underground trains and a 4th bomb destroys a bus July 31, 2006 : Cologne - two suitcase bombs on trains are discovered before detonation 13.November, 2015 : Paris – suicide bombings, mass shootings at cafés, restaurants, a music venue in central Paris

16 Positive consequences
Create new opportunities and ideas → international relationships Lead to more access to capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, larger export markets Less industrialized countries can become part of international production networks Improvement of quality of the products due to global competition Employment gor people in developing countries

17 Negative consequences
Globalization uses up finite resources more quickly Increases world carbon dioxide emissions → pollution of the environment Is viewed by many as a threat to the world's cultural diversity Employment Disparity → exploitation of work forces in developing countries Competition of global players crowds small firms Unjust apportionment of wealth Rise in Health Risks → illnesses can be spread everywhere



20 Sources
fundamentals/international-business-for-the-entrepreneur-14/globalization-opportunities- and-threats-to-developing-country-business-55/negative-and-positive-effects-of- globalization-for-developing-country-business / html ecological-consequences-of-global-scale-connectivity-in-people-resources-and-informati details/1683 ml jun-you-theck-sean?next_slideshow=1 ec008.pdf?expires= &id=id&accname =guest&checksum=0AF9AC3EF74DA13594B111D87C2C9759 f57124c88c796c0e51.jpg

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