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EC-TURKEY EC puts into effect Generalized System of Preferences –Turkey not included EC signs preferential agreements with EFTA and other European countries.

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Presentation on theme: "EC-TURKEY EC puts into effect Generalized System of Preferences –Turkey not included EC signs preferential agreements with EFTA and other European countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 EC-TURKEY EC puts into effect Generalized System of Preferences –Turkey not included EC signs preferential agreements with EFTA and other European countries. Mediterranean Association agreements. Growth in Turkish economy. Private sector pressure for revision of Additional Protocol. EC not willing, already exasperated with Britain.

2 EC-TURKEY EC-Turkey negotiations on agriculture, social rights of workers, free movement stalled. Some in foreign ministry suggest Turkey apply along with Greece. Turkey cannot agree to specific demands from EC. 1978, Ecevit unilaterally freezes Association Treaty, citing economic crisis in Turkey.

3 EC-Turkey 24 January decisions –Turkey changes economic policy.
Turkey’s objective full membership. 12 September military coup. EC gives Turkey some time. Germany leads other European countries to institute visas for Turkish travelers. Military becomes repressive, banning politicians, trade unions. 1982 EC suspends Association agreement with Turkey.

4 Transformation of European Community

5 Iberian Enlargement Portugal applies in 1978, and Spain in 1979.
Poor, 20% of EC population, agricultural. Recently emerging from authoritarian rule. Portugal seeks to move ahead. Spain lagging behind. Catalyst for CAP reform. Settlement of budgetary question in set as date of accession. Greece demands finalization of IMPs.

6 Delors and Single Market
Commission president ( ) Completion of internal market Overhaul of decision-making procedures New monetary policy initiative Foreign and defense policy. Close relations with private sector Single market would increase the authority of the Commission

7 Question: Compare the state of Turkey’s relations with the EC with Spain and Portugal’s in the early half of 1980s. What were the similarities and differences? Explain.

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