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1st PSeGe Workshop, IPNO & CSNSM Orsay 3rd -4th October 2016

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1 1st PSeGe Workshop, IPNO & CSNSM Orsay 3rd -4th October 2016
ENSAR2 JRA2 - PSeGe (R&D on Position-Sensitive Germanium Detectors for Nuclear Structure and Applications) 1st PSeGe Workshop, IPNO & CSNSM Orsay 3rd -4th October 2016

2 ENSAR2 JRA – PSeGe : R&D on Position- Sensitive Germanium Detectors for Nuclear Structure and Applications J. Eberth & J. Simpson, Prog.Part.Nucl. Phys.60,283. D.R.Napoli et al. Task 1: New technologies on passivation and segmentation (INFN-LNL & IKP-Cologne et al.) Quasi-planar Ge Task 2: R&D on novel Ge-detector geometries for ultimate position resolution and efficiency (GSI et al.) I.Kojouharov, J. Gerl R&D on p-type Contacts & hole barriers Task 3: R&D on segmented p-type coaxial detectors. (IFIC et al.) 4.1: Demonstration of imaging applications 4.2: Detector encapsulation techniques 4.3: Low-power pre-amplifiers & cryostat R&D / BSD, HV, LV distribution 4.4: Pulse-Shape Analysis and neutron-gamma discrimination Task 4: Network activity: Demonstration of imaging applications and associated detector technologies (Uni.Liverpool et al.) Synergy with MEDINET, NUSPIN

3 Milestones Deliverables and Early Schedule

4 Milestones Deliverables and Early Schedule
D10.1: Completion of the JRA2 kick-off meeting (Month 12) D10.3.1: Advancement report for the Segmentation (1) and Geometry tasks (month 30)* D10.3.3: Advancement report for the p-type (3) task (Month 30)* D10.3.4: Advancement report for the network activity on Ge detector technology and Imaging (4) task (Month 30)* D10.4.1: Final report for the Segmentation (1) and Geometry tasks (Month 48) D10.4.3: Final report for the p-type (3) task (Month 48) D10.4.4: Final report for the network activity on Ge detector technology and Imaging (4) task (Month 48) Status of the Milestones: Web page of the Work Package has been created: Management kick-off meeting: Coordinating board June 2016 Kick-off meeting/ first workshop Tasks1 to 4 October 2016 Task 1: Personnel procurement started on July 2016

5 JRA LoI list of collaborating Institutes
IKP-UNI-Köln, Cologne, GERMANY CEA-Saclay DSM/IRFU/SPhN, Saclay, FRANCE IFIC, CSIC-Uni. Valencia, Valencia, SPAIN GSI, Darmstadt, GERMANY Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. Uppsala, SWEDEN INFN Milano and University of Milano, ITALY University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, UNITED KINGDOM ETSE-University of Valencia, SPAIN LRI, University of Salamanca, SPAIN ELI-NP/IFIN-HH, Bucharest, ROMANIA Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, SWEDEN CSNSM Orsay, FRANCE, IPHC, Strasbourg, FRANCE CNM-CSIC SPAIN Barcelona, SPAIN …Other associated institutes

6 Thanks’ to the IPNO and CSNSM Orsay for the Local Organization
and to all you for participating

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