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Published byAlexina Garrett Modified over 6 years ago
RISING (Rare ISotope INvestigation at GSI): Phases and recent results
M. Górska, GSI Darmstadt CEA Saclay CSNSM Orsay GANIL Caen IPN Orsay FZ Juelich FZ Rossendorf GSI Darmstadt HMI Berlin LMU Muenchen MPI Heidelberg TU Darmstadt Univ. Bonn Univ. Koeln NBI Copenhagen Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra Univ. Leuven CLRC Daresbury Univ. Keele Univ. Liverpool Univ. Manchester Univ. Paisley Univ. Surrey Univ. York Univ. Demokritos Univ. Milano INFN Genova INFN Legnaro INFN/Univ. Napoli INFN/Univ. Padova Univ. Camerino Univ. Firenze IFJ Krakow IPJ Swierk Univ. Krakow Univ. Warszawa KTH Stockholm Univ. Lund Univ. Uppsala
RIB at GSI The Accelerators: UNILAC (injector) E<11.5 MeV/n
SIS 18Tm corr. U 1 GeV/n Beam Currents: 238U pps some medium mass nuclei pps (A~130) γ spectroscopy setup: FRS provides secondary radioactive ion beams: fragmentation or fission of primary beams high secondary beam energies: 100 – 700 MeV/u fully stripped ions
Secondary Beam Identification
production target multiwire chamber; beam position Z A/Q ToF scintillator MUSIC ionization chamber; Z RISING Y X scintillator b
The RISING campaigns The “beam cocktail” : 238U fission fragments recorded at the FRS The selected unstable fragments can be: Phase I: Fast beam campaign used at relativistic velocities or stopped and investigated (delayed particle or γ-emission) or slowed down to the Coulomb barrier energy before impinging the secondary (reaction) target Phase II: Current campaign The feasibility has to be checked yet Each campaign requires a dedicated Ge-detector arrangement !
Phase I : Fast beams, Oct. 2003 – May 2005 Physics program - Nuclei of interest
convener: P. Reiter, University of Cologne 134Ce, 136Nd 58Cr Sn 134Te 132Sn 69Br 88Kr 53Ni 68Ni 32,34Mg N=Z Shell structure of instable magic nuclei Symmetry along the N=Z line Collective modes, E1 strength distribution Shapes and shape coexistence Pb 36Ca Another answer would be: RISING is an attractive physics program, intending to unravel nuclear structure questions which appear in the instable region of the chart of nuclei. On this transparency you see the nuclei of interest from the RISING proposals, which are meanwhile accepted by the GSI PAC. In this talk I will concentrate mainly on the four regions, written in capital letters. The rest of the physics case will be described tomorrow in another talk. 53Ni lies three neutrons beyond the N=Z line and is member of an isospin 3/2 quadruplet. Isospin symmetrie and Coulomb energy differences are the subject of the first double fragmentation experiment which was performed with RISING. The other red written nuclei will be studied in Coulomb excitation experiments. The rp-process is ending at or in the vicinity of 69Br and it would be of high interest to identify excited states in this proton-unbound nucleus with a half-life of only ns. The interest in the neutron-deficient Sn isotopes I will explain later. In heavier nuclei like 136Nd and the Pb isotopes chirality, octupole correlations and shape coexistence can be investigated at relativistic energies with different methods then the ones based on fusion evaporation. On the neutron rich side g-factor measurements of Te isotopes are proposed. Spectroscopic factors should be measured in 132Sn. The second 2+ state in 88Kr will be coulexed in order to extend the systematics of mixed symmetry states in N=52 isotones. The GDR strength in 68Ni will be investigated. 66Fe I will explain in more detail. In 32,34Mg another independent attempt to determine lifetimes of excited states was proposed.
Reactions used with fast RIBs
convener: P. Reiter, University of Cologne Coulomb excitation (Au secondary targets): Low spins ( Mg=1) Forward scattering (q < 3°) High excitation energy ( GDR population ) Fragmentation ( Be secondary targets): Higher spins ( Mg>1)
Secondary reaction product identification
production target multiwire chamber; beam position ToF scintillator DE E reaction target MUSIC ionization chamber; Z Y X CATE Si-CsI arrays; (X,Y), Z,A scintillator b Qp g Qg MW CATE Si CsI Target HECTOR BaF2 detectors Ge-Cluster and MINIBALL detectors
Gamma spectroscopy with fast beams
~ 3% E=1.3 MeV D = 70 cm Lorentz boost (+) Doppler broadening (-) Atomic background(-) target = 0.43 Detector opening angle Dq=3° Composite detector = 0.57 DEg0/Eg0 [%] = 0.43 = 0.11 1 Ge-Cluster detector qlab [deg]
Phase I : RISING g-array for fast beams
Target chamber Ge Cluster detectors CATE beam BaF2 HECTOR detectors Ge Miniball detectors
New Shell Structure at N>>Z On the pathway of magicity from N=40 to N=32
Collaboration: Bonn, Cologne, GSI, Lund Spokesperson: P. Reiter, H. Grawe, H. Hübel f 5/2 The Z~20, N~34region It is known experimentally that the neutron νf5/2 orbit from 57Ni towards 49Ca undergoes a large monopole shift due to the reduced binding with increasing removal of the proton f7/2 S=0 spin-orbit partners. Beyond N=28 this opens a gap between the ν(p3/2,p1/2) and νf5/2 orbits, which might be subject to change depending on the 2p1/2 position, as this also forms a S=0 pair with π1f7/2 but with less radial overlap. In the figure experimental signatures for shell structure are shown: the two-nucleon separation energy differences δ2n/δ2p, the 2+ excitation energies E(2+), the B(E2;2+ →0+) values In the Ca isotopes beyond N=28 a possible (sub)shell closure at N=32,34 seems to develop in E(2+). The Cr isotopes show a maximum in E(2+) at N=32. On the other hand within the N=34 isotones E(2+) is increasing from Fe to Cr in contrast to the expected trend towards midshell, which supports a N=34 closure. Besides masses, which due to short half lives are difficult to measure, obviously E(2+) and B(E2) values for 50-54Ca are missing for a proof of the concept. Similarly a study of the N=30-34 isotones of Cr and Ti would reveal such a change in shell structure. The shell behaviour in the N~40-50 region is dominated by the monopole strength of the πf5/2 νg9/2 and πf7/2 νf5/2 pairs of nucleons, which is known from experiment. At N=40 68Ni as an isolated nucleus exhibits doubly-magic features, which rapidly disappear when adding protons into πf5/2 or removing them from πf7/2 as in both cases the gap between νg9/2 and νf5/2 is closed by increased νg9/2 and decreased νf5/2 binding, respectively. It is an interesting question whether this affects the N=50 shell at 78Ni, too, where the πf5/2 orbit is empty, which shifts νg9/2 towards νd5/2. Neutron-rich Ca-, Ti-, Cr-Isotopes protons are removed from the pf7/2 shell weaker pf7/2 –nf5/2 monopole interaction nf5/2 moves up in energy possible shell gaps at N=32 and N=34?
New Shell structure at N>>Z Relativistic Coulex in N=28-34 nuclei
A. Bürger et al., Phys. Lett B622, 29 (2005) Similar results for 52,54,56Ti (MSU) D.-C. Dinca et al., Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) Plunger: 56Cr: 11.2 ± 1.5 W.u Calculations: T. Otsuka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, (2001) T. Otsuka et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 13,69 (2002) M. Honma et al., Phys. Rev. C 69, (2004) E. Caurier et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 15, 145 (2002)
Comparison with 52,54,56Ti results for 52,54,56Ti
D.-C. Dinca et al., Phys Rev. C (R) (2005)
Mirror symmetry of new (sub)shell closures : 36S – 36Ca
H. Grawe, et al. N=Z Is N,Z=14(16) shell stabilisation and N=20 shell quenching in 32Mg20 symmetric in isospin projection Tz? monopole part of two-body interaction small neutron binding energy 14O O 14C
Secondary fragmentation of 37Ca beam
Double fragmentation reaction: 40Ca (630 AMeV) + 9Be → 37Ca (200 AMeV ) + 9Be (0.7 g/cm2) 38Ca (<1 %) 37Ca (85 %) 2*103 p/sec 36K (14 %) Ca K ~800 keV DE Ar EPAX cross section ratios: Cl S P Si Al Mg Na E
36Ca E(2+) preliminary result
P. Doornenbal et al., to be published Cluster 3014(20) keV Miniball BaF2 36S E(2+) – 36Ca E(2+) = 276 keV (confirmed by GANIL) in a qualitative agreement with USD1 calculation using SPE from 17O and 17F => major part of the displacement: Thomas-Ehrmann shift [1] B.A. Brown, B.H. Wiedenthal: Ann. Rev. of Nucl. Part. Sci. 38, 29 (1988)
Lineshape Inner ring Q~160 36K energy resolution and line shape
detector opening angle DE= keV energy/momentum transfer from fragmentation DE= keV (including opening angle) energy loss in target total energy spread: DE= keV lineshape effects due to lifetime Be-target: 0.7 g/cm2 bin= Dt~24ps 36K Inner ring Q~160
Relativistic Coulomb Excitation of Nuclei Near 100Sn
A. Banu et al., Phys. Rev. C 72, 06305(R) (2005) Primary beam: 124Xe: 700 MeV/u Secondary beam: 108,112Sn: 147 MeV/u, Au-target: 400 mg/cm2 Collaboration: Lund, Uppsala, Stockholm, Keele, Legnaro, Warsaw, Debrecen, Liverpool, Surrey, York, GSI Spokesperson: C. Fahlander, Lund, M. Gorska, GSI ORNL data RISING B(E2, 2+->0+) values provide E2 correlations related to core polarization. Lifetime measurements hampered by isomeric 6+ states in even Sn isotopes 2+->0+ decay too fast for electronic timing methods. Coulomb excitation of instable Sn isotopes
SM calculations This work
theory (neutron valence + proton core excitations and 90Zr as closed-shell core) theory (neutron valence and 100Sn as closed-shell core) Neutron/proton single-particle states in a nuclear shell-model potential: t=0 t=2 t=4 Neutron number B(E2 ) e2 b2 This work •••••••• Complementary method REX-ISOLDE: J. Cederkäll et al.,108,110Sn New data: MSU, K. Starosta et al., Sn
Triaxiality in even-even core nuclei of N=75 isotones
Spokesperson: T.R. Saito (GSI), K. Starosta (MSU) 136Nd energy [keV] counts Predicted by MC calulation: T. Otsuka et al, PRL 86 (2001) 1171 2+1 2+2 0+ 4+1 Triaxiality g-Softness First observation of a second excited 2+ state populated in a Coulomb experiment at 100AMeV using RISING
Isospin Symmetry and Coulomb Effects Towards the Proton Drip-Line
N~Z Collaboration: Keele, Daresbury, Lund, Surrey, York, GSI Spokesperson: M. A. Bentley, Keele University Aim of the proposal is to identify the lowest energy (yrast) structure of Tz=-3/2 nuclei in the A=50 region for the first time and, through comparison with their Tz=3/2 mirror partners, to interpret the resulting Coulomb energies in the context of the nuclear shell model. Spectroscopic studies of these extremely proton-rich systems are generally beyond the scope of the usual techniques using fusion-evaporation reactions with intense stable beams. However, the fragmentation reaction has been shown to be capable of producing such exotic nuclei with manageable cross-sections and at reasonable angular momenta. Mirror pairs in f7/2-shell Excited states in the Tz=-3/2 nuclei 45Cr and 53Ni Test of fp-shell model calculation
Isospin Symmetry and Coulomb Effects Towards the Proton Drip-Line
54Ni 54Fe 2+ 4+ - Preliminary analysis, basic Doppler shift correction without tracking - Transitions energies are taken from A. Gadea et al.
RISING Fast beam collaboration: P. Reiter
Phase II a: g-factors of isomeric beams (TPAD) Oct.- Dec. 2005
Convener: G. Neyens, K.U. Leuven
magnet + 8 RISING detectors (top view)
Setup degrader Slits magnet + 8 RISING detectors (top view) Spin-aligned secondary beam A t=0 signal for g-decay timing A collimator to avoid beam scattering An implantation foil A magnet with field up to 1.1 T 8 Cluster detectors from RISING (e ~ 3%)
Performed Experiments
- g-factors around 132Sn (D. Balabanski, M. Hass) - g-factor of 11- in 192Pb (A. Maj, J. Gerl) - spin-alignment in high-energy fission (G. Neyens, G. Simpson) - g-factors around 132Sn (G. Simpson, G. Neyens) fragmentation fission RISING: unique facility to study g-factors and quadrupole moments of spin-aligned isomeric beams not accessible at other places: - lifetime range 100 ns – 100 ms (not at ISOL facilities) - in neutron rich nuclei with mass A>70 (not with intermediate energy fragmentation) (not with fusion-evaporation)
First spectra 136Xe fragmentation data:
minimum counts requested for the R(t) 127Sn 8h data ~5000 counts in the ph peak measurement ~4 days 127Sn 127Sn
g-RISING collaboration: G. Neyens
PARTICIPANTS 1. K.U. Leuven, Belgium: S. Mallion, G. Neyens, P. Himpe, N. Vermeulen, D. Yordanov 2. University of Sofia, Bulgaria: A. Blazhev, R. Lozeva, P. Detistov, L. Atanasova, G. Damyanova 3. CEA, Bruyères le Chatel, France: G. Bélier, J.M. Daugas, V. Meot, O. Roig 4. ILL Grenoble, France: G. Simpson, I.S. Tsekhanovich 5. CENBG Bordeaux, France: I. Matea, K. Turzó 6. GSI-Darmstadt, Germany: F. Becker, J. Gerl, H. Grawe, M. Gorska, I. Kojuharov, T. Saitoh, H.J. Wollersheim 7. IKP Koeln, Germany: J. Jolie, A. Richard, A. Scherillo 8. IKHP Rossendorf, Germany: R. Schwengner 9. The Weizmann Institute, Israel: S. Chamoli, G. Goldring, M. Hass, B.S. Nara Singh, I. Regev, S. Vaintraub 10. University of Camerino, Italy: D. Balabanski, G. Lo Bianco, K. Galdnishki, A. Saltarelli, C. Petrache 11. University of Milano, Italy: G. Benzoni, N. Blasi, A. Bracco, F. Camera, B. Million, S. Leoni, O. Wieland 12. IFJ-PAN Krakow, Poland: P. Bednarczyk, J. Grébosz, M. Kmiecik, M. Lach, A. Maj, K. Mazurek, K.H. Maier 13. Warsaw University, Poland: M. Pfűtzner, A. Korgul W. Méczyński, J. Styczeń 14. NIPNE, Bucharest, Romania: M. Ionescu-Bujor, A. Iordachescu, G. Ilie 15. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain: A. Jungclaus 16. ISOLDE-CERN, Switzerland: G. Georgiev 17. Manchester University, U.K: A.G. Smith, R. Orlandi 18. University of Surrey, UK: Zs. Podolyàk, P.Regan, P.M. Walker
Phase II b: Stopped beams Feb. 2006 -
Convener: P.H. Regan, University of Surrey 5 clusters at 510, 5 clusters at 900, 5 clusters at 1290 all at 209.8mm Photopeak efficiency 17.2% at 1.3MeV 8 BaF2 detectors ( mm) H. Mach J. Simpson CCLRC Daresbury
Status on 01 Feb.:
Physics Case for the Stopped Beam RISING Campaign
P.H. Regan (convenor) Structure Around 100Sn Neutron deficient nuclei with 28<Z<50 Fission fragment studies The Neutron-rich Hf-Pt region Isomer and Particle Decay Probes of Shape Coexistence Around Z=82 implantation-decay: time correlation - active catcher position correlation - granularity impl. of several ions: thickness and area energy of the ion and the emitted particle 3 double-side silicon-strip detectors - surface 5x5 cm2 - thickness 1 mm - 2 x mm strips - manufactured by MICRON
Implantation detector
double sided silicon strip detector active area 50x50 mm2 thickness 0.5 mm 16 strips in x- and y-direction
Detector for β half lives measurement (Active catcher)
Implantation-decay correlations with large background (half lifes similar to the implantation rate): implantation-decay time correlation: active catcher implantation-decay position correlation: granularity implantation of several ions: thickness and area energy of the implanted ion and the emitted b 3 double-side silicon-strip detectors - surface 5x5 cm2 - thickness 1 mm - 2 x mm strips - manufactured by MICRON
Beam time approved (days)
Stopped beam I ü Proposals Nuclei of Interest Proposers Beam time approved (days) status Isomer spectroscopy of fission fragments close to 78Ni Around 76Ni M. Bernas, H. Grawe 7 Effective charge near 56Ni 54Ni, Tz = -1 D. Rudolph 4 Isomer spectroscopy of the odd-odd Tz=0 nuclei 82Nb, 86Tc P. Regan, B. Blank 5 ü ü Along the N=126 closed shell: Nuclei below 208Pb S299 Around 208Pb Z.Podolyak 7 Shape co-existence and the possibility of X(5) behaviour in neutron-rich A~110 nuclei S300 106Zr A.M.Bruce
Stopped beam II: active stopper
Proposals Nuclei of Interest Proposers Beam time request (days) status ß-decay lifetimes, ß-decay spectroscopy studies and collective evolution "south" of 208Pb S312 Around 208Pb J. Benlliure, P.H.Regan 7 Nuclear dynamical symmetries and shape evolution in K-isomeric nuclei from 190W to the 170Dy valence maximum S313 190W- 170Dy P.H. Regan, J.Benlliure 8 Search for the 8+(πg9/2)-2 isomer in N= Cd populated via the 6 proton knockout channel in the fragmentation of 136Xe S305 130Cd A. Jungclaus Isospin symmetry of transitions probed by weak and strong interactions: the ß-decay of 54Ni, 50Fe, and 46Cr S316 54Ni, 50Fe, 46Cr Y.Fujita, W.Gelletly, B.Rubio 100Sn: Gamov-Teller strength in its decay, search for its isomer, and particle stability of heavier nuclei LOI41 100Sn T.Fästermann
Stopped Beam RISING collaboration: P.H.Regan
Stopped Beam RISING collaboration: P.H.Regan PARTICIPANTS CENBG Bordeaux, France: B. Blank GSI-Darmstadt, Germany: J.Gerl, H.J.Wollersheim, F.Becker, H.Grawe, M.Gorska, P.Bednarczyk, N.Saitoh, T.Saitoh IKP Koeln, Germany: J. Jolie, P. Reiter, N. Warr, A. Richard, A. Scherillo, N. Warr TU Munchen: R. Krücken, T. Faestermann University of Camerino, Italy: D. Balabanski, K.Gladnishki, IFJ PAN Krakow, Poland: A. Maj, J. Grebosz, M. Kmiecik, K. Mazurek Warsaw University, Poland: M. Pfűtzner Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain: A. Jungclaus Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain: D. Cortina Gil, J. Benlliure, T. Kurtukian Nieto, E. Caserejos IFIC Valencia, Spain: B. Rubio INFN-Legnaro, Italy: A. Gadea, G. deAngelis, J.J. Valiente Dobon, N. Marginean, D. Napoli, INFN-Padova, Italy: E. Farnea, D. Bazzacco, S. Lunardi, R. Marginean University and INFN-Milano: A. Bracco, G. Benzoni, F. Camera, B. Million, O. Wieland, S. Leoni University of Surrey, UK: Zs. Podolyàk, P.H. Regan, P.M. Walker, W. Gelletly, W.N.Catford, Z. Liu, S. Williams University of York, UK: M.A. Bentley, R. Wadsworth University of Brighton, UK: A.M. Bruce University of Manchester, UK: D.M. Cullen, S.J. Freeman University of Liverpool, UK: R.D. Page University of Edinburgh, UK: P. Woods, T. Davinson CLRC Daresbury, UK: J. Simpson, D. Warner Uppsala University, Sweden: H. Mach Lund University, Sweden: D. Rudolph Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA: R.M. Clark University of Notre Dame, USA: M. Wiescher, A. Aprahamian Youngstown State University, Ohio, USA: J.J. Carroll Debrecen, Hungary: A. Algora
The local RISING team More information:
H.-J.Wollersheim et al., NIM A 537, 637 (2005)
Summary First experiments and results from Phase I:
Coulomb excitation of 2+1 in 108,112Sn Coulomb excitation of 2+ in 54,56,58Cr Spectroscopy of fragmentation products around 37Ca Coulomb excitation of 2+1 and 2+2 in134Ce, 136Nd More results: - Mirror nuclei after fragmentation of 55Ni Knock out close to 132Sn Life time measurements after 34Si fragmentation Symmetry along the N=Z line: 69Br Collective modes and E1 strength distribution: 68Ni g-RISING stopped beams starting in February
Nuclear Matter Physics with 35-45 GeV/u HI beams
The Future International Facility at GSI: FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Nuclear Matter Physics with 35-45 GeV/u HI beams UNILAC SIS FRS ESR SIS 100/300 HESR Super NESR CR RESR Nuclear Str. & Astrophysics with radioactive beams Plasma Physics with compressed ion beams & high- intensity (petawatt) laser Hadron Physics with antiprotons High EM Field (HI) Fundamental Studies (HI & p) Applications (HI) 100 m
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