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Presentation on theme: "Presenting…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting…

2 Overcoming My Inner Sandwich

3 Step 1: Meet Bob Bob is the virtual buddy who
will help you through this presentation. He enjoys hiking, biking, virtually anything with an –ing on the end, as well as the occasional martini. Hi! I am Bob!

4 Greg is the reason I exist!
Step 2: Meet Gregory Hi! I’m Gregory M. Farison. I was born in the town of Danbury Connecticut. My goals are to make Eagle Scout, become an engineer, and (hence why I am in this class) gather more intelligence concerning computers. When I was young, my parents noted that I wanted to be a sandwich when I grew up. Since colleges don’t give degrees in being sandwiches, I look toward engineering. Greg is the reason I exist! Just to let you know, we don't have a picture on Gregory in this presentation.

5 My Life Story After five years spent in Connecticut, our family moved to Fort Wayne Indiana. I continued my sport soccer, and I also began learning to play the cello. I spent another five years in Indiana before we moved again to Cincinnati, because my father received a job offer at another branch of his company. I picked up fencing for a period of ten weeks before we moved to Ohio. I have continued with Boy Scouts, and have achieved the rank of First Class. I am now twelve years old, and in seventh grade. Yay life story!

6 Bob, please put the dynamite down ….
Step 3. The Making Of…. Here we will show you how we made the presentation. We (Bob and I) opened up PowerPoint, and started on the first slide. Putting up the word “Presenting” wasn’t that hard, but the rest required hard work.

7 Credits Producer : Gregory Farison Budget Manager: Gregory Farison
BOB!!!!! He He. Oops…. Credits Producer : Gregory Farison Budget Manager: Gregory Farison Alcohol Specialist: Bob Graphics: Gregory Farison Slide Transitioning: Gregory Farison Bomb Technician: Bob Overall Producers: Gregory / Bob

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