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Brad Truitt TBI Assistant Director January 2005

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1 Brad Truitt TBI Assistant Director January 2005

2 TRIC Mission:  The Tennessee Regional Information Center (TRIC) is a team effort of local, state, and federal law enforcement in cooperation with the citizens of the State of Tennessee for the timely receipt of information, analysis of that information and dissemination to law enforcement to deter and prevent terrorism and criminal activities relevant to the State of Tennessee

3 TRIC Personnel 7 Employees Top Secret Clearance

4 TRIC Operations 24/7 Toll Free:  1(877) Since Nov. 10, 2004

5 Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily
Success Stories Federal Agents Arrest Iraqi Native Buying Machine Guns And Grenades By Associated Press Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily FEDERAL AGENTS ARREST IRAQI NATIVE BUYING MACHINE GUNS AND GRENADES By Associated Press The F.B.I. says it has foiled a terrorist plot in Nashville, Tennessee by arresting a man who bought automatic weapons at a local Krispy Kreme Donut Shop on Thompson Lane.  Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily, 33, was arrested Thursday afternoon as he was putting weapons he had purchased from an undercover agent into his car, according to an affidavit from FBI Greg Franklin. Federal authorities said they arrested Al-Uqaily during a sting operation set up after he made threats about “going Jihad” to an acquaintance that tipped them. Al-Qaily told the acquaintance that he was angry about the state of affairs in Iraq and he was going to blow up something.  Authorities said the suspect paid $1000 to buy two disassembled machine guns, four disassembled hand grenades and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the agent, who was working with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.  “This case underscores the significance of information and assistance provided to law enforcement by the good people of the United States ,” Assistant Attorney General Christopher Wray said in a statement.  Al-Uqaily’s neighbors stated that they never spoke to him and really did not know him. However, many residents noticed that his vehicles were heavily painted with numerous political writings in opposition to the war in Iraq such as: “I pray all soldiers lay down their guns”, “War Won’t Work”, “Peace” and “Killings Kids for Oil”.  “This arrest demonstrates our ability to thwart potential threats to our communities before an attack can be carried out,” U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft said in a statement. Al-Uqaily's Vehicle

6 CONTACT INFORMATION TRIC Toll Free: TRIC Fax # FBI-Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) East TN..…… Middle TN…… West TN State of Tennessee Homeland Security Regional Offices East Morristown Middle Columbia West Jackson

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