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BRX Technical Training

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1 BRX Technical Training

2 POMs POM = Pluggable Option Module
BX-P-SER2-TERM: RS-232 port w/terminal connection BX-P-SER4-TERM: RS-485 port w/terminal connection BX-P-SER2-RJ12: RS-232 port w/RJ12 connection BX-P-ECOMLT: Ethernet Communication (light) port BX-P-USB-B: USB Type B port All are hot-swappable

3 POMs BX-P-SER2-TERM Hardware Protocols Max bit rate: 115K
Non-isolated RS-232 serial port ESD protection Surge protection Removable connector (BX-RTB03S) Protocols Do-more Protocol (programming, HMIs) Modbus RTU (client/master & server/slave) K-sequence (server/slave only) Custom serial (e.g. ASCII) Max bit rate: 115K DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 3

4 POMs BX-P-SER2-RJ12 Hardware Protocols Max bit rate: 115K
Non-isolated RS-232 serial port ESD protection Surge protection RJ12 connector Protocols Do-more Protocol (programming, HMIs) Modbus RTU (client/master & server/slave) K-sequence (server/slave only) Custom serial (e.g. ASCII) Max bit rate: 115K DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 5

5 POMs BX-P-SER4-TERM Hardware Protocols Max bit rate: 115K
Non-isolated RS-485 serial port ESD protection Surge protection Removable connector (BX-RTB03S) Switch for termination resistor Protocols Do-more Protocol (programming, HMIs) Modbus RTU (client/master & server/slave) K-sequence (server/slave only) Custom serial (e.g. ASCII) Max bit rate: 115K DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 4

6 Can also setup using SETUPSER instruction
POMs Serial Modules Configuration Can also setup using SETUPSER instruction

7 Program Control (e.g. custom, ASCII)
POMs Serial Modules Hot Swappable How does the PLC react? DST50 ($InstalledPOM) indicates which POM is installed: 0 = Unknown POM 1 = BX-P-USB-B 2 = BX-P-ECOMLT 3 = BX-P-SER2-TERM 4 = BX-P-SER4-TERM 5 = BX-P-SER2-RJ12 255 = No POM installed PROTOCOL INSTRUCTION PLC REACTION REMOVE RE-INSTALL Do-more None: serves up all memory No reaction K-Seq Server None: serves up DL-memory Modbus RTU Server None: serves up M-memory Modbus RTU Client MRX MWX Instruction errors ST11 ($HasWarmings) ST143 ($DriverError) DST30 ($LastError1) = -2 ERR = “Attempted operation not supported by device in…” Instruction resumes operation Program Control (e.g. custom, ASCII) STREAMIN STREAMOUT

8 POMs BX-P-USB-B Hardware Protocols DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 1
USB Type B USB 2.0 Protocols Do-more Protocol (programming) DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 1 Nothing to configure

9 POMs BX-P-ECOMLT Hardware Protocols DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 2
Isolated Ethernet port Surge protection Transmission rate: 10Mbps (orange LED) 100Mpbs (green LED) Max 1Mpbs throughput Protocols Do-more protocol (server only) Do-more Designer programming HMI using Do-more protocol Accepts telegrams generated by RX/WX instruction used in another Do-more’s built-in Ethernet port DST50 ($InstalledPOM) = 2

10 Does not alter the IP Configuration stored in the POM
POMs BX-P-ECOMLT Configuration The POM’s IP Configuration is normally set by NetEdit3 or SETUPIP instruction Does not alter the IP Configuration stored in the POM

11 POMs Instructions ECOMLT POM All serial POMs (SER2, SER4)
SETUPIP “Setup TCP/IP Parameters” SETUPNOD “Setup Ethernet Node Parameters” All serial POMs (SER2, SER4) DEVCLEAR “Clear Device” DEVREAD “Read Device Register” DEVWRITE “Write Device Register” OPENDEV “Open Device” SETUPSER “Setup Serial Port” STREAMIN “Stream in Data from Device” STREAMOUT “Stream Out Data to Device” MRX “Modbus Network Read” MWX “Modbus Network Write” The USB POM can only be used for programming

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