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Revision: Background to Mark and Jesus’ Ministry

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1 Revision: Background to Mark and Jesus’ Ministry

2 Topic 1 – Background to Mark’s Gospel
Explain what is meant by the word Gospel Good news The Gospel was the text written by Mark to tell the story of Jesus It tells of Jesus’ ministry and the Word of God Explain why early Christians were persecuted in Rome They weren’t trusted in Rome, as they didn’t join in with Roman traditions such as sacrificing animals Rumours were spread that Christians were cannibals due to misunderstanding the Eucharist Christians sought to convert others, which meant people not regarding the Emperor as god Explain what the Good News was for 1st Century Christians The Gospel taught equality for all, giving hope that in hard times they would be welcomed by Jesus The Great Commission promises those who are baptised will be saved

3 Topic 6 – Jesus’ Ministry
Explain what is meant by Jesus’ Ministry Jesus’ ministry is the main series of events of his adulthood where he preaches the Good News, performs miracles and tells parables This begins with his baptism, continues with his temptation in the desert then continues into the main theme of his ministry and teachings Explain who ruled Palestine at the time of Jesus The Romans ruled over Palestine as part of the empire There was conflict between the Jews and Romans, as Romans were considered outcasts due to their lack of belief in God Taxes were enforced upon the Jewish people which caused friction Explain the different religious and political backgrounds at the time of Jesus Sadducees were the aristocratic, priestly Jews who only believed in the first five books of the Torah and therefore didn’t believe in life after death Scribes were teachers of the Law, experts in Jewish scripture Pharisees, prefects of Jewish law, would keep an eye on the Jewish people to ensure the Law was not being broken Zealots were rebels and revolutionaries who plotted against the Romans and refused to pay taxes Explain the events of Jesus’ Baptism Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist As he came out of the water, the Spirit descended as a dove A voice from heaven said “This is my beloved Son” First sign of Jesus as Son of God

4 Explain the events of Jesus’ temptation in the desert
Jesus went straight to the desert after his baptism. There he stayed for 40 days and nights He was tempted by Satan with three offers: Turn this stone into bread - “man does not live on bread alone” Throw yourself from this cliff and have His angels catch you – “do not put the Lord your God to the test” Bow down and worship me, and all the powers of the world will be yours – “Worship only the Lord your God” Explain the events at Caesarea Philippi Jesus asks the disciples who people say he is The reply is that some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and others still a prophet Peter replies that he thinks Jesus is the Messiah A sign of Peter’s faith in Jesus Explain the importance of the Transfiguration Jesus takes Peter, James and John to the top of a high mountain A bright light shone about Jesus, his clothes became dazzling white Elijah and Moses appeared – links with the Old Testament and messianic prophecies A loud voice declares “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” Peter offers to set up a tent for them all, showing his belief in Jesus and acceptance of these events Jesus predicts his death

5 Revision… Rules: You throw the dice and move your counters (make yourself) When you land on a colour, it links to a topic. If you get the question right (asked by someone else), you can tick it off your list (have individual lists) Winner is the first person to get a question right from each topic You may use the dice on your phone

6 Past Paper questions.. Choice!
2 mark questions - Explain Explain briefly why some people think Mark’s Gospel was written in Rome How might the story of Jesus Calming the Storm help Christians facing persecution?

7 Past Paper questions.. Choice!
3 mark questions – Explain Explain why Mark’s Gospel was ‘good news’ for first century Christians Explain why the story of the Transfiguration is important for Christians

8 Past Paper questions.. Choice!
3 mark questions - Opinion ‘The Jewish leaders were right to see Jesus as nothing but a trouble maker.’ ‘Jesus did not need to be baptised.’

9 Past Paper questions.. Choice!
4 mark questions – Describe Outline the story of the calming of the storm Give an account of the Transfiguration

10 Past Paper questions.. Choice!
6 mark evaluation ‘Jesus could not rely on his disciples.’ ‘Without Mark’s Gospel, persecuted Christians would have lost their faith.’

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