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a year in the life of elearning

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1 a year in the life of elearning
2002 a year in the life of elearning There’s no longer any such thing as a free (Internet) lunch 2001 (Fl)exhibition, Torrens Valley Institute, October 2002

2 1 Internet year = 7 normal years
1998 2001

3 elearning

4 SCORM KM B-learning IMS compliant M-learning blogs
KM (knowledge management) b-learning m-learning Blogs (see SCORM IMS SCORM IMS compliant M-learning blogs

5 What kind of learning are we up to?
Flexible learning  Online learning  Elearning  B-learning (BLENDED or hybrid: f2f and/or remote online and/or campus based elearning) M-learning (MOBILE learning: palm pilots, PDA’s, mobile phones, wireless)


7 What happened locally? learning platform – WebCT priced itself beyond our reach VLE (state portal) marked time Online Education Services (OES) greatly reduced in numbers/capacity We slipped behind other states (PD/funding/materials development) Leadership – “where’s the manager who reports to the CEO on change management???” (Mark Keough) Still trapped in the EDS web eDay >>>>

8 eDay – a tradition in the making?
Mark it in your diary for next year – last day of term 3, 2003!

9 What happened locally? (2)
TAFE SA had 5 Flexible Learning Leaders LearnScope still the most effective vehicle for promoting PD in elearning/flexible delivery (13 projects) Most institutes have now appointed elearning coordinators Toolboxes finally took off (often used as stand alones, not customised) Place and virtual space? >> Buses started going to websites (!)

10 What happened locally? (3)
New practitioners appeared Doug Purcell coined the phrase ‘teaching space’ Elearnity (“from here to elearnity” – NOEL conference) DMIT survey >>>>>

11 DMIT Survey Results Internet access at home? (YES – 79%)
Use the Internet at home for work-related activity? (YES – 76%) Up to 86% of lecturing staff are using the web in their teaching Encouraging…… However, still very conservative usage Almost nil use of collaborative tools and approaches

12 QUOTE OF THE DAY The key to success in ..e-learning …. hinges on the idea of participation. This involves changing learners from passive consumers of learning to active producers of learning. (Stephen Downes’ Online Daily; 29/10/02)

13 What happened beyond state boundaries?
Blackboard and WebCT cashed in their chips VET struggles, unis prosper Notion of Community persists (NW2002) It is raining emoderation courses Generation Next??? (X and Y - who are they? How do they learn?) MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) finally put their stuff online, but are these ‘courses’?

14 What happened beyond state boundaries? (2)
Corporate world has left education in the dust (John Mitchell) Games and simulations gained further ground Broadband increased > use of voice/video? Innovations is the new buzz word (projects and theme); (spinnovation?) Prices came down ($700/PC) Free > pay business model flourished

15 PARTING THOUGHTS How long can you keep on saying this is for pioneers? (I’ve been at this for 28 years now!) How long can you keep people disadvantaged? (access issues, literacy issues)

16 this remained a dream…..



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